Having A Standard & Sticking To It – Dating in the Philippines

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Author: Reekay V.

Since 2012 I’ve been traveling through various islands of the Philippines as a full-time Expat and spent 1999 living in Vietnam.

Share with me my ongoing adventures of life in the Philippines. Hopefully you find my observations helpful in your own adventures.
— Reekay


  1. Amen! Personally, I don’t believe there is ever the perfect person for anyone. It’s just timing. Meeting someone on the same road you’re on moving in the same direction in life. Hopefully, you stay on the same road. That’s the best we can do.

  2. Your commentaries are so accurate. I am African-American and Spaniard Philippino. I see so many women with various values according to how they are raised.

  3. The “Oneitus” idea is so broken that it’s nuts. If this were indeed the case then the human race would have died out before we ever got out of the caves…

  4. Good video and i think it not only the persona of the Filipinas…But the attitudes and cultural aspects that draw you in and at that stage of your life….Is exactly what you need, as you expand and expound upon it…While she is doing the same for her life and goals too. As you said…there is in my humble opinion as a “soulmate”, but a perfect “storm” of circumstances and incidences that draw you towards them…Just as that person feels the same if possible though rare.
    You are so right, as this can be a life-long quest, if not meeting your standards and criterion at the sates of your life, but the goal is finally “settle” with one as close to the all that you are wanting in a woman, and also…Loyalty and good traits that grow and stabilize over time.
    Actually in the world there are millions of women…And millions of possibilities if you could ever meet them all, based on yours and their criteria for success. There is a fear or “missing out”,which makes some men greedy and overreaching when they go the islands, thanks to persona and welcoming features of the women.
    My “deal breakers” are lying and loyalty issues and finances based in reality and certain personal traits are compatible to me and my lifestyle. Just a few but could change in time and age.

    Feelings are one thing…Reality and the world/personal/familial influences at those times are another thing, and can affect the outcomes. Peace

  5. Great content Reekay. I’ve had my list for a couple of years now. Unfortunately, the U.S. isn’t exactly teeming with reasonable prospects. Maybe it’s time to look elsewhere.

  6. For the must-haves that are more or less binary (yes or no) like kids, relocating, etc. do you think it is wrong/rude to just outright ask at the beginning? I don’t mean in like the first five minutes of meeting but seems like it might save time for both parties to just get it out of the way.

  7. I am 74 never married no kids no divorces, but dated enough women to know a few things…. The problem with most of us, men and women included is that we don’t know who the hell we are…. we come into this world alone and we are certainly going to leave this world alone and in between we better figure out who we are….. I’ve changed a lot over my 74 years and I am not the same person. I was when I was 21 thank God for that…… Life is a journey, and there are millions & millions of people in this world to meet and get to know….. i’m not even sure that settling down with one person is what’s important in life…. I know that’s what religions and society and even governments promote, but they all have an agenda in doing so…. some of it is financially motivated and other motivations are for control…… some may argue it’s for the sake of the children however, since the divorce rate is so high, and those same children are left without a normal mother, father relationship anyway not sure that’s a good argument plus in the Philippines, so many single unwed mothers just because some horny guys want to have some fun.
    Instead, just try to be a good caring, respectful man and a better man than you were yesterday ….. getting married and having kids does not leave any legacy at all ….as most people think….. soon after your buried, everyone will go back to their normal life and in 100 years even your grandkids may not remember your name…. Don’t believe me, then list the full names of all your grandparents.

  8. Great advice, I really like the perspective. I believe we have certain compatibility points and someone that meets most of them people consider “soulmates” but there can be more than one & it can be exceedingly rare. Accepting less than “perfect” is part of maturity.
    Are all these models in the video from modeling pics or is this what you see on the street over there ?

  9. there’s hundreds of thousands of perfectly suitable, sweet, smart, lovely, petite, respectful women for each US expat (in the third world).

  10. Excellent points being made! There is no such thing as the perfect person. That has been my problem. Always looking for that special person that checks all the boxes. I’m in the Philippines on vacation right now. Everywhere you turn is a pretty girl that could be a possible partner. It’s just finding one that checks those five major points and does not bring too much drama into your life. They will all bring a little drama. It’s how you deal with it that will determine the success of the relationship.

  11. I’m so westernized that I’m still figuring out this 5 character traits to be honest. And now I’m realizing with the Philippines that you almost have a magic wand. Any other specifics ways to create that least never really having made one before??

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