Are Filipinas Accepting of Different Religions #philippines #passportbros #expatlife

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Author: Reekay V.

Since 2012 I’ve been traveling through various islands of the Philippines as a full-time Expat and spent 1999 living in Vietnam.

Share with me my ongoing adventures of life in the Philippines. Hopefully you find my observations helpful in your own adventures.
— Reekay


  1. Married going on 14 years. Um no shes not accepting of other beliefs. Stubborn bull headed yes

  2. As far as I’ve been told, the young Filipinas of today isn’t too concerned about if their possible partner is religious or not.
    The most important is whether the guy gives a good and decent impression. And that’s not always based on religion. A good example is that despite being living in a religious based society, most Europeans really don’t believe in God.

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