“What is Life?”

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Author: Reekay V.

Since 2012 I’ve been traveling through various islands of the Philippines as a full-time Expat and spent 1999 living in Vietnam.

Share with me my ongoing adventures of life in the Philippines. Hopefully you find my observations helpful in your own adventures.
— Reekay


  1. Rickey, there are a ton of books in this topic. First book that have a lot of truth was printed in 1929, if I remember correctly.
    Now. Our brain does not have memory. Our memory is stored in that thing we call soul. Let’s call it soul for now. In computer terms soul is processor and hard drive, our brain is RAM and input device for soul to operate our body. All memories go thru brain directly into soul, no copyes at this point. But things are much more complicated. Until presently I thought that mind and soul was the same thing. We call it mind when we alive, soul when we die. But there is astral body or energy body, which copy shape our physical body. Astral projector can see projected body of other people. Normally our astral bodies shifted slightly out of physical bodies when we sleep in order to replenish depleted ‘cosmic’ energy or prana or vitality energy. Now I find out that soul is our Higher self and that energy or astral body goes to ‘spiritual’ world, where it lives no time and space in group of relative astral bodies.

  2. Interesting topic today. I’m sure like many others, my thoughts on death and what happens after have changed many times over my lifetime. I would have to say just because you don’t have or practice a religion, does not mean you don’t live your life with good intentions and with morality. I’m not saying I don’t believe in god, or an afterlife (I certainly don’t count on that to get me through the day) but the times I doubt it doesn’t give me freewill to act any way I want. Maybe it’s the thought of karma that keeps some on the right path. Where karma acts in the same way a religious person may… guilt for an act of wrongdoing. BTW, your hair and nails no not keep growing. The second your body stops producing glucose, that function ceases. Your skin does dehydrate so will expose parts of your hair or nails that was once under the skin, giving an appearance of growing.

  3. You have obviously pivoted your channel, but I am not sure of your purpose or focus?
    And I do not see the connection of how this content matches your channel description?
    It would be helpful if you shared the benefit or reason for me to watch the video. After 10 minutes in, I do not know what my ROT is.

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