The Major Failure of Squire Mike – Expat Newbie – Philippines

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Author: Reekay V.

Since 2012 I’ve been traveling through various islands of the Philippines as a full-time Expat and spent 1999 living in Vietnam.

Share with me my ongoing adventures of life in the Philippines. Hopefully you find my observations helpful in your own adventures.
— Reekay


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  2. 6P methodology is proven yet again. This ‘young man’ seems to have taken it to a whole new level though. No valid plan to relocate anywhere. No guaranteed income source. No common sense what so ever. Not sure what ‘research’ he did, but it obviously focused on that ‘playboy’ lifestyle, ignoring all the actual, solid advice from the many who provide it as successful expats. The vagabond vloggers really know how to get views, but they really don’t offer much in the way of what’s needed to be accomplished in traveling.

  3. These people pop up occasionally in Peru and slowly disappear after a few years. They make their YouTube videos and talk about everything except how to legally live and work in Peru. It’s the biggest problem to overcome here.

  4. Just want. No thought, just want. I hope this young man never procreates. What his parents did to him is criminal.

  5. You have learned as i have…Vet anyone even if you feel sorry for…As most are really their own..And your own worst enemy and they will just cause things to get worse and now you have resentment. Some people not only make their own troubles and hell….They import to you too! Some men and women are not fit for society or living standards of civilization.Peace

  6. Wow! Talk about a walking disaster. I knew guys like that in the Navy, they wanted everything the older guys had but couldn’t afford it. They wound up becoming ‘examples’ of what not to do for junior enlisted. As always you have a great story for others to consider.

  7. Would you recommend bringing 2 phones or just switching the sim when I get there at the globe kiosk in airport?

  8. Proof that moving to another country won’t fix you. Squire Mike’s problem wasn’t lack of financial security or caving to his gf; his problem was him. Guarantee he’s making the same mistakes back at home.

  9. It’s funny how the reproductive imperative brings so many people (both men and women) down.

  10. Phils no place for those ” wet behind the ears ” regardless of age or financial status.

  11. 22 years old living with parents…that’s all I need to hear. I knew disaster was about to ensue.

  12. If you are 22 and still don’t even know how to make Top Ramen, then maybe, just maybe your not ready to move to another country yet. He never got the concept of learn to crawl before you walk

  13. You sure you weren’t talking to Brandon from Brandon/Mary from “90 Day Fiancé.”

  14. Mike if you’re out there reading this here ya go:
    Live with your parents rent free for 6 months out of the year. During that 6 months WORK like a maniac and SAVE like a miser. Then you can spend the other 6 months in the Philippines living and playing with no financial stress. And FYI grow up dude.

  15. Mike sounds like a typical ” Generation Z” kid. Full of entitlement and always know better.
    I know, I have two such sons.

  16. Wow, this guy sounds like a Trainwreck. It was a good thing his parents bailed him out to bring him back to the States.

  17. Always enjoy your stories, but was curious to know how many people you have blocked? Seems like a lot

  18. You guys named him wrong…. It’s not Squire Mike…. It’s Court Jester Mike, for the title Squire is to prestigious for him.

  19. Heh. I know a ‘Mike’ as well. He stopped talking to me after I tried to get him to make a comprehensive plan for living in the PI, in the most expensive area, with no income. Good luck!

    I’m probably 3 years away the way my plans are going and even then if AI takes over my job, I’ll be in trouble!

  20. I can speak for all guys who watched this. Who in the hell is that girl in your reel?! Total distraction. Plz tell us she’s your woman haha

  21. Sounds like a very spoiled child that was never taught any responsibility. What a dipstick.

  22. I am very sorry for your bad experience, sincerely. Some wise words if you’re interested to learn.
    I come from a narcissistic family dynamic, here some wisdom from somebody who is dealing with people like that EVERYDAY.
    The Facebook story should have been the end of it, and your final red flag (after the 4 or 5 red flags you already had before facebook) At least you got inspiration for a video. Great video, the only part I disagree with is when you say “He made every mistakes in the book”. That’s INCORRECT, because those are not mistakes, this is his way of life and it’s ALL ON PURPOSE, either a narcissist, or a codependent (same disease on opposite spectrum) People will have to fix everything in his life for him until he dies. Even when around his 40’s, he will manipulate and ask people to help him with sob stories and emotional manipulation or become a criminal. Those people never ever ever do mistakes (from their point of view) If you meet him in 40 years, and will still behave exactly the same. I hope you will remember this, this type of people are around 5 to 10% of the population, you will cross path with others. If I would ask him why all this happed, HE WOULD TELL ME IT’S BECAUSE OF YOU (no joke, must be saying that to his parents and friend right at this moment)

  23. That’s good advice for anyone that do not have sufficient income to live in the Philippines. Hopefully, Mike learned a lesson from this bad experience.

  24. This is precisely why I was sooo glad when I hit full retirement age. The young people I had to supervise simply had not been raised to deal with the realities of actual life. The west is entering the season of hard times imo.

  25. Great video my military friend call me and ask me why some Filipina don’t like dating a single father with one 14 year son I told him to look at your videos and listen closely

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    You have a successful year 2024. May God bless you

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