The 4 Dangers of the Chixboy/Butterfly Lifestyle – Philippines/Thailand

Christian Filipina Asian Ladies Dating 700x100 wide animated banner 1

Author: Reekay V.

Since 2012 I’ve been traveling through various islands of the Philippines as a full-time Expat and spent 1999 living in Vietnam.

Share with me my ongoing adventures of life in the Philippines. Hopefully you find my observations helpful in your own adventures.
— Reekay


  1. “The 3 Stages of Philippines Dating”..
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    — Get a Quote on Expat Health Insurance..
    — How I send Money to the Philippines..
    — Loctote Flak Sack Ⅱ – Anti Theft Backpack..
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  2. If you tell a woman you are not interested in a relationship, they still think they can change you.

  3. You couldn’t pay me to touch a Filipina without 1st getting STD tested even with a condom.

    That also applies to places like Brazil, DR, Colombia, Thailand, Philippines, etc.. etc..

    It wasn’t always that way but I wised up a few yrs ago.

    A punany isn’t worth my life!
    HELL NO!

  4. Most of the time it’s the Filipinas who don’t want to use condoms which is part of their trap.
    That doesn’t excuse dumb foreigners from being responsible enough to use condoms and take care of their kids.

  5. You mentioned adultery. How would the local legal system handle the situation If I would have a 100% clear and obvious proof (video+audio recording) that she deliberately lied to me about her “legal status”? (I’ve never been even close to the Philippines, but try to prepare myself for a planned “virgin visit” 😀 )

  6. Those two expressions filipinas use that a lot chixboy and butterfly

  7. Be advised and speaking from experience getting a date with a Filipina right now in Cebu is not that easy.

  8. Dating 10-30 dates a week will prove nothing and at the end of your trip you will be heading home alone, lonely and for most men will be broke

  9. Ok Reekay. What are the chances a woman will consent to an STD test after the first date and before youre intimate with her?

  10. The real question is: At the end of your life, what is it that will enable you to look back at your life and say, I lived well. 1. It is not wealth. Wealth can make you comfortable, but not happy. 2. It is not the abundance of beautiful women that you made love to. Howard Hughes owned a company in Hollywood that created beautiful women movie stars. He made love to any of them any time he wanted. But not one was in his life at the end. Yes, he made love to many, but he was loyal to none and as a result, none were loyal to him. He died alone and paranoid. That is a very sad end to a man who was by all measures wealthy, brilliant, and successful. Howard lived a Chixboy life and he died very unhappy. 3. It is not in the number of toys you have. Things like cars, boats and houses. This is reality. You never own things. They own you.

    I claim that a good life leads to several circles of people and relationships. I will detail only the first circle. It has a single spouse who will be true to you though the heavens fall. Children with one woman who follow the same principles of life that you do and similarly have loyalty to you and your spouse as parents and to their spouses and children. And you have enough money so that you are not living hand to mouth. You have people about you who are trustworthy and kind.

    That is a good life.

  11. All the reasons why you should advance thru phase 1 and get to phase 2 quickly and quietly..

  12. This advice is golden thank you Reekay! I hooked up with a few girls while I was in PH last year, and I later learnt that one of them had a long term serious boyfriend, so it DOES happen

  13. Very entertaining. I laughed out loud at the idea of getting a text saying “I’m pregnant” from 4 separate women.
    Don’t go causing trouble.
    I was thinking about visiting Mindanao, but the crime risk alerts are high. Have you had much experience on Palawan?

  14. Y’all never heard of pulling out? Been doing it successfully for 20+ years. I’ve experimented and I enjoy pulling out just as much as not, so it’s not an issue for me. No one gets a woman pregnant if they act like they actually have something to lose.

  15. Great tips. You would think a rational person would say hey I just caught my wife or girlfriend cheating with this Foreigner and this Foreigner has no idea that I even exist and that she’s in a relationship. So the boyfriend or husband would say , the woman is the one I need to be angry at and confront since the Foreigner doesn’t even know he’s doing anything wrong. But I guess when some people are overcome with jealousy and rage, rational thought goes right out the window

  16. Great video! One additional thing is that even if you are in a relationship with a filipina for long term or ‘dating to marry’, she may lie to you and STILL cause all these kinds of trouble you mentioned. Filipinas will lie in a microsecond if you are asking a question she does not feel she has to answer truthfully, because it is inconvenient or embarrassing or for any other reason.

    ASK FOR A CENOMAR if you want to avoid the danger of cheating a married filipina.

  17. *sleeps around
    *doesn’t use protection
    *catches the clap.
    “WHY MEEEE???”

  18. 10 out of the 12 will ask you for money?! Really!? Are there signs to avoid this or what’s the best way to handle this without moving to another island??

  19. Yea to be honest I had that chixboy tag wen I first started goin to Philippines specially first few trips I just got carried away with all the looks and attention!! Without a doubt some foreign guys will attract more attention then others no doubt looks personality behaviour sense of humor etc will cause big problems if u become a butterfly

  20. Ask her to record a short video on your phone where she says she IS NOT married. If she isn’t she will do it. If she won’t move on. You can use this video if confronted by the police. Get a CENOMAR

  21. Great Video as always, I have a question but its off topic but do most expats from the US give up there medicare part B or keep it, I would like to put that money towards my insurance in the Philippines when I move there

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