From Rock Bottom to a New Beginning: My Expat Journey

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Author: Reekay V.

Since 2012 I’ve been traveling through various islands of the Philippines as a full-time Expat and spent 1999 living in Vietnam.

Share with me my ongoing adventures of life in the Philippines. Hopefully you find my observations helpful in your own adventures.
— Reekay


  1. “5-Minutes With Reekay” channel..
    See this week’s most interesting comments/questions here..

    — The Only Filipina Dating Site I recommend..
    — For Expat Health Insurance in the Philippines, please contact Michael Onstad at; or email at; [email protected]
    — How I send Money to the Philippines..
    — Loctote Flak Sack Ⅱ – Anti Theft Backpack..
    — Get a Quote on Expat Health Insurance..

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    My New Heaven & Earth Podcast Channel. (theology)
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  2. you can exist, or you can truly live… this video hits hard brother, cannot thank you enough ! safe journey

  3. Hey Reekay, I made the move from the Bronx NYC to Miami back in 1988,and stayed for 16 years. Best time of my life. Now I’m 63 years old and going to do an exploratory trip to the Philippines for a month. I will probably stay in Bgc and travel around from there. I figured that since I’m from NYC I’ll start in another big city, then travel around to different parts and if I like it stay.

  4. I’m watching because I already see the signs.

    Heading to Agartha is a last resort. But I’m watching you folks on your life. Philippines might be my next stop

  5. I have figured out that I really enjoy going to the markets. I mostly skip the malls and hotspots. I enjoy talking to all the venders. My best experience was watching a vender cut up the largest Tuna I have ever seen. It was amazing. The whole Tuna was sold in about 30 minutes. He offered me some for free. We ended up eating some Tuna and rice and having an amazing conversation. That was a great day…….

  6. I’ve been to the Philippines more than once , so I’m just about ready to sell everything and take the leap and that was before I found you guys on YouTube, between you and Gio and a younger YouTuber called it’s me , I’m right at that point in my life, I’m newly retired and just sitting around doing nothing. I’m 62 and I’m in decent shape and the more I listen the more I want to have a new path and to get away from the craziness of America

  7. I am doing the white knight thing and will let you know how it all works out. In Manila on July 18…2 nights there before Duma…then, walking into a place already leased. Stay well. AJ

  8. Strange question Reekay do you get your shirts locally or from the US?

  9. Reekay I am worried about moving to the Philippines and being younger. I’ll be under 30 years old when I come. Being young me and my girlfriend will stand out a lot and I am thinking older foreigners may see me as a threat

  10. Outstanding offering of encouragement! You’ve definitely helped me in my journey to arrive there this August for 6 weeks. I’m purchasing my flights next week which will then be another item I cross off my master list I made many months ago. I’ve definitely honed over this time my discipline with a heavy dose of patience and undying belief that “this is happening”! Thank you!
    Peace ☮️

  11. About 2:22: I was set up on a date and it turned out that the ladt was looking for a dude to raise her 2 kids. At that point (being about 30) I told her nope, it’s not you, it’s me, I’m not ready to be an instant dad to 2 boys (about 8 and 6?) and I ran for the exit.
    If you don’t know what you want, you’re gonna lose…

  12. I’ve got everything but the finances.. Still going in December to see what happens.. Do or Die

  13. Top honest vid, Rickey thaught me alot….I aspire to become an expat!

  14. Don’t let yourself stagnate. I’m the same way.
    It’s amazing how many people want to just fade into an easy life

  15. You are spot on. I was in the same situation with depression and nothing to do, april was my first trip to the Philippines, and I fell in love. September will be my next trip and then December. Can’t wait

  16. OMG…you just nailed everything about my life and how I’m feeling about myself. After fifty years of being self employed and experiencing countless up’s and downs and going through a love/hate relationship with being an entrepreneur, everything about my business and my life has now reversed itself and become a ball and chain for about the last five years. I’ve been watching your videos and others about the Philippines and I feel the pull to sell my office and all my belongings and do the same as you to reinvent myself all over again. Anyway, your video about starting all over in another country totally aligns with what I’ve been desiring to do for the last several years. Thank you for this video because it confirms exactly what I know I need to do to put joy, fun and excitement back into my life again.

  17. Hello Reekay,
    I am a landlord in Canada, never been married and no children. I have a motorcycle, If I can just travel around the Philippines on a scooter that would be enough for me to be happy. Throw in a good filipina, now we’re talking bliss. As soon as I can close the books in Canada, I’m on my way. I have already started the process. 1-1 3/4 years max. I am now 61. One of my favorite things to do on a Friday in Canada is karaoke, I’ll fit right in.

  18. Reekay i loved all your old videos on the Philippines, your a legend, first to do videos on Philippines while youtube in beginning and up coming

  19. I am 49… and I’m exactly in the same spot you were when you were 49. And I’m following your steps!
    I believe “my Philippines” will be Brazil, but all the same for the rest!

    As always thank you for your heads-up and grounded and common sense advice!

  20. Thank you Dr. Reekay…Great beginning for you..I don’t have that problem…I have plenty of Money to do whatever…Watching You ,Old Dog and Gio makes me want to visit the Philippines to see if it’s for me…We have all have a common thing here…I No longer like living in the US,,,But I will use that stay for 3 week thought you mention time after time to see if it’s for me next year…Don’t Doubt me!!

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