Dating Strategies in the Philippines: Serious vs Casual Approaches

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Author: Reekay V.

Since 2012 I’ve been traveling through various islands of the Philippines as a full-time Expat and spent 1999 living in Vietnam.

Share with me my ongoing adventures of life in the Philippines. Hopefully you find my observations helpful in your own adventures.
— Reekay


  1. “5-Minutes With Reekay” channel..
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    — The Only Filipina Dating Site I recommend..
    — For Expat Health Insurance in the Philippines, please contact Michael Onstad at; or email at; [email protected]
    — How I send Money to the Philippines..
    — Loctote Flak Sack Ⅱ – Anti Theft Backpack..
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  2. Iam looking foe a darker skin filipina,where can I go to find her??

  3. I was in PH last year, and while yes, you can find girls to have a good time with, most girls will not be open to this. Maybe in Manila it’s different, but from my experience about 4 out of 5 girls I met online (and this was Tinder, not Christian Filipina) said they only wanted a serious relationship once I told them I was there on vacation. It’ll still be easier than in the west though, it’s just gonna take some effort.

    So if you just want casual, come with realistic expectations, it’s not going to be like shooting fish in a barrel. Most importantly, always always always be honest about your intentions from the beginning.

  4. I have the opposite issue. I want to find a lifetime relationship. You say by yourself that dating sites are not the place to find it. But if I just walk around in some province town, I could walk for 1 hour just to see a Filipina I like (I am very selective) and after that which percentage of them would even be positive about having a date? If we exclude married ones, one who don’t like me and so on I guess it’s 20%. I might just not find a single person in a town to having a date with. On a website I can browser thousands of pictures (assuming they are not fake) and filter out those I don’t like without going around.

  5. Oh, i been honest and they want to kill me, and fight and debate, and angry,,,, if i had said i was meeting others in which i was , that was a fighting subject,,,,,,,, i dont know your whole total experience but mine has been crazy and never been easy.

  6. MOST not ALL, they are looking for serious that DO want to be married, maybe the younger ones are learning from todays modern world and the internet. My experience is , almost all the ones i have met, WANT MARRIAGE…. i even had some lie saying they didnt want marriage , but then she said she was , or lead me to believe that they do

  7. All women who want an LTR are on a fast timeline. The real catch, IME, is that women almost never admit that they are only looking for something casual.

  8. I always tell them my requirements for a long term relationship with out a legal marriage. I tell them what I expect out of her and what I will do for her as a man. If she is ok with it, cool. If she is not ok with it, cool. There is a woman who will accept it in the Philippines.

  9. Thanks for the advice. I have long since considered dating Philipinas and this is very helpful

  10. You’re right about the dating site’s 90% of them are looking for help

  11. Solid advice, thanks Reekay. If you’re not into “lady boys,” is that something you have to watch out for the way I hear you must in Thailand?

  12. Great information! and very true. I would just add that when you decide to go to the PI. Be fit and in shape. Be presentable with a good haircut and grooming is a must. Know yourself and what your abilities are when dealing with women. Learn some basic language for the area. You will meet so many women and have more dates than you can imagine.

  13. These are great pointers to keep in mind Henry. Plus the foreigner has to make sure that he let’s her know what he is looking for during his vacation time there.

  14. I’m not going to tip my hand. Here for a good time, not a long time.

  15. Hi Reekay! I’m flying to the Philippines tomorrow! Very excited for it! What would be your advice on securing belongings when going to the beach? Maybe these resorts have lockers to rent?

  16. About 7:00: The problem with the Philippines is that the foreigners do NOT understand that the level of investment (money, time, energy) to start a good relationship is WAY less than in the US/UK/back home. You need to get over it and take the chance, and it either works or it doesn’t. $10, an hour or two, and some chit-chat with a Filipina versus ~$200+ over a couple of weeks back home. You could introductory date 14 ladies in 2 weeks and still be almost $50+ ahead. Go with the flow…

  17. Guys, I’ve lived on Mindanao 8 years now.
    If you adopt the casual mode, bear in mind that there is almost zero formal sex education in the Philippines. And birth control pills are illegal here. Using a condom is considered dirty, something you use to prevent disease when paying a hooker, not as a viable birth control method between friends. So be very careful and considerate with a casual girl, try not to knock her up while having fun, by whatever means you can agree upon.
    Most of the girls have a hard time already, caring for a baby you left behind multiplies the difficulty dramatically.

  18. This is a rough one… I watched my wife for 4 years in church before we got married here in the U.S. and yet 22 years later it has ended. I would consider a forever version… but fast track is a hard deal.

  19. You are right. When I first met my girlfriend in person I asked her what she was looking for. She told me she was dating to marry and since that day we been together for 1 year never had any problems relating to money or arguments. I would lose respect for someone lying to regular woman just to use her, because they ruin it for other guys. Also they might as well get a bar girl.

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