Your First 3 Months Dating A Filipina

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Author: Reekay V.

Since 2012 I’ve been traveling through various islands of the Philippines as a full-time Expat and spent 1999 living in Vietnam.

Share with me my ongoing adventures of life in the Philippines. Hopefully you find my observations helpful in your own adventures.
— Reekay


  1. – Get a Quote on Expat Health Insurance..
    — How I send Money to the Philippines..
    — Loctote Flak Sack Ⅱ – Anti Theft Backpack..
    — The Only Filipina Dating Site I recommend..

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  2. Boy, ReeKay, I loved those “sample girls” in the photos! Thanks for the advice, too.

  3. Very true words Henry and may you all find happiness and true love in your searches.

  4. Great Advice as Usual.. we love listening and learning… i am getting to know the true colors of the girl i thought she is the one a month ago and now ready to start it all over again.

  5. The first 6 months endorphines control your thoughts and actions. No man should make any decisions that involve the future during this time. After that he can begin to look at her with reasonable eyes. I have always believed 1 year is the starting point for building a future and by 2 years, all her faults and/or lies have been exposed. An even bigger reality is can she deal with my faults? Time will pass regardless of who you are with or what you are doing, so if you are going to select a woman to invest in, why be in a hurry?

  6. Do you guys think a 20 something year old woman is attracted to a 60 something year old man? Seriously, it’s rare.I don’t care what nationality a person is… Don’t deceive yourself

  7. Unfortunatly the Girl(s) usually wanna know your plan for the Future and wanna plan Out with you everything within the First 2 weeks U r together….and If i say honestly Well, ii have this and that plan but i am Not in Rush….lets See how IT Works Out….they Seem allways BE in Rush too to comit us to anything WE dont want yet..isnt?

  8. I can absolutely see this, I do really like my philipina, I hope it works. But no hard commitment until time in theatre

  9. Grown ass men going 3000 miles and don’t know the basics who the he’ll thinks in 3 months of over the phone conversations she is the one if you wouldn’t expect it to happen in your country why there suckers for rent come to chicago and learn something if you can’t smell a scam just pay to lay

  10. Great advice bro. Never make decisions with your heart! Took me 3 girls before I found the right 1.

  11. In other words, don’t fall for any girl just because she touched your pee-pee guys. Be strong.

  12. Great advice. For the first 3 months, just enjoy dating the woman, doing stuff together (traveling, restaurants, visiting places and having sex with your new woman). Within those first 3 months, if “red flags” are going to appear, they’ll be easier to see if the guy doesn’t get too attached emotionally during that time.

  13. Every relationship I’ve had to date has involved a relationship IN PERSON. I know for some guys on-line and LDRs have worked out but I am not one of those guys.
    I can’t see how you can get to know someone well enoughto decide”is she the one?” Withouut spending time together.
    The fact you are thousands of miles from your home country scclimatising to a different climate, culture and lifestyle makes the selection process more important in my view.

    Your message makes perfect sense. Desire to find happiness has to be balanced against the consequences of finding you made a bad decision and acted in haste.

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