(Livestream) Two Big News Items This Week: Philippines & USA

My (New) Facebook.. https://www.seetheph.com
My Covid-Virus News & Stats.. http://virusnewsupdateslive.com
Asia Unscripted.. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCiiSLGufYK3a1MZ2s5KbAw/videos
Gio in the Philippines.. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClMlXTxpTNMZRE4AEjlc5RA/videos
Live My Ass Off (Bangkok).. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnhzoxJ-POcnq7ZhGfZAoEw/videos
Paul Old Dog New Tricks.. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCL8IPpUd7kIfEoPgTl2LzPA/videos
ClicnPicit (Photography).. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJDZ6mtxa5c1nadqs2sg6Iw/videos

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Author: Reekay V.

Since 2012 I’ve been traveling through various islands of the Philippines as a full-time Expat and spent 1999 living in Vietnam.

Share with me my ongoing adventures of life in the Philippines. Hopefully you find my observations helpful in your own adventures.
— Reekay


  1. Hi reekay. I just wanted to let viewers know..i went to buy groceries just now. The wait in line at noon was about 15 ppl waiting. At 1pm, it had grown to well over 50. It seems meal time may be the best time to go. Thank you for keeping us informed. Great vlogger.

  2. Hey dude.. sorry i was late for your live stream. You are right about things here and about a week or two ago. People here didn’t seem to care about protecting themselves with face masks and social distancing. In some cases certain places will be big epicenters because of this (Miami and New Orleans). Now people are starting to take things alittle more serious because of the death rate soaring. Also, just got news that there may be a food shortage here, but not sure exactly where this will be in the U.S. New York city is the worst now.. 4 days left till they run out of PPE or masks.
    Hope you’re doing ok.. looks like you’re keeping up good spirits during this time. Keep safe!

  3. Another great vlog as I have come to expect from the good guys like; U, Giio, Paul, and Cyclone. We received our hall pass a couple of days ago & guess who gets to use it, not the old guy ( that be me) ) Hostage Crisis Day 21. The 65 & older don’t make a lot of sense if U think about it. Us old guys are not more acceptable to get the virus we are more likely to die from it. if we do. It is just the government protecting us from ourselves. I am in Davao & no one has asked me to leave. In fact, they say I can’t leave to go to another Province

    1. thanks. yah, the whole 65+ issue is a huge inconvenience for many expats here.

  4. Organised Daigou gangs of chinese staying in western country’s bought up every facemask ,etc..in the stores and shipped them to china before the people in the western country’s realised what was coming ,they did the same with baby formula.

    1. Channels from serpentza and laowhy86 ,there latest ADVpodcasts channel vlog had a vlog about it ,called massive discrimination in china against foreigners .

  5. My wife cant even get to duma to buy food and use atm…
    She lives in Valencia

    1. i have a friend in valencia, today he got his barangay pass. also, a few days ago they grouped duma, valencia, bacong and even sibulan into one ‘cluster’ so that people can get around to shop in duma. tell her to keep bothering her barangay captain about getting a street-pass.

  6. We are in a moment of Time making History ! Stay home everyone and let this virus die out !

  7. To clarify…In US things like face masks, gloves and hand sanitizer and even Sanitizing wipes (that kill 99% of virus and germs) are out of stock

  8. Nobody should be going out for ANY reason unless it is to buy food [for which you need a pass] or for a medical emergency. I see some expats doing videos every day out walking – that is insane. We are guests in the Philippines – our ONLY response needs to be to respect and obey the law.

    1. Expats Report…. I agree totally. But if you check recent vlogs, someone not a million miles away has taken a long time to realise this. Stay At Home (other than for groceries/medicine) means stay behind closed doors for everybody, not merely the majority. I think the penny may have finally dropped! We must all try to set a good example, especially those with influence.

  9. I agree with You on Masks 100% and have been using them since Jan. since I was in Phils…been back in US since early Feb. Half the people who get this virus are Asymptomatic so Masks are a must for everyone really…..Our Federal Gov’t just figured this out yesterday I’ve known this for a month or so Pretty scary huh?

  10. BTW Dude You are a Common Sense Moderate not a Conservative. Which is the case for most people actually….We like to categorize ourselves based on the extremes of the left and right in US but most of us are actually Moderates -Just My opinion of course…

  11. What the hell is going on? By Jon Rappoport. ..watch part 1 and 2…thank me later

  12. who is using logic and done some research and prepped for this. this is gone crazy don’t even understand all the coronaviruses in the past. pre existing conditions patients ones that are ones affected most…boy oh boy…

  13. Iron fist Duterte, please go away and let a more reasonable people to be president, then I will consider buying house and retire at PH
    American please wearing mask, please win the war against China, obviously China is now laughing at USA, don’t lose the battle to China Communism

  14. Hey rick I need to ask you a question. I booked a flight a few months ago flying through China to Manila but you know I had to cancel a flight. I was set to arrive on the 1st of May at 12 a.m. and leave the 30th. But I had to rebook another flight and I realize, I arrive 3 hours earlier at 9 p.m. April 30th and leave on May 30st. The problem is the 30 day Visa since I arrived three hours earlier I’ll get stand for the April 30st instead of the may 1st. When I get ready to leave on May 31st will that be a problem technically being one day past 30 days? you can help me know what to expect or some advice thank you man

    1. p.s. until the quarantine in the PH ends, no incoming visas are being granted. don’t bother with flying to the PH until they announce they will be issuing visas again.

    2. yes. if you get stamped prior to midnight, the stamp will have that day’s date on it. so it will count as a full-day off your 30-day tourist visa on arrival.

      you could extend while you’re here, for another 30-days so that you don’t need to worry about it later on a return trip. or you could just leave, which puts you ‘technically’ just over the 30-days. depending on which agent you get later and what mood he’s in, it may or may not be an issue.

  15. I am planning on relocating to Philippines Dumaguete area soon.. Thanks for the valuable information..

  16. Western Union seems to be working so far; but I advise to call the specific office to get the actual opening times

  17. I feel very blessed that I met one of those 3% on line. After watching your videos, I felt confident and visited her and her family. We had a very nice time. My next visit is in December! Then I’ll move there shortly after that!

  18. It’s really weird that here in the Netherlands I was today (Saturday) the only one at the supermarket wearing facemask (self made, but better than nothing in my opion) – so not all things are better in Western countries 😉 Good luck and enjoy your time together!

  19. Welcome to Phillipines Martial Law . Worst than Marcos President . He is a Dictator Period !!!!!

  20. Web search for Chinese Daigou shopping gangs to help explain items not on store shelves.

  21. It is just his dirty mouth but in reality, Tatay D is not like that . Nobody was shot..He was saying it to scare people not to go out for looting.

  22. Sorry I missed the livecast….Hello from Livermore, California…couple of observations from northern California …I filled up on premium at Costco early this morning. $35 this morning, 2 weeks ago it was $50, the price for fuel is going down…The other observation was from the Safeway this morning. There was easily 55-65% of the customers wearing masks. Big change from last week, when it was 10% at best. Stay safe everyone

  23. Germany dw news report that us is highjacking med supplies that is going to germany, france, canada

  24. Hey reekay

    look up youtuber marknowhereman.
    He is filipino that help the poor , you talk about mother with 3 kids, i think he can help

  25. allow me to add to what you had touched along this line. from the news cast i got, president Duterte said “he grant permission to shoot anyone who threaten law enforcement…” it also mentioned that these protester has no permission to conduct this mass gathering that violated the social social distancing madate in place. our president was also later quoted denying his own statement regarding this matter. what was not mentioned here is that president Duterte’s statement is directed more towards opposition parties suspected at organizing these events to cause social unrest.

  26. Us gmo foods, processed foods , animal feeds, junk foods, perservatives…cause allergies , dieases, cancers on human n animals

  27. Here in the US the CDC recommends everyone wear a mask in public. Also, according to Inquirer.net the Philippines will begin mass covid-19 testing on April 14 the last day of Luzon lock down. Afterwards more realistic numbers will come out. Officials are divided on whether to extend the quarantine or not.

    1. I don’t think that would happen. The US can’t even test its citizens that are showing the symptoms. They would only test if your admitted which means your laboring in trying to breath already. If you notice sport celebrities that just shows the symptoms gets tested and if proven positive the entire team gets tested. Money and connection speaks for that situation along with stars like Tom Hanks and know singers. The average person can’t get tested unless your close to dying with the shortness of breathing. So How in the world could the Philippines do the sampling, testing in the lab then notifying the infected person. This cost money like $135 per person according to the US media. China I was told was donating a lot of medical stuff but there is a hidden agenda to that. Soon China will own the Philippines.

  28. The “shoot order” is nothing else than marshall law through the back door. They expect unrest and raids. How ever, supplies even in larger cities get slowly critical. Until end of April is still a long time to go.

  29. The plan if you get the virus is , stay home, self quarantine, call your doc or hospital. That’s it, nothing docs can do for you other then give you advice over the phone. You would not go to hospital to get tested, only if you are a more serious case and have the symptoms as told by doc or nurse over the phone in which case you more then likely have it so no worrys to get it from others. That is what they are telling us here in my area. Do not go in to doc just because you think you have the virus, they’ll guide you as what to do over the phone and when to come into the docs or hospital. Depends how far along you have progressed and how severe your case and if your showing the symptoms of the virus.

    They know the ave person who suspects he may have it should not just come in on their own , but wait untill he reaches a stage of more serious and they know for sure you have the virus.

    The thing to remember, and this is the important thing to know, some have symptoms that are not in-line with what is normally seen and doc may say you don’t have the virus but you do have it, so just be advised this can happen. One person reported he was on his death-bed but was never tested because they said his symptoms did not match the virus. Not enough is known yet to know all the symptoms that can happen.

    As with any sickness or illness docs use symptoms then look at highest probability of what happens with those particular symptoms, but not all people will meet those probabilities, there are always exceptions, you have to hope you are not one of those exceptions as docs mostly ignore these cases untill much time goes by.

  30. its more of logistic problem in distribution of goods, the country is an island republic

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