How Feminism Encouraged The Expat Movement

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Author: Reekay V.

Since 2012 I’ve been traveling through various islands of the Philippines as a full-time Expat and spent 1999 living in Vietnam.

Share with me my ongoing adventures of life in the Philippines. Hopefully you find my observations helpful in your own adventures.
— Reekay


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  2. I remember watching a video of an all female firefighting recruiting class in So Cal. In order to get more women recruits, the video indicated the physical requirements were lowered. The video showed how the women could not carry the hoses, hoist up the ladders, and overall had trouble carrying heavy equipment. While there are many excellent female firefighters, there are some women that could not cut it because the job in inherently physical.

  3. Hi Reekay…. Every thing you mentioned I have been saying for years.. Your Spot On … Wes. & Neri Cebu

  4. Bingo. Its peace and harmony when you can be kind and sweet to your wife because she is kind and sweet to you. Its not about having a submissive wife, its about being submissive to each other.

  5. No Women are given priority in the Universities now why do you think enrollment is 2 to 1 women to men? At UC Davis the female head of the engineering department openly stated that she made women a priority in her department. Discrimination?

  6. My first trip to the Philippines. I met my date that I chatted with online for nine months. Never thought that treating her kindly would be rewarded. It’s an amazing feeling. Something that Western women won’t ever do.

  7. I think the biggest problem is that women want their cake and to eat it too. While happily willing to take professional jobs that were historically held by men who also assumed the head of household role. It is a very small percentage of women who are the sole provider for their families. And, while generalizing, most women want that job AND want a male who is a provider. Women are 100% happy to take a job from a male, while simultaneously not becoming the household provider and looking at men that make less than money than they do as undesirable life partners.

  8. Taking a hard look at retiring to the Philippians or Thailand. The cost of living and to hopefully escape the culture in total in the US to include the western women. It is just out of control here in the US. Now we have people who identify as dogs and cats. It is too much.

  9. I’m not sure if I would use the word “encouraged” here. To be a bit more precise, I would say that they simply doused it with a gallon of gasoline and took a flamethrower to it. That being said, all in all, you made some good observations here.

  10. Faminism is every where in the world and asia as a whole with the philippines included is no exception….luckly for us this cancer is with most that study or live oversea and came back home to the philippines…..thankx god you dont hear or see this with most of the local girls yet and lets hope it will stay that way….i am living proof that most will change to the worse once they go oversea , i see them everyday here in europe….

  11. I was married to a Chicana for 14 years. She wasn’t a feminist, but more traditional. However, she was the type that expected the man to pay for everything, fix everything, solve all the problems, yet, blame the man for everything.
    It was that mindset that led to the demise of our marriage.

  12. I really am done arguing against feminism, or even discussing it. I just speak with my actions and my feet , particularly my passport

  13. 1000% (or at least most) of the reason I’m here. Briefly ‘dated’ if you can call it that a lady in the USA about a year ago and even the little comments indicate[d] an ingrained feminism that most Americans wouldn’t even recognize, and certainly not recognize as a problem.

  14. Feminism freed men. Thanks ladies. I’m way over here in Costa Rica right now. Tica tica tica tica

  15. USA started this crap away back in the 70’s then other developed nations followed same foot steps, women becoming “Manish” rough as sandpaper

  16. I am literally blamed for everything just because i am a male…
    if male = guilty until proven innocent
    if female = innocent until proven guilty

    I am also a minimalist and on top of that, eastern orthodox christian, for modern woman, the worst combination. i dont have or want to have expensive car, i dont value material goods and i dont have the need to prove to anyone, no vanity at all on my part.

  17. could you explore a future vlog on how low-earning men having been overlooked by higher-earning, higher-educated women escape to the Philippines to regain their rightful role as providers to impoverished young women… thanks in advance

  18. I am actually feminist in my political position, having been raised by strong women, and believing in gender equality. What I personally object to is the anti-man, man-hating agenda adopted by extremists. For example, the Greenham Common anti-nuke movement in the 80s in the UK refused to accept any males in their movement because, apparently, all men are war-mongers. All these extremists do is alienate men who are sympathetic to their cause. One of my best friends at university was a feminist but also a stunner in terms of her femininity. Her attitude was was why do I have to dress down or look ugly to stress a political point? You, ie me, tart yourself up to attract women, why shouldn’t I? She had her views and expressed them.

  19. I’ve never been a door mat, I’m the only captain of my ship now she can either be the first mate or walk the plank! because to be real the only thing a woman can do for me that I can’t I buy and she be gone in morning

  20. Feminism ended my first marriage. My second marriage to my philipina wife is a blessing. I take better care of myself and enjoy my my life with my wife.

  21. Hello Henry and excellent points you have made on this video! The fact is that here in the USA, guys 40 and above I would think, seem to have to constantly prove to women that they date on everything. The women here are like have a checklist in their brains marking on and off everything you do, dont do, have, dont have, etc while they date you. Then they’ll argue, criticize, or complain on things that are not in their age da.
    Men don’t need that crap in their lives. My Thai fiance is a breath of fresh air and treats me, loves me, and VALUES me on everything I do or when we are together. There are no damn arguments, no fights, no quarrels but if we have disagreements, it will be a peaceful setting by 2 mature persons.
    Western women CANNOT seem to do this because THEY want to always get the upper hand from you. That’s where it starts!

  22. Best synopsis of the western feminism disaster ive heard. I just hope this delusion never pollutes the beautiful PI women.

  23. Men should have put their foot down as the women were out of line and needed to be put in their place. Mans Job? Yes. Now we are fed up with a bunch of useleass psychcotic hateful controlling women so what do we do? We dump western women for decent traditional women so that we can be happy and be with a real woman.

  24. You’ve been to both Countries……..which do you Prefer, PI or Thailand?

  25. Reekay you never disappoint. “Men love vvomen who act like vvomen” When I began watching videos featuring Filipina vvomen, I fell in love with vvomen again. There are still vvomen who act like vvomen in the world. Great video as always.

  26. Spot-on; thank you for continuous very useful information/education. Congratulations

  27. Most men eventually reach a point that they no longer care and check out completely in the West. The Philippines is one example of what we missed out on with women in our own country. To meet women who allow me to feel masculine again is something I can not get enough of. I left the US years ago and each time I have to go back to visit family, I get a quick reminder of what a train wreck relationships are.

  28. Invest your money into companies that make anti-depressants and cat food, you’ll retire well.

  29. Its a testament to the power of lust, that a man would risk his treasure be taken, by a narcissistic woman who presumes she is entitled to it.

  30. Yes Reekay. I’m living proof of your message. But the culture here has a lot to do with how freindly everyone is. And it’s not just about men seeking women – everyone, including men, are so respectful… I’m no longer invisible here.

  31. Great analysis! American women, especially on the left, are becoming undateable. I don’t need to be told how my demographic is responsible for everything wrong with the world and why I should apologize at every turn. It’s getting crazy.

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