Before You Open A Resto or Bar in the Philippines – Know This

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Author: Reekay V.

Since 2012 I’ve been traveling through various islands of the Philippines as a full-time Expat and spent 1999 living in Vietnam.

Share with me my ongoing adventures of life in the Philippines. Hopefully you find my observations helpful in your own adventures.
— Reekay


  1. See this week’s most interesting comments/questions here..
    — Get a Quote on Expat Health Insurance..
    — How I send Money to the Philippines..
    — Loctote Flak Sack Ⅱ – Anti Theft Backpack..
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  2. I’m not sure if I told you this before but one of my first comments on your channel was from my previous channel “Fit Couple in the Philippines” and my perspective was from my experience while hanging out with my friend that owned a restaurant in Castillejos, Zambalales Philippines. A small military expat community outside of Subic Bay. He had run this resto bar for 7-8 years and he was too young to retire and his goal was to run a business in PHL with his experience running and owning his business in California previously. He basically told me that he had the same experience you discussed. He turned his large fortune that he had in USA to desperation and aggravation of working as hard as the locals. Keep in mind Filipinos work hard and earn little, that’s what you can expect from having a business in the Philippines.

  3. When I lived on Mindanao, I opened a restobar and it was amazing. I loved every day of it, even with its challenges. I experienced every single thing you mentioned here and more! For me one of my biggest hurdles was actually English. The people I was workinig with really spoke next to no english including all the suppliers that I had to deal with on an ongoing basis. Since my partner at the time was fully into this with me until about the 6 month mark, once she decided to go another route it made things exponentially harder for me to keep things together with the language barrier. I was still able to keep it going for almost 2 years and then when I was called back to Canada for some urgent business, I have left a manager in charge of everything in hopes to keep it going until I could return. That lasted about 2 months until the entire thing went belly up!

    At this point, I fully want to have another go at it. Once you understand the challenges and make contingency plans for them, I think there is more opportunity for success considering you can apply a western mindset combined with understanding Filipino culture and work ethics. Reaching the right balance between it all would be the combination needed for success IMO.

  4. Ahh the old “open a bar” in se-asia dream..seen it in thailand so many times..most of them go bust pretty fast or becomes full time alcoholics or get total crazy of the stress and problems.

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    on my balcony 2-3 hours per day..with a cup of coffee in my hand..and the best part i pay under 1% tax in my home country Sweden on my whole bank stockportfolio

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