“I Love You… Buy Me A House, OK?”

Christian Filipina Asian Ladies Dating 700x100 wide animated banner 1

Author: Reekay V.

Since 2012 I’ve been traveling through various islands of the Philippines as a full-time Expat and spent 1999 living in Vietnam.

Share with me my ongoing adventures of life in the Philippines. Hopefully you find my observations helpful in your own adventures.
— Reekay


  1. – Get a Quote on Expat Health Insurance.. https://bit.ly/expat-insurance-LBTSea
    — How I send Money to the Philippines.. https://remit.ly/1amhoix
    — Loctote Flak Sack Ⅱ – Anti Theft Backpack.. https://amzn.to/3tXuBDk
    — The Only Filipina Dating Site I recommend.. https://bit.ly/christian-filipina-dating

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  2. YouTube has many suggestions of countries around the world where you can find different women. The only thing these 2 guys can do is contact Roffy Tulfo, and try to expose these 2 Filipinas as douche bags to the rest of the Philippines.. Good luck!!

  3. No matter how much you do for these girls and their families or how long you been together. As soon as some smooth talking grub comes along ( and shows no care or respect for the other man also) If this smooth talking grub can make the girl believe he has more money for them they will turn on you and sell you out quick as a wink. And then try to come groveling back to you as they finally realise they sold you out for a pro full of shit player who cares for no one except himself and his ego. It’s all a game to him !

  4. You can rent a condo buy a condo rent a house buy a scooter buy a car or Pick up truck

    but you cant buy a house and own the land… Got it…

    If you buy a condo or house in her name…. When things go sour…. you can ride your scooter or car away and your tail….

    For financial safety sake… Just rent a place and own your own vehicle…. Soo if things go bad…. Just pack your stuff up and load it in your vehicle and go…. No real loss except for your rental money and self esteem…

    If a western man is intent on marriage…. he must take his time to vet the person for good or bad… This responsibility is his alone…

    Also he must keep in the forefront of his mind and ball sack…. That there is no shortage of good and available women there… He must clear from his head of the “Scarcity Mindset”…

    But sometimes its difficult for an old Dog to learn new mindset….

  5. He shouldn’t have sent money for load let alone buy her a house, this is called sheer inocente ignorance

  6. My wife told me most of the pictures you have of women in this podcast a person should avoid. Too much skin showing haha. Where is the modesty?

  7. Sorry this mainly happens in ph. Not thailand Vietnam japan or anywhere else

  8. There are so many scams going on in the Philippines and they are scammers if they can get you one way or the other they will

  9. I will tell you that 1% are good and 99% are gold diggers and I meant one here in California and we live together 13 years and I went to the Philippines seven times and I lived over there and I met her sisters and family members and other ones that were housekeepers and stuff and I tell you 99% only care about how much money they can get from you

  10. He asks where he can go to meet a good woman? If he doesn’t change himself from within he will make the same mistake no matter where he goes.
    If you are not right within…your never going to win.

  11. Sorry, Gotta say, what a dumb ass. He’s actually lucky he got away cheap. Here in America the woman gets the house plus the savings plus most of the material things plus a nice monthly stipend.

  12. How much was the house? Anyone here have a story? How much have you spent on a Filipina? What did you buy her and how did things turn out? Please comment below.

  13. And it is fools like this man responsible for those scams happening in the first place. If we stop being so gullible and stupid the scamming would not pay off. I chalk it up to those gullible weak persons from the west totally.

  14. Please take a look at a pattern. Usually, the guys getting scammed are lonely and got off. a brutal divorce/relationship. And in desperate need of companionship. They ignore all the red flags and become easy targets.

  15. Excellent pointers here. I loved the…
    Girlfriend gets girlfriend money, fiancé gets fiancé money, wife gets wife money. Yes, men have to be brave enough to get hurt going into a relationship whilst keeping their heads. For some it’s an insecurity problem or it gets to a point where their dick is making the decisions. It calls for wisdom.

  16. I don’t wish bad things on expats, but the level of ignorance is unbelievable.

  17. What I don’t understand is why would this guy contact you to help solve his problems? Pretty sure a Filipino lawyer may give better legal advice than a tourist vlogger…I’m just saying. Accept your failure, move on & don’t repeat past mistakes is the best advice.


  19. One word for a wise-man.. just turn a deaf ear to this message and you will loss it all.. Thanks, Reeky

  20. Not a new story unfortunately…and no matter how many youtuber guys try to warn new arrivals..it will never stop..so save your breath

  21. These men had another option, to buy the house in their own name and rent the land for 50 years, so they could have lived with the Filipina for another 50 years

  22. This is not unique to the Philippines. It happens more often than you would think because the savior complex is strong for a lot of guys, especially if they don’t have a lot of experience with women or it’s been a long time as you pointed out (I’m also not casting shade on these guys – I’m the first to admit that I’m part of this group).

    Also, real estate tends to be much cheaper compared to western countries and sometimes comes with residency privileges in certain countries such as Costa Rica. Combine that with seeing someone you care about struggle financially, it can be hard to resist sending money whether it be $500 or $50,000 or even buying a house.

  23. I love your videos. My wife is Thai, and we’re international travels. We get where you’re coming from and we enjoy hearing your perspective on things. Some stuff is just hilarious, such as “You’re looking for a wife, but you can’t be bothered to spend $35 a month on a dating app.” Oh my. Someone should tell those folks that wives cost more than $35 a month, or at least mine does. 😉

  24. Never put ANY money in the Philippines that you aren’t prepared to lose. For money you are prepared to lose, be smart – only buy in your name (condo or leasehold) or your Filipino child’s name (land/house).

  25. I am so old that I go back to the day when it was simply, “Buy me VCR, me love you long time”.

  26. Sell the house. Hire a lawyer. If you have a child put it in the child’s name.

  27. Why would you try to convince this…. Idiot, to give the Philippines or another Filipino another chance? If he was that stupid (and remember there is no fixing stupid) any future interaction he tries in the Philippines will end in disaster again

  28. Sir you must get tough on your students ! We men are super stupid your to nice sir

  29. I can tell you from experience I would not even go on a dating site… If you’ve never been there you think it’s the only way to meet someone… But once you’ve been to the Philippines.. all you have to do is get out …

  30. He should be able to burn the house down, since he was the one who paid for it.

  31. And guys if you met a Filipina on a dating site. There’s 90% chance she has multiple boyfriends and possibly a husband… Getting money from foreigners is a very popular job… Once they hit the big lick from you it’s see you later!!!!!!

  32. Filipinas are so easy to read. I know saying that might bite me on the back side one day… But these things should never be happening. Keep the Filipina at a distance. Don’t meet the family. Don’t marry. Date only. Don’t give her a set of keys to your place or any security codes etc….

    Don’t pay for anything other than maybe dinner and the normal things you would a western woman!

    It really is that simple. They want you anyway. Western men need to learn to understand this ! You’re already exactly what they want. Men are overlooking the red flags that they show you in the first 30
    Minutes of talking.

  33. Chances are that same scammer family goes to church each Sunday and says grace before every meal. That whole family was all smiles to him when he would visit knowing full well the honey had a BF and was scamming him. Brutal.

  34. If they have the time and money, why not find an attorney who is willing to establish an estafa case? Let the games begin! The locals will probably not like the publicity.

  35. Buying a house is a business decision. A wise man avoids bad business deals and will never mix in his feelings into that decision making process.

  36. f you are 70+ and you get 18 to 21 year old, that’s the catch, you should expect this , this is universal behavior, not unique to Filipinas, get 60 to 70 year old Filipina this will NOT end bad for you

  37. Just by following YouTube Channels before I visit the Philippines I understand the law relating to land and houses.
    A few months sgo there was a story about a police officer from the US met a filiina on line he may have visited her.
    This huy had decades of experience dealing with all kinds of vrimes and criminals.
    Sent the filipina mpney to buy land, hire contractors, building materials, she sent him fake deeds, invoices for labour and materials, photos of the house under construction.
    The house was being built for a other family.
    Now if a guy with his background can get scammed it shows the lengths some filipinas will go to to get what they want.
    You and others have outlined the risks involved in dating a ‘paper married’ a filipina.
    In the UK if I get a routine stop by the cops and they find a small amount of week on me they’ll write me up with a street caution confiscate the weed and let me go.
    If I decide to take my Girlfriend’s kids to the mall becase she has to work or we go walk the dog in the park NO PROBLEM.
    In the Philippines I’d be in a police station!

    I agree buying a house is very risky. Long term it’s more cost effective than renting but NOT if your partner decides “we are done.”
    I’ve been warching YouTube channels about the Philippines for over a year prior to visiting later this year and I’ve heard 6 or 7 stories exactly like this!
    I wonder how many guys just take the hit and are too embarassed to speak out?
    I said it before but I’ll repeat it here.
    The BEST advice I’ve heard from this and other vloggers is.

  38. I know three guys who married a Filipina within days of meeting Filipinas. The guys did whatever their Filipinas said…well trained by their previous wives. A year later all have severe health problems and regret what they did. Oh also all three have no money. Their actions included buying homes for their Filipinas families and wives. I watched and said what are you doing? They were in a spell that couldn’t be broken. Great video. Savior complex and also heavy conditioning by previous wives

  39. Not even an iPhone, if a woman is really interested in you, she won’t belittle herself to ask you for load on phone just to talk to you …,…
    Reverse that, by asking yourself, if you are extremely interested in a woman and have little to no money, you will fibd ways to load your phone or borrow a phone, anything but ask her for help of money, it’s kinda more of the same, if that person is extremely attracted to the other person for real, the last thing they will ask for is some coin to get by, as it’s not very impressive on their part

  40. A fool and his money are soon parted.

    I would burn the house down, and go to Thailand. If i cant have the house, neither will she and her family.

  41. The wisdom you offer to OG Passport Men is invaluable. Shame on men who don’t do their homework. Big up! Awesome Photoshop PICS!!!

  42. There are only 2 category of a person in this world, the scammer and the fool. I’d rather place myself in the category of the scammer.

  43. There is a vlogger who married a Westerner who build a house on her parents property. The parents took the house away from the both of them. To hell with family relations. The Filipina doesn’t talk to her parents anymore.

  44. I have a question regarding Jury Duty summons. If I move to the philippines and get a Jury Duty summons back home how do i handle it? Im only asking because I just went through it here and had to show up.

  45. Thai girls are brutal and worse then any! filipinas are far more better the american woman or any culture to many old men think they are going to satify these woman do to buying cars and house way before they know their life

  46. You shouldn’t buy her a house at all. Have her get a loan in her name and pay the monthly payments. As soon as she starts acting a fool, leave. That way you don’t lose anything out of the deal.

  47. There is a sucker born every day and the filipinas of Angeles walking street know it well.

  48. Recently I started watching videos of Raffy Tulfo. Most of the expat’s come to this show does exactly opposite of what you have been telling from many years. Thank you for your informative and in depth videos

  49. Correct, I know someone in our province that happened to him. The whole family live there now, the American guy is gone. The family chased him out of the house. No choice but to let go and move on.

  50. Tooooo funny. Gee where do I send the money! ROFL DUMMIES DON’T SEND ANY MONEY! Do NOT take her to her to court Filipinos always win! You waste your money again on attorneys! LOL These guys wouldn’t give a woman in their area a penny but they send tens of thousands to girls they barely know! Just plain stupidity! Period

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