1. You are in danger from the police if you drive or walk out to buy milk in the states.

  2. While I agree mostly. Statistics here are prob not very accurate. And seoul for instance has more people than Chicago but you save your seat at the resteraunt with your wallet , credit card or $2000 phone. Try that in Chicago. It’s just the quality of the people.

  3. Disagree a bit. Bangkok is very crowded and has very low crime. I don’t know about Philippines but I’ve heard Manila has a lot of crime.

  4. Answer: not safe (compared to most of north europe).
    But very safe compared to many places in most of the big cities in the trash countries like usa.

    Often wondering why usa is even considered a modern country.
    But usa is so diversed. If you are upper class you can live fantastic.
    But most people are not part of upper or uppermiddle class.

    And most cities has very filthy rich and very poor homeless, and criminal gangs in same cities. If first big riots starts… then that can easily escelate eventually. Making it very unsafe for most uppermiddle class.
    Gated communities.

    Glad i do not live in usa.

  5. Is Mexico safe to visit??? Mate of mine stays there says depending which part of Mexico ur in??

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