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I visited the Philippines several time during the Marcos era, via Submarines. Of course I was a Submarine sailor so my experience was different, but I loved the people, the food, and the culture.
Don’t fight it gents. I married the last woman in America fit to have 37 years ago, and she’s Mexican.
Another red pill reality that wasn’t mentioned is men must have money, muscles and game to get a woman. Shout out to Rollo Tomassi. In other words women want a man who can provide resources, is in good physical shape and has good social skills, especially when it comes to interacting with women. A broke, fat, socially inept man cannot expect to get a younger, hot woman. But these are all things that a man can work on and improve if he puts in the effort. Or go to a poor country like the Philippines with a little money and you won’t need the same amount of money, good physical condition or social skills that you would normally need to get women in the west. It’s not all the fault of women when a guy can’t get laid.
Standing a lady up seems to be a good way to sort out the mad ones
I guess the moral of the story is, visit a Philippine business? It’s better to be alone…
Nope even church girls are done. I tried that as a last resort. They are just as delusional as the secular women, many use religion to disguise their devious behavior. One acted interested in me the immediately ghosted me. The same person who said and I quote “Jesus loves you Brian”. You can’t make this shit up.
You messed up, but you dodged a bullet.
Here in New Mexico it’s worse
The day you end up on the streets
I am in my 50s and I have noticed the thing about modern women not being able to cook as well. I know far more men, often the husbands of these women, who are actually good cooks. Not just flipping hamburgers on the grill either. It is such a loss for our culture to no longer have women who know how to make a home beyond filling it with designer furniture.
More AI images of the perfect pinay.
NEVER call to “verify” a date.
Set it and be there. Period.
Through mid-life, I learned to let it go when it’s over. When the on/off light switch effect happens and they argue or yell for what seems to be no reason or maybe it is, then time to move on.
Lmao what a story, incredible. that wrong phone call was blessing in disguise. thanks for video
First mistake was living in CA. Second mistake was trying to date American women. Third mistake was dialing when driving. Fourth mistake was trying to explain. To borrow a saying from another channel, dating American women is basically searching for a needle in a needle stack.
Germans dont want to paint houses and fix appliances, people from east EU come and do these jobs
Americans dont want to clean houses so Mexicans come and do these jobs
Women dont want to marry so you have to go abroad where the balance is still not broken to get married.
this is global world, its how things work now
Great video Henry!
You screwed the pooch with that girl. Called the wrong number. Thought it was off with hot chick. Turned off your phone. The only good thing was that you got to eat all of your pizza. Moral of the story – “You can’t live with them and you can’t live without them.” Good story though.
So that’s the day you understand that women are not magical unicorns or weak flower maidens.
Interesting experience and as a 50+ yr old guy in Australia I can attest to dating and women being the same here. Worse in some states than others. But trying to find a good one is like trying to find a sharp needle in a stack of blunt ones. If you keep dating them over the years it’s just a very poor ROI. So giving up on western women in your home country at some point is the better strategy because that then allows for time and money to be utilised in other pursuits including travelling overseas for experiences and meeting new people that are not as westernised.
Any women over 32 in the West, has a major red flag if she is single unless her husband / bf died just don’t bother taking her serious.
You are just picking up left overs and being mr clean up / rescue. Live cheap and travel overseas! game changer. Don’t trap urself in West by avoiding car payments, mortgages.
It would be a great series to interview men who gave up. I gave up when my ex chewed me out for not thanking her for helping me plan a vacation I took with my kids. I reminded her that I had bought her a new I phone but she said that wasn’t enough.
You can do needle in haystack or go to needle factory
Dating in USA is such a racket. The insanity is too much…
After my divorce in 94′, I made a pact with myself to date a woman for two years before considering marriage. Not one woman I dated since made the cut.
I am turning 50 this year and I have been single since I was 45. From my experience the dating scene changed drastically around 2015. Women who are below average to average looking started to demand top-level men and refused to date the average Andy’s of the world. I have a great job and I am still reasonably attractive, but I just can’t meet any women where I live who want a relationship and it’s not due to my lack of trying because I have done it all. Yes Rekey, I am the salsa dance king!! It is so frustrating and lonely when you need female companionship, but you just can’t get it no matter what you do. I live in Tucson, AZ which is a medium to larger city if you count all the suburbs. The women here who are my age never want to meet they only want to be e-mail or text buddies and then they will complain they can’t meet any men. On the rare occasion I do get a date it’s with a woman who I am not attracted to, or they flat out are just not interested in me, and it ends up being a waste of time. After I take them to a bunch of nice places of course. Or on the other spectrum I will meet a woman in their early 20s and they will hang out with me but ultimately, they are just looking for me to pay all their bills and don’t want a real relationship either. I am so ready to move to the Philippines’, but I am apprehensive about it at the same time. Hopefully I meet a great Filipina woman and find a life partner. But then what? How do you feel complete. You can only watch movies, go to the beach, read books, or insert other recreational activities before you need to do something productive to do. Anyone have any suggestions?
Great story…..It was too hard in the West, I’m with you go east!
Words of encouragment Henry! Be safe and have a blessed day!
A triggered borderline.
You videos are like a glass of top tier wine. Perfectly balanced and smooth to the taste.
Well spoken, i was sure she hung up on you by mistake but you had called the wrond girl!!! Worked out for the best to say the least. Im packing for Moamowan island, north of Bohol… god bless you brother.
Back in 1986-1987, I brought a girl here to the USA from Pangasinan with the intention of marrying her. The relationship went south quickly and we broke off our engagement because I felt she was using me to get a green card and dump me. I served an LDS mission in Northern Luzon from 1982 to 1984. Even now, I have learned more about Filipino culture and its drawbacks and differences. I ended up marrying a lady from the Mexico City area of Mexico. We were married for almost 21 years until she succumbed to breast cancer and passed away. I again considered the expat dream of finding someone there in the Philippines. In the meantime, I dated about 30 different women from everywhere from here at home in America, Brazil, the Philippines, Somoa, Peru, Mexico, and Korea. In the widow/widower community, I ended up marrying an American widow who lost her husband in October 2016. I still stay close to the Mexican and Philippine communities, but I didn’t see any of them as wife material. My marriage now is not perfect, but she was the best person for my needs in the widow/widower community. I still enjoy following other expats who still trying to pursue the Philippine’s dream woman. It seems that about 70% of them fail to keep a long-term relationship. I do wish you all good luck though.
Retired U.S. Army. Living in Manila the past 14 years.
Men need to stop acting like obsessed simps that are totally desperate.
Marriage is senseless…. a waste of time and money. Women only want your cash and once she gets a kid you are totally done… She doesn’t want or need you any more. Her relatives and friends will backstab until she (or you) leave.
Dinner Date = $75
Engagement Ring = $3000
Wedding Ring = $3500
Divorce and Child Support = $500,000
Staying Single = Priceless
Always great info and advice.
whoa the church is where the worst women are hahahaha
wrong no woman that i have found in the usa is what i call normal
I’m agnostic that means religious women won’t want me, i understand people need religion but i went to school with kids that were brought up in orphanages and they were treated really badly – i don’t have to spell what happened to them. So religion has no part in my life. i don’t speak badly about religion, everyone to their own So perhaps in the Philippines i should say nothing about said issue?
That was said so well thank you that really helped me make a decision on the Philippines. I’m super glad you put out great videos with truthful information and mixed in are some of your real life experiences it’s just very well done and perfect for me in my situation thank you.
Solid good sense.
Dating has become extinct.
I’ve built two homes in the islands. Both women now bed with other dudes.
Never again.
You really have a knack for making your case, Henry! And I certainly understand where you’re coming from!
The ironic thing is most of this women think they’re 9 when in reality they’re less than 1 in scale. In fact they’re extremely delusional loaded with all sort of damaged emotions
Great advice as usual!
Oh thats common Roleplay organized by the Stalkers Psychotronic Harassement Departement here in Pattaya
Feminism has screwed up so many women. Very sad
Been in the same situation. Every woman I met had a bad past, all kinds of issues, debt, hadn’t accomplished anything, and so on. I got ‘red pilled’. I was done and was just going to focus on my own future and be single, then bumped into my future wife at work. We went out, and I was *looking* for something wrong – anything to say ‘nope’. Finally after some time I looked at her and said “you’re normal’, and she looked at me funny and said ‘yes, what do you mean’. Told her about my past experiences. Been great ever since, that day was almost 24 years ago now. Been feeling lucky ever since.
I am over 60, the cut off age for men for most of the young and single ladies in the Philippines is 45, but I found a never married 31 year old to marry. It took several tries, got fooled and fleeced by three young Filipinas. Fourth try/trip successful. Men, if you are 40, 45, I urge you to not let your precious opportunity slip away, get on over to the Philippines, promptly.
they’re lazy women, sad to say it but they are
57 done with dating seriously. My last relation ship was almost a decade ago. I was in a six year relation ship with an American girl, Hispanic. Beautiful girl, a year older than me, self sufficient, smart, her kids were grown and out of the house. She was better than most women I had dated, but I began to slowly realize that even with all these things she often acted like a spoiled teenage, yet she want to get married, at the same time she did not want to work until she could retire. She got mad at me for working out, she got mad at me for taking care of my home and not taking her everywhere. She would put me down and critique my friends. I would have to stop and have a talk to her, basically remind her that I treated her very good and she was welcome to go find some else if she want better, and she would actually come to her senses and tell me I was right. While this prolonged the relationship it also killed any desire on my part to get married and deepen the relationship. One day she called me and broke up, after I minute or two I said ok and hung up. I had never felt so relieved and free in my life, it was like a ton had been taken off my back and soul. A month later she texted me and asked me how I was doing, I never responded. Now if I see even a hint of a warning flag I’m gone, I have no desire to deal with any garbage, hence why I am done dating seriously.
Another side note, I was on line at a store a few years ago. I like to carry cash on me for some things. A women on line saw the cash when I was paying for my stuff and said do you want a girlfriend, her daughter was available, the daughter must have been in her 30s. I was so shocked and taken aback. I said no thanks, and got away from her as quick as I could. I was so disgusted, but this is America. But then again unfortunately, I think you can find this all over the world, among all types and classes of people.
How odd he didn’t just text the mulatta to explain.
u went to the duck pondand just what were u doing at the duck pond.we all know what goes on there.
You did the right thing. Western woment are doomed by the Feminists. They are like a time bomb, you will end up loosing your house, cars, savings, kids, and possible end up in jail on a false accusation. I gave up the same 4 years ago., I got my passport and I’m moving to the PH next year.
I’m 35 and I’ve completely given up on American women. I’m in shape, over six feet tall, healthy, make 6 figures, and have zero debt. I am bald, though, and apparently that just makes me disgusting to humanity. I haven’t so much as been on a date in 7 years. There’s no point. I am completely invisible. I am sending my application for my passport in tomorrow. Hopefully it’s not bullshit overseas.
AMEN brother! ! !
“Go where you’re treated best.” Andrew Henderson ~ Nomad Capitalist.
You know this is true, but the thing is, things are so fubar now globally, if the next guy steals your wife or gets the dates, they are truly doing you a favour. We have all the same experience, but nowadays there are better options. Being single is the new married.
Just do it! At age 50 i met my Indonesian wife online, we talked for a couple months then i flew to Indonesia stayed a couple weeks and 15 years later we are still happily togeter. She is 9 years younger college educated and performs the role of my wife in every way. Take the fitst step just do it. Best decision i ever made.
she would not yell at you if she had decided to dump you – she hadn’t
she would not yell at you unless she wanted your attention – she wanted your attention
she was really begging for a long, slow, fuck
You hit the nail on the head! Good on you!
Dang Reekay you were a really handsome dude.
Well said sir!
On your second, maybe third marriage? Not red-pilled, just a passport bro. Nothing wrong with that, though.
I did the same as you, i gave up relationship goal, but i went out with many girls without any future plans.
I am meeting a Filipina in June 2024 for something more serious…
I had similar experiences dating as a 30y/o man in the USA. I stopped dating back in 2017. At the time, I was around 27, and was dating women between 19 and my age. I met some very attractive and sweet young women, however, almost all of them had some sort of giant red flags, either wanting to argue and debate about radical social or political issues, or rampantly promiscuous. Not to mention, as you say, IF they knew how to cook or clean, it was the furthest thing from their minds. It became increasingly obvious there was no foundation for lasting relationships with such women.
Even back then, I was aware of men going overseas and having much better success, including one of my older relatives who has been married to a Filipina for 20 years now, and a friend married to a Japanese woman. In fact they are the only men I know in successful happy relationships haha! Every man I know in relationships or marriage with a Western women are almost unanimously miserable.
Long/short, I’ve got a ticket to the Philippines for next January. Goodbye, American women. Stay away from me!
I gave up dating when I was in college back in 2016. I’m currently speaking with my buddy’s wife’s cousin who’s in PI. I just renewed my passport and plan to visit her in may 2024. If things go well I might consider moving there. The good part is that I spent most of my Navy career overseas so if I have to move to be with her I’ll do it. This is why I haven’t purchased a home yet bc I don’t want to have anything anchoring me down in the states if and when I decide to move.
Youve gotta go for young asian girls they leave western girls woman for dead and are the best. Im 70 yesrs old australian in austealia and ive got a a beautifull little white skined chinese girlfriend who is 26 years old mi met her in australia and shes very loveing a good cook and really good in bed with giveing me really good sex and she loves it and she will do any thing.And those dateing sites are a scam and a rip off mate
Well said. I’ve experienced the exact same thing. Women in America are so far gone from traditional roles and values that they can’t even be happy with themselves let alone with a partner. This is what extreme women’s lib has done to American women. I’ve dated a bunch of them.
WOW, what a video.
It was slow, & smooth, with evolving pictures of ladies of gray, fading into ladies of the age, -25+ year, of the prospect man.
A dream come true.
If pictures were the whole story, then Thailand would be heaven, & the Philippines would be at the gate.
This is a story told so many times over the last 30 years.
I almost poo-poo the video as a dull repeat, but remember my Philippine experiences.
Young poor ladies. A kind culture, but a strict government.
The Philippines is likely a better bargain for some, then
Latin America. I vote Thailand as the best balance, and most liberal culture.
I am hooked into Mexico because of personal factors.
In conclusion, keep the age gap under 20yrs, stay in the Philippines, be humble, be kind, look @ mom, for a future appearance, and 50% of these relationships fail.
Scams are everywhere.
Western women are broken. I have nothing to do with them anymore. I’ve dated my fair share and they are all broken. I stopped trying to date years ago.
Man does this video hit home.
I’m 57 I gave up at 50 “I will never date another American woman ever again” I told myself that at 50 years old. Just need to finish my career and get my pension. 490 days till I can put in the paperwork for retirement.
Southern California is the worst. I’m in San Diego.
reality check mate, women are only interested in money at our age, they look for freebee’s free money and lots of both, even if they want a kid it’s just another way of sucking you dry,
ive said this so many times before, american women are ruined. all this technology and propaganda have left them without anything to remind them what the value of a man is. American women will only ever recognize this too late, if ever at all.
Its simply amazing Henry that your dating dilemmas and mine run very similar paths except i was already in my early 50s and in Australia..Luckily my best mates darling filipina GF HIGHLY RECOMMENDED to me to take a break and go to Cebu for a few weeks..Well i did that and almost a decade later i found my true love and joy and we are looking to buy or build a place of our own..I’d hate to think that if i didn’t make the move and still in Australia I’d still be stuck in that deep hole..God bless the Philippines.
I have been invisable to women,,even bad ones,,for 25 years !
“You do what is Sane – what makes sense” – I like that as it points out the insanity. Loving the Filipina Bikini Pics !!! My 2nd wife divorced me in 2007 just as we entered the financial crisis and second U.S. depression. Work was hard to find in my profession during those years and I downsized, moved a lot for work, & took to the Biker lifestyle. When I dated after that I would stay no more than 4 weeks with a woman. I did not want them getting attached and learning anything about me or my assets as I had been burned twice by women and the legal system at that point. Years later I let a woman stay with me about 1 year and not by choice but her roommate kicked her out and we were already sexually active. It was good at first but later she was fired from her job and when I had to take care of business out of state I tole her I would be gone awhile but could pay the bills online. I left a week of food in the fridge and told her to get a job and buy food while I was away. She started calling 10 times a day and I told her to call in the AM and PM only so I could finish my work. I returned unannounced 5 weeks later to find my house a total disaster, pool had turned green, and she was in bed at 3:00 in the afternoon. I later learned her and her friend hot-wired my hot rod car and was doing stupid stuff in my neighborhood, was pulled over, and they impounded my car. Then I learned from the bike shop she was seen walking the streets selling herself instead of getting a real job as I had asked. After learning all of this I told her she had to leave and never call me again. I gave her 3 days to get out. It took 5 days but she left. My experience with Western Women is they are not worth my time. Having worked with Filipinos and visiting the Philippines many years earlier I decided to go online about a year later and look for wife. I was almost 60 and had some medical issues and wanted a good wife that would be there for me when my health declined further. It took awhile but I found the one, visited her and her family a few times in the Philippines, and we have been married 2 years now. She makes me so happy and her teen daughter treats me much better than my grown daughter from marriage #1. I wish I would have done this 10 years earlier !!
Sane, normal, in the USA, lol!!!
Many years ago I saw that finding any female in the west was broken. Went through a 20 plus year DB marriage and like 99% of western men thought this was just normal. I went on a business trip to Eastern Europe and it changed me. I found that I was not the issue and got my self confidence back.
For the next few years I spent traveling for business to Eastern Europe staying anywhere from 2 weeks to a month at a time. I was just myself and my eyes opened up to the BS we have let happen in the west. I am 58 now and been with an amazing Ukrainian woman for almost 10 years now. She is fit, extremely beautiful, very feminine, cooks amazingly and she knows I am the man. I laugh because she says women in the west think they have balls in their pants LOL!
That was the day you understood female hypergemy. You were looking for love their looking for needs filled mostly material/financial. Guess what though champ it’s the world over.
(it’s better to be alone than to be with someone wishing you were alone,) alright.
But can a man travel to the Philippines if he refuses to be a victim of a medical experiment designed by depopulation zealots?
Man I can relate. I’m 52 and live in San Diego. Dating here is bleak! Every single woman comes with some sort of damage from her past. I go for women in their 30s and 40s and at that point, it’s too late already. I need to be somewhat close to my family as my parents are getting older so moving overseas isn’t an option for me at this point so I’ll just be remaining single. There’s nothing out there for me or any decent guy.
Same same and I found Thailand.
Nice photos of the model !
AI pics look good!
Why did you go to the Philippines, why not Mexico? Wouldn’t that be in your neighborhood to pick from? Are the women there hard to get too? Philippines so far from the states.
Excellent advice
100% agree Reekay. My experience was the same ( including a Red Pill moment) and am now married 17 years to a beautiful Filipina and having the best time of my life. Just use your head and stay out of the bar scene.
U are one of the smartest dudes on the Internet. Sorry u did not get to hit it n quit it with that Brazilian delight. If you are not able to go to the PH, would you suggest hanging out at a local Joliebe?
I like the desert and water analogy. And its very true . But i just aint got the guts to try somewhere else. Although i know that i should!
Right on Brother! You hit the mark. I have had the same dating experiences. I gave dating in the U.S. the full court press and came up with nada. Not looking anymore. Just turned 60 and planning to retire to PI.
Great video!
When you related about trying to straightened out that phone call and you thought she’s intelligent and she would understand, my immediate response was, “Fat chance.”
Usually you get a red pill as you walk out of family court.
Most red pills come in suppository form.
Thank you for the story lifebeyondthesea, I now know that I am not the exception even at my age there is hope. My trip to the Philippines is scheduled for 02/15/2024. Thanks.
My experience dating as a 54 yr old living in SoCal was overly aggressive women (And I don’t mean the bedroom), shallow, or the ones that seemed to be professional , preferred some tattooed up biker kind of guy. It was just bizarre. Ones that were kind of nice, I just could not imagining myself waking up next to in the morning. So many women trying to be the man.
So maybe she had prepared all kind of things for the Friday, and really looked forward to meeting you, and you ghosted her. Ok, how would you have reacted if you would have done the same. Im sure you would have been really pissed of and thought that would have gone out with some other guy. It looks like you did it to your self.
I invited my last over to my house, she eventually became jealous of my dog, and poisoned him. That’s it. I’m better off alone.
Big BIG Smile, Welcome to my nightmare from Charlotte, NC.
Now I’ve already given up on finding anything in this country. Like you, I’m sure they’re out there somewhere but I’m not playing the games anymore.
I’m very comfortable in my own skin and figured out a long time ago that being alone is only a state of mind. Not a burden.
Early next year I’m retiring and shortly after that, I’m going on a one year trek across Southeast Asia. Now I’m not looking for a wife but I have no doubt the company will be a lot more agreeable.
The problem I have with people complaining about American women is where do you meet them? There are plenty of good American women with great values. You won’t see them online, in clubs, or in bars. It’s the same way when people complain about Filipina women. I always ask where you met her. And it’s usually the same story.
Great story! I’m in Santa Barbara and did the same dating games. Yes its, play stupid games win stupid prizes. Went to the PI a few times and finally met a woman 5 years younger than I. Life became good again. Guys don’t give up searching just check out other countries. Most of all make sure you know yourself and take your time, listen and learn. Get to know the woman’s family and history.
As always, a good content, sorry for Your bad experiences back in the USA, but, we are here now (in The Philippines) and enjoying our lives much better than in our home countries.
You tell a great story Reekay, guess that is why your channel is so popular. Agree with what you say… didn’t hear what ‘red-pilled’ means, the same as ‘master of your domain’….lol.
Thanks for the confession bro. Sounds like like that was a missed opportunity. A similar thing happened to me and that’s when fate led me to your videos back in 2013. Haven’t looked back since.
Good video Reekay and thanks for sharing this video; what a strange thing about that lady just blanking you out like that then leaving you all those voicemails like a crazy women and she wouldn’t listen to you trying to explain, best thing you did by blocking her. This is the sad reality of dating in the West these days and I’m from the UK and I’m also 60 as well
I have seen and heard worse guys 30-35 not able to date girls 23-27
I think we dated the same crazy women in California. 🙂 I just dated the NorCal crazies.
well said sir, ive watched a few of your videos now and they are well done, i agree completely, the problem is american and canadian women have been lied to courtesy of these hateful and angry american media types that demonize all men, which is unfair, also the legal system is skewed towards females, in canada a woman can now cheat on her husband and still be entitled to half his shit, as soon as i found out about that i swore off western women forever, i will be leaving canada in the next few years, and i am talking to a wonderful filipina as we speak, she is beautiful and very kind…
Great line “Being alone and not wishing you were alone”.
Wow- all can seem good until a real test comes along. Thats why time and in-person experiences are so important. A telling reaction like that may not have been triggered w/o the good mistake you made that exposed her giant red flag. Just the fact that you called her back would have prompted a normal person to ask “what happened?” and hear your explanation before flying off the handle. For all she knew you were in an accident and in the hospital. But rather than giving the benefit of the doubt, being concerned for you she jumped to angry condemnation; totally self centered. Good thing this came out before you wasted any more time on her. But Having similar experiences of hidden issues later exposed w a date, I have also concluded – go where there is abundant good water and away from the dry polluted zones of US women. Tests are part of the vetting and reactions to the unexpected are key to knowing what they are really made of.
Wait till your Orange pilled. It will change your life.
Damn its a small world, I knew you were gonna have a rough time when you said SoCal, but Temecula/riverside county is brutal unless your into fat Spanish women with 3 kids in tow. I’m 37 from Hemet, and I’m about to bail too my dude.
My thing is not letting others determine what kind of day I`m going to have. Here in the Phils even if you don’t necessarily like/look for /expect much attention usually you will get it & be eye candy.
The crazy thing about these older women 40 to 50 plus is that they believe a man must qualify for them? These lovely ladies have a great deal of emotional, sexual, and mental health mileage. They may have multiple baby daddies or one or more abortions. I call it the salvage yard of dating.
After my divorce in 2017 I vowed never to get involved with another American woman. Since then I have discovered Filipino women and Thai women. I love Filipino women but I have found them to be disappointing. Now the Thai women are very satisfying and I have made my decision to move to Thailand after I retire.
Not good at it, but I think cooking with a mate is fun! It took me 4-5 hours, but I prepared a salad bar and invited the neighbors, and I really enjoyed it. My first turkey with stuffing and mashed potatoes turned out well. YouTube shows how to cook so many things! Stay well.
56 here. Very similar experience with me Reekay. Bought ticket and coming in May for a month to explore the country. If all goes well will move permanently the following January. Dating is absolutely worse than it was in 2008. Have all my hair, recently retired tax lawyer, in shape, and dating is awful. And I’m in OC California, not far from your home there. I agree with everything in this video. So happy for you that you found peace and happiness.
Nicely said at the end. I am divorced for 2 years, chatting to two beautiful Filipinas. I like them both. I am planning to come to the Philippines and stay for 2 months. I don’t have any idea how to sort them out and date them separately to find a perfect match. They both want to meet me at the airport, but so far, I don’t reveal the date of my arrival. How should I handle it?
Your story the same as millions others am sad to say in one respect. But then again you would of missed moving to Philippines which must have been a eureka moment of your life with their totally different views,values and culture . Last dates i had their conversation always sniffing out any and all assets of my whole family. Others will only stay for a while till they can level up in their eyes. Went out with a beautiful Thai lady and wow she just blew my mind with the attention and emotion so hence am into Asian ladies and want more of that treatment please.
Looks like you dodged a bullet with the Brazilian woman.
In 2 weeks, I fly to the Philippines for my 3rd trip to scout out if I want to move there when I retire. Money is NOT an issue with me. I have been to Davao, Cagayan de Oro, Cebu and Lapu lapu, Iloilo, Zamboanga, and Makati/Pasay/Manila. Its definitely a different lifestyle, but I am having fun learning about the PI. The people are great, very friendly, but the infrastructure is kind of a mess/dilapidated. Except the Malls. Next stop Tagaytay and BGC/Manila.. I also want to visit Palawan. Maybe one day I will check out Bohol and Dumaguete and have coffee with all the expats who have Youtube channels, like you, Gio, Old Dog,…
I’m here to look at the pictures…
Western dating has become a minefield of misery. Things become dismal when you reach 60.
Reekay, sorry to hear about that earlier horrible experience although it did bring you to a far better situation.
I have to agree with you, as an older American dating Western women is a bit like digging through mine tailings. Yeah you may find a small gem or nugget of gold, but more often then not it’s fool’s gold. It’s a toxic mess that simply isn’t worth the trouble.
It might take a generation for the pendulum to swing back towards sanity, but I don’t have the time or the patience to wait for that.
We thought you were always dark pill
I’ve had s few jokers with the cooking thing and the response was ” Do you know how to build a house ” ? I don’t think cooking and building a house compare.
100000000000% on the money reekey..I’m married to Phillipines ladyboy..best . relationship IV ever had
And I’m in Thailand now things up loose ends..then in two days I’m with my,, lady,,, in southern Leyte. ,,Sogod ,,
You do not need any pills…Red or not…Just take yourself first each time..Every time and please remember that the woman has to be worthy of you…Not the other way around. Do not be a “junkie”, but a man on a mission who knows what he is about and will not settle for women such as in the West, which are tattooed, pierced, foul-mouthed, have bad attitudes, changing their minds like chameleon lizard changes color, hypergamous to extreme, mental problems, on medications, and more I have not mentioned and go where they are not and you are in the right place. Keep your sanity and just vet and do not engage if they “seize up” as their no fixing them…Ever!
Asia and the world besides America and the West are all over the place and all you need is one. stable women who want you as you are and value you to the extreme! Besides overseas women of all ages and other factors are there for you to choose from as I am sure you have already seen. The world is yours…if you have the guts or the B**ls.
Wish you the best there and you might see me there in the future! Peace
“Love is the mistaken belief that one woman differs from another.” Henry Louis Mencken. The whole “passport bro” movement is good dudes throwing themselves into a chipper-shredder. DO NOT think for one minute that you will find “better” women abroad. They are just better liars. The grass is always greener. Stay safe. You earned your money. Keep it.
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I visited the Philippines several time during the Marcos era, via Submarines. Of course I was a Submarine sailor so my experience was different, but I loved the people, the food, and the culture.
Don’t fight it gents. I married the last woman in America fit to have 37 years ago, and she’s Mexican.
Another red pill reality that wasn’t mentioned is men must have money, muscles and game to get a woman. Shout out to Rollo Tomassi. In other words women want a man who can provide resources, is in good physical shape and has good social skills, especially when it comes to interacting with women. A broke, fat, socially inept man cannot expect to get a younger, hot woman. But these are all things that a man can work on and improve if he puts in the effort. Or go to a poor country like the Philippines with a little money and you won’t need the same amount of money, good physical condition or social skills that you would normally need to get women in the west. It’s not all the fault of women when a guy can’t get laid.
Standing a lady up seems to be a good way to sort out the mad ones
I guess the moral of the story is, visit a Philippine business? It’s better to be alone…
Nope even church girls are done. I tried that as a last resort. They are just as delusional as the secular women, many use religion to disguise their devious behavior. One acted interested in me the immediately ghosted me. The same person who said and I quote “Jesus loves you Brian”. You can’t make this shit up.
You messed up, but you dodged a bullet.
Here in New Mexico it’s worse
The day you end up on the streets
I am in my 50s and I have noticed the thing about modern women not being able to cook as well. I know far more men, often the husbands of these women, who are actually good cooks. Not just flipping hamburgers on the grill either. It is such a loss for our culture to no longer have women who know how to make a home beyond filling it with designer furniture.
More AI images of the perfect pinay.
NEVER call to “verify” a date.
Set it and be there. Period.
Through mid-life, I learned to let it go when it’s over. When the on/off light switch effect happens and they argue or yell for what seems to be no reason or maybe it is, then time to move on.
Lmao what a story, incredible. that wrong phone call was blessing in disguise. thanks for video
First mistake was living in CA. Second mistake was trying to date American women. Third mistake was dialing when driving. Fourth mistake was trying to explain. To borrow a saying from another channel, dating American women is basically searching for a needle in a needle stack.
Germans dont want to paint houses and fix appliances, people from east EU come and do these jobs
Americans dont want to clean houses so Mexicans come and do these jobs
Women dont want to marry so you have to go abroad where the balance is still not broken to get married.
this is global world, its how things work now
Great video Henry!
You screwed the pooch with that girl. Called the wrong number. Thought it was off with hot chick. Turned off your phone. The only good thing was that you got to eat all of your pizza. Moral of the story – “You can’t live with them and you can’t live without them.” Good story though.
So that’s the day you understand that women are not magical unicorns or weak flower maidens.
Interesting experience and as a 50+ yr old guy in Australia I can attest to dating and women being the same here. Worse in some states than others. But trying to find a good one is like trying to find a sharp needle in a stack of blunt ones. If you keep dating them over the years it’s just a very poor ROI. So giving up on western women in your home country at some point is the better strategy because that then allows for time and money to be utilised in other pursuits including travelling overseas for experiences and meeting new people that are not as westernised.
Any women over 32 in the West, has a major red flag if she is single unless her husband / bf died just don’t bother taking her serious.
You are just picking up left overs and being mr clean up / rescue. Live cheap and travel overseas! game changer. Don’t trap urself in West by avoiding car payments, mortgages.
It would be a great series to interview men who gave up. I gave up when my ex chewed me out for not thanking her for helping me plan a vacation I took with my kids. I reminded her that I had bought her a new I phone but she said that wasn’t enough.
You can do needle in haystack or go to needle factory
Dating in USA is such a racket. The insanity is too much…
After my divorce in 94′, I made a pact with myself to date a woman for two years before considering marriage. Not one woman I dated since made the cut.
I am turning 50 this year and I have been single since I was 45. From my experience the dating scene changed drastically around 2015. Women who are below average to average looking started to demand top-level men and refused to date the average Andy’s of the world. I have a great job and I am still reasonably attractive, but I just can’t meet any women where I live who want a relationship and it’s not due to my lack of trying because I have done it all. Yes Rekey, I am the salsa dance king!! It is so frustrating and lonely when you need female companionship, but you just can’t get it no matter what you do. I live in Tucson, AZ which is a medium to larger city if you count all the suburbs. The women here who are my age never want to meet they only want to be e-mail or text buddies and then they will complain they can’t meet any men. On the rare occasion I do get a date it’s with a woman who I am not attracted to, or they flat out are just not interested in me, and it ends up being a waste of time. After I take them to a bunch of nice places of course. Or on the other spectrum I will meet a woman in their early 20s and they will hang out with me but ultimately, they are just looking for me to pay all their bills and don’t want a real relationship either. I am so ready to move to the Philippines’, but I am apprehensive about it at the same time. Hopefully I meet a great Filipina woman and find a life partner. But then what? How do you feel complete. You can only watch movies, go to the beach, read books, or insert other recreational activities before you need to do something productive to do. Anyone have any suggestions?
Great story…..It was too hard in the West, I’m with you go east!
Words of encouragment Henry! Be safe and have a blessed day!
A triggered borderline.
You videos are like a glass of top tier wine. Perfectly balanced and smooth to the taste.
Well spoken, i was sure she hung up on you by mistake but you had called the wrond girl!!! Worked out for the best to say the least. Im packing for Moamowan island, north of Bohol… god bless you brother.
Back in 1986-1987, I brought a girl here to the USA from Pangasinan with the intention of marrying her. The relationship went south quickly and we broke off our engagement because I felt she was using me to get a green card and dump me. I served an LDS mission in Northern Luzon from 1982 to 1984. Even now, I have learned more about Filipino culture and its drawbacks and differences. I ended up marrying a lady from the Mexico City area of Mexico. We were married for almost 21 years until she succumbed to breast cancer and passed away. I again considered the expat dream of finding someone there in the Philippines. In the meantime, I dated about 30 different women from everywhere from here at home in America, Brazil, the Philippines, Somoa, Peru, Mexico, and Korea. In the widow/widower community, I ended up marrying an American widow who lost her husband in October 2016. I still stay close to the Mexican and Philippine communities, but I didn’t see any of them as wife material. My marriage now is not perfect, but she was the best person for my needs in the widow/widower community. I still enjoy following other expats who still trying to pursue the Philippine’s dream woman. It seems that about 70% of them fail to keep a long-term relationship. I do wish you all good luck though.
Retired U.S. Army. Living in Manila the past 14 years.
Men need to stop acting like obsessed simps that are totally desperate.
Marriage is senseless…. a waste of time and money. Women only want your cash and once she gets a kid you are totally done… She doesn’t want or need you any more. Her relatives and friends will backstab until she (or you) leave.
Dinner Date = $75
Engagement Ring = $3000
Wedding Ring = $3500
Divorce and Child Support = $500,000
Staying Single = Priceless
Always great info and advice.
whoa the church is where the worst women are hahahaha
wrong no woman that i have found in the usa is what i call normal
I’m agnostic that means religious women won’t want me, i understand people need religion but i went to school with kids that were brought up in orphanages and they were treated really badly – i don’t have to spell what happened to them. So religion has no part in my life. i don’t speak badly about religion, everyone to their own So perhaps in the Philippines i should say nothing about said issue?
That was said so well thank you that really helped me make a decision on the Philippines. I’m super glad you put out great videos with truthful information and mixed in are some of your real life experiences it’s just very well done and perfect for me in my situation thank you.
Solid good sense.
Dating has become extinct.
I’ve built two homes in the islands. Both women now bed with other dudes.
Never again.
You really have a knack for making your case, Henry! And I certainly understand where you’re coming from!
The ironic thing is most of this women think they’re 9 when in reality they’re less than 1 in scale. In fact they’re extremely delusional loaded with all sort of damaged emotions
Great advice as usual!
Oh thats common Roleplay organized by the Stalkers Psychotronic Harassement Departement here in Pattaya
Feminism has screwed up so many women. Very sad
Been in the same situation. Every woman I met had a bad past, all kinds of issues, debt, hadn’t accomplished anything, and so on. I got ‘red pilled’. I was done and was just going to focus on my own future and be single, then bumped into my future wife at work. We went out, and I was *looking* for something wrong – anything to say ‘nope’. Finally after some time I looked at her and said “you’re normal’, and she looked at me funny and said ‘yes, what do you mean’. Told her about my past experiences. Been great ever since, that day was almost 24 years ago now. Been feeling lucky ever since.
I am over 60, the cut off age for men for most of the young and single ladies in the Philippines is 45, but I found a never married 31 year old to marry. It took several tries, got fooled and fleeced by three young Filipinas. Fourth try/trip successful. Men, if you are 40, 45, I urge you to not let your precious opportunity slip away, get on over to the Philippines, promptly.
they’re lazy women, sad to say it but they are
57 done with dating seriously. My last relation ship was almost a decade ago. I was in a six year relation ship with an American girl, Hispanic. Beautiful girl, a year older than me, self sufficient, smart, her kids were grown and out of the house. She was better than most women I had dated, but I began to slowly realize that even with all these things she often acted like a spoiled teenage, yet she want to get married, at the same time she did not want to work until she could retire. She got mad at me for working out, she got mad at me for taking care of my home and not taking her everywhere. She would put me down and critique my friends. I would have to stop and have a talk to her, basically remind her that I treated her very good and she was welcome to go find some else if she want better, and she would actually come to her senses and tell me I was right. While this prolonged the relationship it also killed any desire on my part to get married and deepen the relationship. One day she called me and broke up, after I minute or two I said ok and hung up. I had never felt so relieved and free in my life, it was like a ton had been taken off my back and soul. A month later she texted me and asked me how I was doing, I never responded. Now if I see even a hint of a warning flag I’m gone, I have no desire to deal with any garbage, hence why I am done dating seriously.
Another side note, I was on line at a store a few years ago. I like to carry cash on me for some things. A women on line saw the cash when I was paying for my stuff and said do you want a girlfriend, her daughter was available, the daughter must have been in her 30s. I was so shocked and taken aback. I said no thanks, and got away from her as quick as I could. I was so disgusted, but this is America. But then again unfortunately, I think you can find this all over the world, among all types and classes of people.
How odd he didn’t just text the mulatta to explain.
u went to the duck pondand just what were u doing at the duck pond.we all know what goes on there.
You did the right thing. Western woment are doomed by the Feminists. They are like a time bomb, you will end up loosing your house, cars, savings, kids, and possible end up in jail on a false accusation. I gave up the same 4 years ago., I got my passport and I’m moving to the PH next year.
I’m 35 and I’ve completely given up on American women. I’m in shape, over six feet tall, healthy, make 6 figures, and have zero debt. I am bald, though, and apparently that just makes me disgusting to humanity. I haven’t so much as been on a date in 7 years. There’s no point. I am completely invisible. I am sending my application for my passport in tomorrow. Hopefully it’s not bullshit overseas.
AMEN brother! ! !
“Go where you’re treated best.” Andrew Henderson ~ Nomad Capitalist.
You know this is true, but the thing is, things are so fubar now globally, if the next guy steals your wife or gets the dates, they are truly doing you a favour. We have all the same experience, but nowadays there are better options. Being single is the new married.
Just do it! At age 50 i met my Indonesian wife online, we talked for a couple months then i flew to Indonesia stayed a couple weeks and 15 years later we are still happily togeter. She is 9 years younger college educated and performs the role of my wife in every way. Take the fitst step just do it. Best decision i ever made.
she would not yell at you if she had decided to dump you – she hadn’t
she would not yell at you unless she wanted your attention – she wanted your attention
she was really begging for a long, slow, fuck
You hit the nail on the head! Good on you!
Dang Reekay you were a really handsome dude.
Well said sir!
On your second, maybe third marriage? Not red-pilled, just a passport bro. Nothing wrong with that, though.
I did the same as you, i gave up relationship goal, but i went out with many girls without any future plans.
I am meeting a Filipina in June 2024 for something more serious…
I had similar experiences dating as a 30y/o man in the USA. I stopped dating back in 2017. At the time, I was around 27, and was dating women between 19 and my age. I met some very attractive and sweet young women, however, almost all of them had some sort of giant red flags, either wanting to argue and debate about radical social or political issues, or rampantly promiscuous. Not to mention, as you say, IF they knew how to cook or clean, it was the furthest thing from their minds. It became increasingly obvious there was no foundation for lasting relationships with such women.
Even back then, I was aware of men going overseas and having much better success, including one of my older relatives who has been married to a Filipina for 20 years now, and a friend married to a Japanese woman. In fact they are the only men I know in successful happy relationships haha! Every man I know in relationships or marriage with a Western women are almost unanimously miserable.
Long/short, I’ve got a ticket to the Philippines for next January. Goodbye, American women. Stay away from me!
I gave up dating when I was in college back in 2016. I’m currently speaking with my buddy’s wife’s cousin who’s in PI. I just renewed my passport and plan to visit her in may 2024. If things go well I might consider moving there. The good part is that I spent most of my Navy career overseas so if I have to move to be with her I’ll do it. This is why I haven’t purchased a home yet bc I don’t want to have anything anchoring me down in the states if and when I decide to move.
Youve gotta go for young asian girls they leave western girls woman for dead and are the best. Im 70 yesrs old australian in austealia and ive got a a beautifull little white skined chinese girlfriend who is 26 years old mi met her in australia and shes very loveing a good cook and really good in bed with giveing me really good sex and she loves it and she will do any thing.And those dateing sites are a scam and a rip off mate
Well said. I’ve experienced the exact same thing. Women in America are so far gone from traditional roles and values that they can’t even be happy with themselves let alone with a partner. This is what extreme women’s lib has done to American women. I’ve dated a bunch of them.
WOW, what a video.
It was slow, & smooth, with evolving pictures of ladies of gray, fading into ladies of the age, -25+ year, of the prospect man.
A dream come true.
If pictures were the whole story, then Thailand would be heaven, & the Philippines would be at the gate.
This is a story told so many times over the last 30 years.
I almost poo-poo the video as a dull repeat, but remember my Philippine experiences.
Young poor ladies. A kind culture, but a strict government.
The Philippines is likely a better bargain for some, then
Latin America. I vote Thailand as the best balance, and most liberal culture.
I am hooked into Mexico because of personal factors.
In conclusion, keep the age gap under 20yrs, stay in the Philippines, be humble, be kind, look @ mom, for a future appearance, and 50% of these relationships fail.
Scams are everywhere.
Western women are broken. I have nothing to do with them anymore. I’ve dated my fair share and they are all broken. I stopped trying to date years ago.
Man does this video hit home.
I’m 57 I gave up at 50 “I will never date another American woman ever again” I told myself that at 50 years old. Just need to finish my career and get my pension. 490 days till I can put in the paperwork for retirement.
Southern California is the worst. I’m in San Diego.
reality check mate, women are only interested in money at our age, they look for freebee’s free money and lots of both, even if they want a kid it’s just another way of sucking you dry,
ive said this so many times before, american women are ruined. all this technology and propaganda have left them without anything to remind them what the value of a man is. American women will only ever recognize this too late, if ever at all.
Its simply amazing Henry that your dating dilemmas and mine run very similar paths except i was already in my early 50s and in Australia..Luckily my best mates darling filipina GF HIGHLY RECOMMENDED to me to take a break and go to Cebu for a few weeks..Well i did that and almost a decade later i found my true love and joy and we are looking to buy or build a place of our own..I’d hate to think that if i didn’t make the move and still in Australia I’d still be stuck in that deep hole..God bless the Philippines.
I have been invisable to women,,even bad ones,,for 25 years !
“You do what is Sane – what makes sense” – I like that as it points out the insanity. Loving the Filipina Bikini Pics !!! My 2nd wife divorced me in 2007 just as we entered the financial crisis and second U.S. depression. Work was hard to find in my profession during those years and I downsized, moved a lot for work, & took to the Biker lifestyle. When I dated after that I would stay no more than 4 weeks with a woman. I did not want them getting attached and learning anything about me or my assets as I had been burned twice by women and the legal system at that point. Years later I let a woman stay with me about 1 year and not by choice but her roommate kicked her out and we were already sexually active. It was good at first but later she was fired from her job and when I had to take care of business out of state I tole her I would be gone awhile but could pay the bills online. I left a week of food in the fridge and told her to get a job and buy food while I was away. She started calling 10 times a day and I told her to call in the AM and PM only so I could finish my work. I returned unannounced 5 weeks later to find my house a total disaster, pool had turned green, and she was in bed at 3:00 in the afternoon. I later learned her and her friend hot-wired my hot rod car and was doing stupid stuff in my neighborhood, was pulled over, and they impounded my car. Then I learned from the bike shop she was seen walking the streets selling herself instead of getting a real job as I had asked. After learning all of this I told her she had to leave and never call me again. I gave her 3 days to get out. It took 5 days but she left. My experience with Western Women is they are not worth my time. Having worked with Filipinos and visiting the Philippines many years earlier I decided to go online about a year later and look for wife. I was almost 60 and had some medical issues and wanted a good wife that would be there for me when my health declined further. It took awhile but I found the one, visited her and her family a few times in the Philippines, and we have been married 2 years now. She makes me so happy and her teen daughter treats me much better than my grown daughter from marriage #1. I wish I would have done this 10 years earlier !!
Sane, normal, in the USA, lol!!!
Many years ago I saw that finding any female in the west was broken. Went through a 20 plus year DB marriage and like 99% of western men thought this was just normal. I went on a business trip to Eastern Europe and it changed me. I found that I was not the issue and got my self confidence back.
For the next few years I spent traveling for business to Eastern Europe staying anywhere from 2 weeks to a month at a time. I was just myself and my eyes opened up to the BS we have let happen in the west. I am 58 now and been with an amazing Ukrainian woman for almost 10 years now. She is fit, extremely beautiful, very feminine, cooks amazingly and she knows I am the man. I laugh because she says women in the west think they have balls in their pants LOL!
That was the day you understood female hypergemy. You were looking for love their looking for needs filled mostly material/financial. Guess what though champ it’s the world over.
(it’s better to be alone than to be with someone wishing you were alone,) alright.
But can a man travel to the Philippines if he refuses to be a victim of a medical experiment designed by depopulation zealots?
Man I can relate. I’m 52 and live in San Diego. Dating here is bleak! Every single woman comes with some sort of damage from her past. I go for women in their 30s and 40s and at that point, it’s too late already. I need to be somewhat close to my family as my parents are getting older so moving overseas isn’t an option for me at this point so I’ll just be remaining single. There’s nothing out there for me or any decent guy.
Same same and I found Thailand.
Nice photos of the model !
AI pics look good!
Why did you go to the Philippines, why not Mexico? Wouldn’t that be in your neighborhood to pick from? Are the women there hard to get too? Philippines so far from the states.
Excellent advice
100% agree Reekay. My experience was the same ( including a Red Pill moment) and am now married 17 years to a beautiful Filipina and having the best time of my life. Just use your head and stay out of the bar scene.
U are one of the smartest dudes on the Internet. Sorry u did not get to hit it n quit it with that Brazilian delight. If you are not able to go to the PH, would you suggest hanging out at a local Joliebe?
I like the desert and water analogy. And its very true . But i just aint got the guts to try somewhere else. Although i know that i should!
Right on Brother! You hit the mark. I have had the same dating experiences. I gave dating in the U.S. the full court press and came up with nada. Not looking anymore. Just turned 60 and planning to retire to PI.
Great video!
When you related about trying to straightened out that phone call and you thought she’s intelligent and she would understand, my immediate response was, “Fat chance.”
Usually you get a red pill as you walk out of family court.
Most red pills come in suppository form.
Thank you for the story lifebeyondthesea, I now know that I am not the exception even at my age there is hope. My trip to the Philippines is scheduled for 02/15/2024. Thanks.
My experience dating as a 54 yr old living in SoCal was overly aggressive women (And I don’t mean the bedroom), shallow, or the ones that seemed to be professional , preferred some tattooed up biker kind of guy. It was just bizarre. Ones that were kind of nice, I just could not imagining myself waking up next to in the morning. So many women trying to be the man.
So maybe she had prepared all kind of things for the Friday, and really looked forward to meeting you, and you ghosted her. Ok, how would you have reacted if you would have done the same. Im sure you would have been really pissed of and thought that would have gone out with some other guy. It looks like you did it to your self.
I invited my last over to my house, she eventually became jealous of my dog, and poisoned him. That’s it. I’m better off alone.
Big BIG Smile, Welcome to my nightmare from Charlotte, NC.
Now I’ve already given up on finding anything in this country. Like you, I’m sure they’re out there somewhere but I’m not playing the games anymore.
I’m very comfortable in my own skin and figured out a long time ago that being alone is only a state of mind. Not a burden.
Early next year I’m retiring and shortly after that, I’m going on a one year trek across Southeast Asia. Now I’m not looking for a wife but I have no doubt the company will be a lot more agreeable.
The problem I have with people complaining about American women is where do you meet them? There are plenty of good American women with great values. You won’t see them online, in clubs, or in bars. It’s the same way when people complain about Filipina women. I always ask where you met her. And it’s usually the same story.
Great story! I’m in Santa Barbara and did the same dating games. Yes its, play stupid games win stupid prizes. Went to the PI a few times and finally met a woman 5 years younger than I. Life became good again. Guys don’t give up searching just check out other countries. Most of all make sure you know yourself and take your time, listen and learn. Get to know the woman’s family and history.
As always, a good content, sorry for Your bad experiences back in the USA, but, we are here now (in The Philippines) and enjoying our lives much better than in our home countries.
You tell a great story Reekay, guess that is why your channel is so popular. Agree with what you say… didn’t hear what ‘red-pilled’ means, the same as ‘master of your domain’….lol.
Thanks for the confession bro. Sounds like like that was a missed opportunity. A similar thing happened to me and that’s when fate led me to your videos back in 2013. Haven’t looked back since.
Good video Reekay and thanks for sharing this video; what a strange thing about that lady just blanking you out like that then leaving you all those voicemails like a crazy women and she wouldn’t listen to you trying to explain, best thing you did by blocking her. This is the sad reality of dating in the West these days and I’m from the UK and I’m also 60 as well
I have seen and heard worse guys 30-35 not able to date girls 23-27
I think we dated the same crazy women in California. 🙂 I just dated the NorCal crazies.
well said sir, ive watched a few of your videos now and they are well done, i agree completely, the problem is american and canadian women have been lied to courtesy of these hateful and angry american media types that demonize all men, which is unfair, also the legal system is skewed towards females, in canada a woman can now cheat on her husband and still be entitled to half his shit, as soon as i found out about that i swore off western women forever, i will be leaving canada in the next few years, and i am talking to a wonderful filipina as we speak, she is beautiful and very kind…
Great line “Being alone and not wishing you were alone”.
Wow- all can seem good until a real test comes along. Thats why time and in-person experiences are so important. A telling reaction like that may not have been triggered w/o the good mistake you made that exposed her giant red flag. Just the fact that you called her back would have prompted a normal person to ask “what happened?” and hear your explanation before flying off the handle. For all she knew you were in an accident and in the hospital. But rather than giving the benefit of the doubt, being concerned for you she jumped to angry condemnation; totally self centered. Good thing this came out before you wasted any more time on her. But Having similar experiences of hidden issues later exposed w a date, I have also concluded – go where there is abundant good water and away from the dry polluted zones of US women. Tests are part of the vetting and reactions to the unexpected are key to knowing what they are really made of.
Wait till your Orange pilled. It will change your life.
Damn its a small world, I knew you were gonna have a rough time when you said SoCal, but Temecula/riverside county is brutal unless your into fat Spanish women with 3 kids in tow. I’m 37 from Hemet, and I’m about to bail too my dude.
My thing is not letting others determine what kind of day I`m going to have. Here in the Phils even if you don’t necessarily like/look for /expect much attention usually you will get it & be eye candy.
The crazy thing about these older women 40 to 50 plus is that they believe a man must qualify for them? These lovely ladies have a great deal of emotional, sexual, and mental health mileage. They may have multiple baby daddies or one or more abortions. I call it the salvage yard of dating.
After my divorce in 2017 I vowed never to get involved with another American woman. Since then I have discovered Filipino women and Thai women. I love Filipino women but I have found them to be disappointing. Now the Thai women are very satisfying and I have made my decision to move to Thailand after I retire.
Not good at it, but I think cooking with a mate is fun! It took me 4-5 hours, but I prepared a salad bar and invited the neighbors, and I really enjoyed it. My first turkey with stuffing and mashed potatoes turned out well. YouTube shows how to cook so many things! Stay well.
56 here. Very similar experience with me Reekay. Bought ticket and coming in May for a month to explore the country. If all goes well will move permanently the following January. Dating is absolutely worse than it was in 2008. Have all my hair, recently retired tax lawyer, in shape, and dating is awful. And I’m in OC California, not far from your home there. I agree with everything in this video. So happy for you that you found peace and happiness.
Nicely said at the end. I am divorced for 2 years, chatting to two beautiful Filipinas. I like them both. I am planning to come to the Philippines and stay for 2 months. I don’t have any idea how to sort them out and date them separately to find a perfect match. They both want to meet me at the airport, but so far, I don’t reveal the date of my arrival. How should I handle it?
Your story the same as millions others am sad to say in one respect. But then again you would of missed moving to Philippines which must have been a eureka moment of your life with their totally different views,values and culture . Last dates i had their conversation always sniffing out any and all assets of my whole family. Others will only stay for a while till they can level up in their eyes. Went out with a beautiful Thai lady and wow she just blew my mind with the attention and emotion so hence am into Asian ladies and want more of that treatment please.
Looks like you dodged a bullet with the Brazilian woman.
In 2 weeks, I fly to the Philippines for my 3rd trip to scout out if I want to move there when I retire. Money is NOT an issue with me. I have been to Davao, Cagayan de Oro, Cebu and Lapu lapu, Iloilo, Zamboanga, and Makati/Pasay/Manila. Its definitely a different lifestyle, but I am having fun learning about the PI. The people are great, very friendly, but the infrastructure is kind of a mess/dilapidated. Except the Malls. Next stop Tagaytay and BGC/Manila.. I also want to visit Palawan. Maybe one day I will check out Bohol and Dumaguete and have coffee with all the expats who have Youtube channels, like you, Gio, Old Dog,…
I’m here to look at the pictures…
Western dating has become a minefield of misery. Things become dismal when you reach 60.
Reekay, sorry to hear about that earlier horrible experience although it did bring you to a far better situation.
I have to agree with you, as an older American dating Western women is a bit like digging through mine tailings. Yeah you may find a small gem or nugget of gold, but more often then not it’s fool’s gold. It’s a toxic mess that simply isn’t worth the trouble.
It might take a generation for the pendulum to swing back towards sanity, but I don’t have the time or the patience to wait for that.
We thought you were always dark pill
I’ve had s few jokers with the cooking thing and the response was ” Do you know how to build a house ” ? I don’t think cooking and building a house compare.
100000000000% on the money reekey..I’m married to Phillipines ladyboy..best . relationship IV ever had
And I’m in Thailand now things up loose ends..then in two days I’m with my,, lady,,, in southern Leyte. ,,Sogod ,,
You do not need any pills…Red or not…Just take yourself first each time..Every time and please remember that the woman has to be worthy of you…Not the other way around. Do not be a “junkie”, but a man on a mission who knows what he is about and will not settle for women such as in the West, which are tattooed, pierced, foul-mouthed, have bad attitudes, changing their minds like chameleon lizard changes color, hypergamous to extreme, mental problems, on medications, and more I have not mentioned and go where they are not and you are in the right place. Keep your sanity and just vet and do not engage if they “seize up” as their no fixing them…Ever!
Asia and the world besides America and the West are all over the place and all you need is one. stable women who want you as you are and value you to the extreme! Besides overseas women of all ages and other factors are there for you to choose from as I am sure you have already seen. The world is yours…if you have the guts or the B**ls.
Wish you the best there and you might see me there in the future! Peace
“Love is the mistaken belief that one woman differs from another.” Henry Louis Mencken. The whole “passport bro” movement is good dudes throwing themselves into a chipper-shredder. DO NOT think for one minute that you will find “better” women abroad. They are just better liars. The grass is always greener. Stay safe. You earned your money. Keep it.
LBTSea Bikini Girl Coffee Mugs here..
See this week’s most interesting comments/questions here..
— Get a Quote on Expat Health Insurance.. https://bit.ly/expat-insurance-LBTSea
— How I send Money to the Philippines.. https://remit.ly/1amhoix
— Loctote Flak Sack Ⅱ – Anti Theft Backpack.. https://amzn.to/3tXuBDk
— The Only Filipina Dating Site I recommend.. https://bit.ly/christian-filipina-dating
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