Why Do Men Age Like Wine and Women Like Milk?

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Author: Reekay V.

Since 2012 I’ve been traveling through various islands of the Philippines as a full-time Expat and spent 1999 living in Vietnam.

Share with me my ongoing adventures of life in the Philippines. Hopefully you find my observations helpful in your own adventures.
— Reekay


  1. — The Only Filipina Dating Site I recommend.. https://bit.ly/christian-filipina-dating
    — For Expat Health Insurance in the Philippines, please contact Michael Onstad at;
    https://www.facebook.com/monstad1 or email at; [email protected]
    — How I send Money to the Philippines.. https://remit.ly/1amhoix
    — Loctote Flak Sack Ⅱ – Anti Theft Backpack.. https://amzn.to/3tXuBDk
    — Get a Quote on Expat Health Insurance.. https://bit.ly/expat-insurance-LBTSea

    — My “Heaven & Earth” Podcast Channel (theology).. https://www.youtube.com/@heavenandearth-reekay/videos
    — My Book Summary Channel.. https://www.youtube.com/@ricksbooknotes/videos

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  2. What I noticed With a Koreana is that after first baby kept the the pregnancy weight until nagged by sisters. Taken botox and fillers to cover up perceived imperfections, quit tanning after skin damage, and quit smoking when began thinking about health. Approaching fifty so views daughters vicariously.

  3. Men are attracted to young pu$$y, it is up to the w-m-n to prove she have more to offer. There are over 4 billion w-m-n on earth and only 6% living in the U.S. and all 4 billion have the same standard equipment. W-m-n in Thailand and the Phillipines want the man to lead and pay for most things, but it is small money for most American men and the w-m-n will cook and help with things. Even though in those countries it is cheap to have a cook and a maid and a garden tool come over couple times a week. American w-m-n have been told they have this great value because they are educated and have a good job, but if she is an entitled B who wants her?

  4. Surely this vid will ruffle some feathers, but your thesis has been studied and proven demonstrably true for many decades. Funny how the protests come mostly loudly from older women when all of us men remember how society had zero use or empathy for us when we held the short end of the stick.

  5. While true that men peak later in life, money, wealth isn’t everything. Your health and looks matter too to some degree and add even more value to you as an older man. Confidence, is a cologne that attracts women. It isn’t just money.

  6. I don’t know about men in general would age like wine. I would say many men won’t make it as having enough earning potential or getting their act together when they get old.

  7. I think it’s better phrased that a woman’s value is based on fertility and our standards if beauty are based on visual cues that indicate fertility.

  8. i disagree that men’s status increases as they age. Rather it peaks later, in line broadly with their earnings power (ie, career, social status, ability to be ‘needed’ and ‘provide’ to people around them). Men in their 70’s are well past their prime, same as women. Nothing wrong with that, just be self-aware and enjoy the ride as you go.

  9. Women are born at the top of the mountain. Men are born in the valleys around it. A man is judged on how high he climbs. A woman is judged on how far she falls. Men have much to gain. Women have much to lose. Masculinity is built, femininity is preserved!

  10. Well, i would say it depends on where you live and your lifestyle. I have seen quite a lot of men who age like milk and women who looks 20 years younger in Thailand or Vietnam.

  11. I wonder if the stats are still about the same today as they were with a generation or two ago. With social media, gaming, living longer at home, Meme and such.

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