Author: Reekay V.
Since 2012 I’ve been traveling through various islands of the Philippines as a full-time Expat and spent 1999 living in Vietnam.
Share with me my ongoing adventures of life in the Philippines. Hopefully you find my observations helpful in your own adventures.
— Reekay
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I have not found a woman worth dealing with in 30 years.
Nobody ever went bankrupt telling people exactly what they want to hear. Whether it is that the man should be the dominant partner in a relationship and the woman should be subservient, or that you can be healthier if you eat fewer vegetables and more bacon. The truth is much more complicated but there are plenty of suckers out there.
I appreciate you making a video that you knew would be de-monetized. I read the Rational Male years ago, and I watch Rollo’s youtube content, and he’s as straight a shooter as there is. Unfortunately, I didn’t find Rollo early enough in life, I found him in my late 30s, when I already was who I am. While he definitely helped me understand a lot of what happened in my life with regards to women, I found him too late in my life to change the outcome with regards to western women. The Rational Male needs to be in the hands of every single early teenage man, they need to find it when it is still much easier for them to turn things around.
Men build civilization, women test civilization. A civilization is only strong when it tells women “no”, and deep down inside, that’s what women want. Looking back on my life, it was so obvious, there were little clues even when I was very young. Solipsism is the reason why she thinks Tampo is effective, it’s her projecting her own insecurities onto her man. It’s the reason why, no matter how attractive a women is, the one sure-fire way to drive her crazy is to ignore her. I only wish I’d know these things when I was a teenager.
Given what I see here in the US regarding men’s behavior, I doubt that many are familiar with RT or The Rational Male. I think many men would throw a temper tantrum if you tried to show them.
Such excellent advice. So true regarding who is in charge. Guys are designed to make the hard decisions and to lead the family all while accepting the consequences, and women only respect guys who do that. I had a male employee who made less than his wife, was carefree while she was driven, never went to college, and was confronted by his wife who said she didn’t want to be the one carrying the family, financially. She beat him up emotionally for not making much money, even though he had a good (entry level) job with nice benefits. She probably made twice what he brought in because she went to school and was a professional. It was obvious he let her make all the difficult decisions and he rode her coattails. Bad decisions on his end, and poor mix of personalities. I’d feel for him, but he made his own decisions.
Rolo Tomassi is a real person? I thought it was just a line from a great movie L.A. Confidential.
Like Matrix Blue pill and red
Great topic! Ordered the book. Thanks!
Alpha F****, Beta Bucks. I first came across RT’s videos during the lockdown and listened to them religiously for a while.
Although I don’t listen as much anymore and have come to question some of his assertions, I am still in favor of the overall message he is conveying. His work definitely opened my eyes to the behaviors of simps, and I have definitely noticed that behavior a lot on YT recently.
Although you, Reekay, had never mentioned the RP by name, I had a feeling that a lot of what you had been telling us, especially about those foreign men who have gotten scammed in the PH, sounded very similar to the RP.
What has been misunderstood by the Western world at large is the RP is not designed to keep w*men down. It is designed to foster healthy relationships. Yes, those with extreme behavior have put the RP in a negative light. But the channels I follow almost always praise kind women and definitely shun mistreating women to a T.
I know for certain that when I find myself in SE Asia I will have the RP swimming in my mind.
If you truly want to speak truth … you cannot avoid the reality of “28 days”