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[Video] – Simple Pleasures.. the Siesta

I’ll be the first to say that life in the Philippines is not for everybody.  Some people thrive the most when they are in a hurried, dog-eat-dog environment filled with traffic, constant phone calls, doing lunch and beating the clock each day.  Me.. I prefer to cut to the chase and get to the rest and relaxation part of life. 

Depending on where you live, having an afternoon or even a few days to just do whatever you want with your time can often require working towards that 1 week of vacation time you schedule with your employer after a year of labor.  Here in the Philippines, if you can manage about $800 to $1,100 a month you can pretty much spend the entire month goofing off.. every month.

Now, there are some pros and cons to this way of life here on the islands.  Yah, the beaches are awesome.. the people are truly friendly.. the exchange rate is fantastic on your money and lots of great food.  But not everybody is mentally prepared to move across the sea and be so far from their family and homeland.  It’s a big consideration and one not to be taken lightly.  Keeping in touch has never been cheaper or easier though thanks to the Net, so that’s a plus.

Also, a life overseas is not a matter of living your American, Canadian or Australian life here.  If that’s what you want then just stay home.  Life in the Philippines is a Filipino experience.  Sure, you might find some nice restaurants here and there that cater to your home country favorites.  There’s even an Irish Pub here on Mactan and other places.  You might bump into an ex-pat from your homeland now and then.  But your best bet for adapting to life here is to just empty yourself and learn to live like a Filipino.. you’ll be much happier that way!

In keeping with that, one of my favorites is the afternoon ‘siesta’.  A mid-day break when the heat of the day is at it’s peak.  Whether that’s a short nap with the air-con or leaning into the nearest hammock for a light snooze or some reading.. siesta followed by an invigorating shower is a great way to get that “second wind” for the remainder of the day.  I’m fortunate to have a hammock hanging from the mango trees just outside my front porch.  I was a bit bashful about using it at first but now it’s my first thought when my mind is just too distracted with the humidity to think clearly.

Here’s a quick vid I shot the other afternoon to give you a small glimpse of what life here can be like.  Enjoy!

Henry V.

Author: Reekay V.

Since 2012 I’ve been traveling through various islands of the Philippines as a full-time Expat and spent 1999 living in Vietnam.

Share with me my ongoing adventures of life in the Philippines. Hopefully you find my observations helpful in your own adventures.
— Reekay

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