1. “How To Spot A Narcissistic Expat”.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sjI9Cimy1Vg
    Website about Narcissistic Personality Disorder..
    LBTSea Bikini Girl Coffee Mugs here..
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    — Get a Quote on Expat Health Insurance.. https://bit.ly/expat-insurance-LBTSea
    — How I send Money to the Philippines.. https://remit.ly/1amhoix
    — Loctote Flak Sack Ⅱ – Anti Theft Backpack.. https://amzn.to/3tXuBDk
    — The Only Filipina Dating Site I recommend.. https://bit.ly/christian-filipina-dating

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  2. He is not a kind person, sorry to say, he was a weak man, unable to take action, you can be kind and firm.

  3. I dated a DSM-verified NPD American woman for 4 years.

    Just watched your vlog, Reekay. I wasn’t expecting you to cover this topic, but truer words hath never been spoken!

  4. The worst one is the covert-we think they are so cool or loving! And if someone says one of their parents was one of them- stand by because they also may have part of it! It is a spectrum-some mild some severe

  5. Great information that can really help subscribers…if they put the info to use. This guy had the info from you, but he also had some sort of personality disorder that made him come back for more punishment. Dr. Les Carter has a YouTube channel all about narcissist.

  6. After hearing this I have wondered too…How many of these types of women are there, and how and why do they get involved with foreigners/expats? I would like to know in numbers, as there are conditions that are ripe there for such behaviors, especially in their pious, religious-oriented society and the attitudes to produce such women.
    No matter where you go in the Philippines, in my humble opinion, Asia is not for the very weak men, or gullible men. Peace

  7. I was married to one too. I’m afraid my girlfriend might be one. She’s Filipina. I hate it but it’s just like you say. Misery

  8. I believe she may have poisoned him when they got back the last time, this is an issue with most born again relationships where you just overlook the person’s vile character because the person asks for forgiveness or you can’t fathom how can someone that loves “God” be capable of such despicable acts. It’s a really sad ending, because he got away then went back. I have a very churchy friend that was almost in a similar kind of relationship, he felt he could change her with prayers, just fortunate it didn’t work after she told him how she went to her ex’s apartment, damaged the door and slash car tires. That was when his eyes opened.

  9. Great and sad story. Can i hire you as an inspector for any girls i date ? hahaha….unlike this guy, i will follow your instrucitons.

  10. Great story Reekay, I guess the silver lining I see in this story is that even though she was in his phone and computer, she didn’t get into his bank accounts and steal all his money and leave him broke at the same time. I have heard a lot stories when the girls did that as well.

  11. Freaking Nightmare, I hope she’s an anomaly in the Philippines, LOL You’ve just described 50% of the woman in America. Being there and knowing the people (Forgive, if you have done this already.) Make a video on the Red Flags an ExPat needs to mind for, when getting to know a Filipina, it’s all lights, stardust and cocktails in the beginning so a guy can get blinded by a pretty smile. The obvious ones like, income and bank account knowledge are instant ejection seat questions for me. But I’m sure there is so much more to learn. Thank You for your content.

  12. This is a story where the woman actually sounds like npd. People throw the term around too much but this is pretty high level crazy.

  13. First, sorry about your friend. Second, what was his cause of death?
    I’ll apologize up front, but your friend was a fool. You figured her out and explained 100%, he ignored your advice at every turn. She proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that she was not to be trusted.

  14. Nice guys finish last. If you’re a nice guy you arent ready for a relationship. Going to another country wont fix that, you’ll be scammed anywhere.

  15. I married one, all our money went to the Philippines. I raised her two kids, cashed in part of my pension for another one of her schemes. She lied about having a kid that didn’t matter to me i love kids. When I left the Philippines after I had married her, she went back to the father of her child and got pregnant again. She had the child and came to the UK without her child. I got it out of her she asked for forgiveness, so I forgave her as i didn’t want to go through another divorce. I am now homeless in the UK. I tested her and she failed all the way. She treated me like dirt had numerous further affairs. Once she had the final amount of money from the sale of my house, she went to the Philippines and didn’t come back. She continues to work in the UK. I have had a few of these women, but I dumped them. This woman was my wife and I stuck it out for 22 years because I promised God I would look after the girls who I love and they have been spectacularly successful. I think I did the right thing, but I lost 22 years of what could have been a happy life. Next year, I will be 70 and I have a new potential wife in the Philippines. Meanwhile, I am living in a tent in the forest in the UK while I work, so I can raise money for a house I am renovating in Portugal. I want to succeed at what I am doing to show her what she missed. The trauma bonding is a hard one to beat. One way to deal with a woman like this is to go round and screw all of her friends who will have inevitably offered themselves. If women see a good man being ill treated, they pick up on it as they reason she doesn’t want/deserve the guy. Not a good idea now as my daughters would not like it and I am trying to lead a Christian life. So anyway, I vlog my life on YouTube so yall can follow it if you like. I have not put up anything about the living in a tent stuff yet because I am a teacher and I think it may affect my work. Now she is gone, I am prospering and I don’t have her constant put downs to deal with. You really don’t want a relationship with a narcissistic woman in the Philippines. It could be life-threatening. I will leave it to Reakay to explain salvage.

  16. Been there, done that. Been no contact for 14 months now. She keeps trying to hoover with no response from me. Now I’m trying to liquidate, and get the hell out of North America. I doubt she’ll try to learn a different language and follow me to where I plan to go.

  17. This indeed was a classic case of someone who truly has NPD. The term “narcissist” has been thrown around the internet far too long without those who use the term really understanding NPD.
    As someone who has been involved with an NPD girlfriend I can tell you this…..the only cure for YOU the victim is as Reekay said in the video …get as far away from them as you can. DISTANCE IS YOUR BEST FRIEND!

  18. I am astonished that any man who was old enough to have a good pension could know so little about women. Was this guy a bachelor his entire life? Had he never experienced a mentally ill person before this incident? I would have figured her out in the first ten minutes after I met her. But I must admit, I grew up with mentally ill parents. My father had Aspergers Syndrome and a severe learning disability. My mother was a brainwashed Catholic and had the emotional IQ of a six year old. My best friend in high school turned into a Narcissistic/Sociopathic alcoholic. They all nearly drove me crazy and I had no choice but to cut off all contact with them or go crazy. You are right about people like this. They believe that they are normal and the rest of the world is crazy. They never changed and are now fortunately departed.

  19. Good topic. Not too long ago, I broke up with a woman with the same behavior.
    Thank God for a bit of disernment. I understood her personality disorder.

  20. WHY WHY WHY would a man get married once he is 50 years old or more? THERE IS NOTHING TO BE GAINED FROM IT!

  21. Guys ya better off NOT Marrying a Filipina even in the Philippines. Filpinas DO GET VERY JEALOUS

  22. I had a similar experience with a Chinese woman I dated. I had no idea what a true narcist was, I had no experience with one. I don’t know how Rikay could tell with this woman so soon. Normally narcissists are actually very kind, congenial, interesting, and even loving……at first and around most people. They are usually highly intelligent, and they are true geniuses at mental manipulation. They don’t even have to think about how they will manipulate you and your emotions, it comes as easy to them as breathing. But you will start to feel the effects as they start breaking your down, little by little. They will constantly probe you for information that they can use against you. They are completely incapable of the thoughts and emotions you have. In my girlfriends case, her father and mother cheated on each other when she was a young child, as in bringing over other partners and sleeping with them under the family roof to spite each other. This horrible childhood traumatized her and wired her brain to be a narcissist. Also, it seems to me like her mother was a narcissist, and narcissists’ will not spare even their own children from the metal destruction they cause. And the author is right, there is no fixing them, no therapy, no event in their life will ever change them. I was lucky and someone I knew heard me talk about just a few of the things she had done, and she told me, “you are dating a narcist”. I then did some research and it was just amazing how it all made sense. Even before I had found out about narcist personality disorder I often told myself about her “Its like the only thing that makes her truly happy was causing chaos and pain in other people”. And I was right. I did always have a sense that something was wrong, and only my love for her kept me putting up with it. So I guess, do follow your instincts. If you come to the realization you are with a narcissist, you have to get out. You have to realize the sadness and loneliness you feel when you think about leaving them was actually engineered by them. Don’t think that just because you know they are a narcissist that you can deal with them and overcome them, they are way better at this game than you will ever be.

  23. Absolutely agree that you don’t need toxic people in your life. If there is toxic people in your life get away from them. Regardless of how much you love them or how much you care for them or how much you want to believe them they will never change. When the victim starts using the excuse of “well you don’t know them like I do” It’s because they continue to see the relationship how it was when they very first met. So pretty much in this situation that you talked about in this video, the guy who clearly was the victim kept giving the girl chances because he kept flashbacking to when him and that girl first met He evidently thought that if he held out long enough that the girl would eventually be like that. Hindsight is 20/20 but obviously all the warning signs was obviously there. Unfortunately that man overlooked one of the golden rules. That being get to know someone before you have a relationship with them and see what is the consistent behavior over a course of time.

  24. LEARN about Cluster B Personality Disorders and you WILL NEVER see women, media, and Marxists (“american” democrats) the same way ever again.

  25. BPD, NPD, very damaging. Been there, took years to recover. It can literally destroy you being in a relationship with someone that has a serious personality disorder.

  26. A very sad story that could have happened just about anywhere in the world. And does, I’m sure. You were spot on with your advice on dealing appropriately with his narcissistic abuser. It’s unfortunate that he did not follow your wise counsel. Love can be blind, sometimes deaf, dumb, and stupid, too.

  27. Your friend was weak and not very smart in dealing with people, so the lesson is – don’t be a sap.

  28. I’m sorry, but how unstable must your friend have been to endure all that mental torture from that unhinged lunatic of a woman to actually go back to her after the annulment. Some men are just absolutely as crazy as those woman who treat them so badly, God rest his soul

  29. It sucks that a friend would abandon you like that. Not inviting you to the wedding is a big slap to the face.

  30. Wow, this story hits very close to home. I had a similar experience with my ex Filipina wife. We are divorced now.

  31. ongoing divorce with this kind of person, 8 month no progress, just after i file TRO i start fill better.

  32. There’s plenty of information here on Youtube about this topic. I wish I wasn’t subject matter expert. Caveat Emptor.

  33. Ugh narcs are the absolute worst. I really believe they should be locked away hard to believe a church just allows them to run rampant in the congregation

  34. What a great, but sad story. Narcissists can be incredibly charming and are experts at “love-bombing” prospective mates. Your “nice guy” friend is just the type these NPD’s seek out. Poor guy didn’t stand a chance. She kept charming him back and he just couldn’t get past his desire to “make it work.” I’m curious as to what his illness was as she may very well have been instrumental in bringing that on. Be careful guys and vet your Filipina like your life depends on it…because it does.

  35. When a narcissist shows you who they are, just believe them. Then get the hell out of there and stay as far away from them as possible. Maintain “No Contact”. When they attempt the “Hoover” do not respond. It is finished, over and Final!

  36. Wow …..I can’t believe he didn’t follow your advice. The last years of his life were spent dealing with a psycho Filipina. Sad!

    Good video!

  37. I was with a narcissist women for 8 years, they isolate you, destroy your self esteem, and turn everyone against you, while pretending being good people for putting up with such a defective you.

  38. “How To Spot A Narcissistic Expat”.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sjI9Cimy1Vg
    Website about Narcissistic Personality Disorder..
    LBTSea Bikini Girl Coffee Mugs here..
    See this week’s most interesting comments/questions here..
    — Get a Quote on Expat Health Insurance.. https://bit.ly/expat-insurance-LBTSea
    — How I send Money to the Philippines.. https://remit.ly/1amhoix
    — Loctote Flak Sack Ⅱ – Anti Theft Backpack.. https://amzn.to/3tXuBDk
    — The Only Filipina Dating Site I recommend.. https://bit.ly/christian-filipina-dating

    View My Videos by Category here.. http://bit.ly/reekays-video-playlists
    My Twitter.. https://twitter.com/lifebeyondsea
    My New Heaven & Earth Podcast Channel. (theology) https://www.youtube.com/c/LATENIGHTWithReekay
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