The Bubble of Bliss: My Key to 12-Years of Sanity as an Expat

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Author: Reekay V.

Since 2012 I’ve been traveling through various islands of the Philippines as a full-time Expat and spent 1999 living in Vietnam.

Share with me my ongoing adventures of life in the Philippines. Hopefully you find my observations helpful in your own adventures.
— Reekay


  1. Thank you for your channel. It’s helped me immensely in life and planning for life on to The islands.

    A question, what are experiences with throuples in the Philippines?

  2. Is there a situation or example you can think of to use a perceived disadvantage to an advantage? Have there been issues you initially thought were a hindrance that you now view as a benefit?

  3. 100% on all of your commentary. The weirdness one experiences at times causes the world to shift on me but I’ve developed the trait too late in life to just let go. The other thing I’ve noticed is somehow, some way, everything comes together and I get what I want or need and maybe make a nice human interaction, sort of an “out of chaos” comes a desired or better outcome.

  4. Henry, Well said, I grew to enjoy the slow pace hera, and we have a relaxing lif 18:26 e here….. Love it ❤️

  5. My first vedio I watched was when you discuss travelling to Filippines: Exchanging US dollars at the Icheon International Airport at Seoul, best place to grab taxi at Mactan Airport and many more

  6. I am regular watcher of your videos. It is no doubt that you helped many expats. I am not an expat but married to a Filipino and your advice helped me. Thanks Bro

  7. My friend is shocked at what i pay in taxes She wants to come to the US and work for 2 yrs so she can buy Momma a proper home, the high cost of living here is why i plan on retiring to Talisay/Cebu area and there is a possibility coming back to fulfill her dream for 2 yrs ideally 5 but lets take baby steps
    Looking forward to your next vlog

  8. Misery Loves Company… problem for their favorite Hollywood wokeez however to have massive age-gap relationships: * Al Pacino and Noor Alfallah: Pacino is 54 years older than Alfallah, who was 30 when they began dating in 2020. 
    * Jeff Goldblum and Emilie Livingston: Goldblum and gymnast Livingston have a 30-year age gap. 
    * Alec Baldwin and Hilaria Baldwin: Hilaria is 26 years younger than Alec.

    It’s only if YOU— the profane “unwashed” Joe-Blow deign to have some peace n happiness in your life; or break free from the Matrix Prison of feminist-disagreeables prepared for you, that you are accused of being everything you’re NOT ! GMAB!

  9. Hey Reekay the other day I got a nasty reply from (Mike’s Philippines Retirement) what is with him? Seems like he’s just a nasty, angry, hateful man. Comments:

  10. I usually stay away from Americans when I’m other countries because of the negative experiences I’ve received also. I don’t know what it is but I ran into this in South America also. IMO it is best just to meet and make friends with the natives.

  11. “Bubble of Bliss”… you just gave a name to what I do since I know myself.
    People tend to fuss about it, that I’m being selfish somehow, but I reply to them that my service to humanity is better when I stand in a better spot.

    You and I have many things in common. I’m 49, and I’m going through what you did when you were. I gave up a computing/mobile phone repair shop which I enjoyed and I gave up X for the same reasons you mentioned here.

    I’m delighted that my future awaits me with a cute young Filipina in a non-efficient Paradise!
    (But, let’s admit it, what would you do if there was nothing to deal/complain about? Life would be boring!)

  12. I always like yur perspectives on gaining peace of mind. The mindset here should be more of acceptance & less of change like we may be used to in the West. I’ve mellowed & less opinionated than in younger years & when ” weirdness” strikes I remind myself that it’s a very different culture here & perhaps I’m not always expected to understand everything either. After 7 yrs. I go with the flow & live life more like having ” nothing to do & all day to do it”.

  13. I am a follower from your very early days on mactan island. Glad to see you still here.

  14. My first time out. I learned alot. Especially about myself. The most important thing i learned was increasing my calmness. That was the best thing i learned. Thanks to your vids, i had a foundation.

  15. In one of your videos you mentioned Filipinas can be Deceitful, I’ve often thought about that because sadly it has been the absolute truth with my experiences.

  16. Someone talked about building a bubble in a practical way like having a wall around the house that shuts out noise.
    Can’t many of the visa extensions be done online now?

  17. Love it! I realized this same thing recently and am in the process of clearing my bubble. Too many Crabs trying to pull you back into the bucket. Love what you do Keep up the great work.

  18. Dr. Reekay,,,9 more months before I start my Bubble of Bliss..But you can rest assure I will NOT start a You tube Channel..But when I come there I wouldn’t mind be a guest star in certain Videos of you Tube Expats…One thing I can promise…I am so done with the U.S..Only thing I need help with is to where to visit first?? Crossed Manilla of the list so far but I will fly through there to start my Bubble of Bliss..Don’t doubt me..

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