Telling Your Filipina “No” – How It Makes For A Better Relationship – Philippines

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Author: Reekay V.

Since 2012 I’ve been traveling through various islands of the Philippines as a full-time Expat and spent 1999 living in Vietnam.

Share with me my ongoing adventures of life in the Philippines. Hopefully you find my observations helpful in your own adventures.
— Reekay


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  2. At the end of the 2nd week of traveling with my girlfriend, she did the tampo routine. The issue is too complicated to mention here. That night, while only I was awake, I paid for a plane ticket for her to go home from our next stop in Cebu. The next day I told her about the ticket. A couple hours later we had a talk about what bothered her. I stuck to my guns about my view point on the issue and explained my reasoning for the decision. I told her she didn’t have to use the ticket but the decision was final. The last 4 weeks of the trip there was no tampo, only respect.

  3. I broke with a Filipina because she asked too many times for money. I told her she was immature. I moved on but still think about her sometimes.
    She was beautiful and we were going to get married. It was hard to move on , but I did. I’ve met another , beautiful inside and out. Never asked me for anything. We have been married now for 11 years and have a beautiful daughter
    Be careful guys, and remember, there are some really good women out there.

  4. Excellent advice. It can apply to those outside of you and your woman as well. Saying “no” is not easy. We want to make people we care about happy. I’ve been there. I’m learning to say “no” now. Or “wait” also. But you mention something I think is the tricky part: after saying “no” stick to it. If you’ve made a sound decision, stand firm.

  5. I am an expat living in Ghana … a lot of what you say covers this side of the ocean as well. Right now my wife has typhoid and so a few things are at the forefront of interfamily relations … I don’t mind helping Gramma out as she is taking care of 4 children or an Aunt whose husband left .. no idea where he is … but there is this uncle of the wife’s .. that needs help with his car … achderlindenhauser .. not sure what it means but dad would say it from time to time. Anyway, I ask her what would you do if you weren’t married to me ? what were your expenses like then and what were you able to afford? Usually that brings the conversation back into a controlled area of we can talk about stuff. LOL .. my wife does not like being told No … I am thinking that that is a female thing.

  6. Love the about her dad part. If mom and dad are not together don’t. She was often damaged to the level that will land on you

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