Some American Women Are Rejecting Men As ‘Payback’ – Ha!!!!

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Author: Reekay V.

Since 2012 I’ve been traveling through various islands of the Philippines as a full-time Expat and spent 1999 living in Vietnam.

Share with me my ongoing adventures of life in the Philippines. Hopefully you find my observations helpful in your own adventures.
— Reekay


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  2. You’re on a soap box today . Chill everyone knows where modern western women are at we don’t care .

  3. The part you are missing is we longer care what these women think as try don’t think .

  4. It was a small and mostly unknown movement in Korea. Several YouTube videos regarding this.

  5. It’s not about feminity at all. We know that a substantial proportion of radical feminists are, in fact, lesbians. It’s even rather challenging to find a lesbian who isn’t, to some extent, aligned with feminism. Through my interactions and observations, I’ve encountered enough homosexual individuals to recognize that nearly all of them, at some point, experience the deep frustration of desiring a heterosexual partner. Many, men and women alike, attempt, repeatedly and sometimes insistently, to convert the object of their desire to homosexuality. Yet, romantic and emotional preferences are not easily reshaped or overturned, often leading to disappointment, frustration, and sadness.

    Now, here we need to look beyond the surface appearances. While the ‘4B’ approach aligns naturally with lesbian preferences, for a heterosexual woman, it represents a kind of abrupt cessation of her romantic life, leading to a loss of both intimacy and, often, motherhood. I can’t help but wonder if this ‘4B’ movement is a rather calculated, perhaps even surreptitious, effort to nudge heterosexual feminist women toward homosexuality. For these women, the only remaining paths to intimacy and motherhood would become same-sex relationships, artificial insemination, and homosexual parenting. Clever, or Machiavellian?

    Personally, I’m indifferent to the personal choices of feminists. And if, indeed, we reach a point where there are no women left who genuinely appreciate intimacy and companionship with men, then perhaps the species should fade away without regret. I know I’m not alone in my opposition to sperm donation. Here, we see confirmation that radical feminism has become a form of xenophobia, or even hatred. Hatred begets hatred: it’s a double-edged sword.

  6. After 10 years of false accusations and family court, I’ve lost my libido. Without it, there’s just no point to having anything to do with women. I’ve never been happier. I think the best thing a modern man can do is avoid them and go your own way. Why destroy your life? They should be paying us for dinner. They are just such a nightmarishly bad deal — no matter where in the world you go.

  7. Epic vlog. It’s truly amazing to see how many, if not most women will engage in behaviors and make choices that result in the ONE THING they fear most in life…BEING IGNORED. When I look at these women and how they operate, I think about a frustrated, screaming toddler, trying to repeatedly cram the square peg into the round hole, or this:

  8. 51% of USA white women went for Trump this election. 53% in 2016. They may want to try something else.

  9. That’s the ticket. Shave your heads and look even more unattractive. Your men won’t have to suffer any more with you.

  10. I don’t think they can survive without the constant validations they secretly demand from society. OF, dating sites, tiktok uploads. Where will they ever turn.

  11. The irony of saying you’re fighting for your survival and then making sure you’ll have no descendants…

  12. This is about the dumbest thing ever. Sex is the only thing these low-value women bring to the table and how they get dumb men to give them what they want, and they’re going to stop using it? Yeah, sure. I really do wish they would, though. I would love nothing more than to see these women stop procreating and doing a terrible job raising children and generally contributing nothing positive to society.

  13. WOW. Loud, obnoxious, blue-haired, tattooed, nose-ringed land whales with half their head shaved are going to boycott men who are already turned off at first sight. As further punishment, they could give men free beer and chips.

  14. Most men are already invisible to women. I’m almost 40 and never had a girlfriend, i’m sure I’m not alone in this.

  15. Women who wants the 4 B, are useless women in the society..
    A very large percentage of American women are useless and mentally ill.
    I have compassion for American men who cannot go where they are treated best..
    AI and robots are coming to save them though.. West Women will not be needed soon.

  16. Lol.. They think we want anything to do with these loser women!! lol!! NO way!! They can all kiss my A**!!

  17. To all the feminists pledging to withhold sex in protest of Trump’s election…. If you actually possessed that level of discipline, abortion wouldn’t have been your #1 issue to begin with.

  18. For every woman who says “no”, more than a thousand will say “yes”. Often, they live in the same apartment complex or within 5 or 10 minutes away. The only success this idea can have is keeping dry holes dry.

  19. Just to put this into perspective, a lot of women will complain and share a post about Harris not winning and 4B movement and abortion rights….but the ones not dating and shaving their heads are the women guys don’t want to date anyways. They are probably mostly from the liberal cities in liberal states where abortion is legal for them anyways! So yea, hypocrisy should be shut down but i think there’s a normal response from these pool of western women for this type of thing. I am not surprised and it’s a reminder to find a woman elsewhere for sure!

  20. I’m THRILLED the lunatic women are doing this!!!! I just hope they’ll add another “B” and refuse to $itch where we have to hear it.

  21. I doubt this “movement” will have any real legs. But your advice towards the end is gold. Well said.

  22. The 4 B’s:
    1. Barren
    2. Barren
    3. Barren
    4. Barren
    (Remember it originated in SoKor and they can’t even solve their low birthrate problem).

    Men have no problem with what the women want to do. Men don’t want Trigglypuffs.

  23. Yoga and Celibacy, retaining the seed is the ultimate path. You get superpowers as a man so they are doing them a favour.

  24. Most of these women are a part of the blue hair movement and are the women most men don’t want to have anything to do with. Aka nobody cares.

  25. Good, real women will replace all of you idiots,they secretly can’t wait for you to leave. All of you feminist can team up and marry each other MEN DO NOT CARE!!!

  26. The American Femi Nazi bowel movement terms are completely acceptable.. Thank you ladies for outting yourselves..

  27. Only affects Chad n Tyrone. Most women having their backs blown out by those two anyway. The other 80pc of men were ignored anyway, so no difference for most of us. Make a change for these 304s to behave like traditional women anyway.

  28. Finally, traditional and decent will woman will shine. Would think 90% of the male population welcomes this movement!

  29. They are late to the party men have been avoiding women for a while (MGTOW). No Children? Conservative women are having the children. No more liberal children, no more future liberal voters =bye bye Liberals?

  30. Why can’t people today put together a movement that isn’t stupid, insane, or self-serving?

  31. Women in Chicago tried the same thing just to get the local gangs to stop killing each other. That idea didn’t work either.

  32. Who cares? The women embracing this movement well, to be honest nobody wanted them for sex, relationships, marriage or children anyway.

    They are doing the world a favor by removing themselves from the game.

  33. I encourage all Democrat voting women to stop having sex, stop having children and to end your genetic line. The United States really needs these Democrat voting women not to reproduce for the good of the nation.

  34. My life has become astoundingly more peaceful as I’ve focused on my process to move to the Philippines. I couldn’t be bothered to care what women here in the States are choosing. Peace ☮️

  35. Great angle and response video Sir Reekay. If modern Western women want to abstain from sex and any sort of relationships with men, I say let em. If they’re trying to take advantage of men who are looking for long term relationships, I wouldn’t expect them to “take the high road” and remove themselves the opportunity to use a man for his time, money and resources. There needs to be a bigger push for a men’s self help, improvement and awareness movement so men can discern the difference between a woman who’s trying to make transactional gain vs someone who wants to genuinely grow together in a long term relationship.

    I enjoy “fired up Reekay” videos. I enjoy calm and relaxed Reekay vids too.

    Keep doing what you do good Sir.

  36. these SAME women were already rejecting men BEFORE the election results declared Trump the winner…. all they are accomplishing is making themselves more visible…… nothing more, nothing less….

  37. These are only democrat liberal woman. What, do they think there the only tail in town? NOT. There are conservative woman and over seas woman.

  38. I have been working now for 6 months to get out of America and into the Philippines, I would say the first of the year I will be there, To be able to talk to real women, and possibly date some, I can not tell you how bad the western women have gotten, it is sick.

  39. I’m all in on this.. They’re even shaving their heads and showing which ones are doing this.. HOW CONVENIENT !!! They should’ve done this ages ago.. It’s a great way to figure out who’s sane and who’s nuts.. I hope it lasts forever..

  40. Well, I say at least there won’t be any abortions later on down the road. And I’ll know who is conservative and who’s a liberal. Have fun with your Cats.

  41. I don’t believe that men flooded her DM’s with death threats or name calling. Think about it for a second. Does anyone know who this woman is? I don’t. Another thing, men would have to care about her opinions. I don’t. I have enough on my plate without the bother of crazy people saying crazy things. If someone did threaten her that is a matter for law enforcement. Can she provide a police report number? If not, then she is lying.

  42. 4B – No Marriage, No Living Together, No Dates, No Casual Hookups – your terms are acceptable, signed MGTOW

  43. This is more idiocy. Men of quality are not being rejected by anyone. The type of men these undesirable women attract are the deadbeat losers interested only in procreation and then moving on to their next encounter.

    Miserable and horrible women helping other women become and stay miserable and unhappy.

  44. OH NO!!! does that include they’re going to stop cooking and cleaning for a man too (oh wait, they never did) what a relief 🙂

  45. Hey isn’t that how cat ladies are made in the US? Well looks like a good time to invest in cat food and litter.

  46. I’m genuinely confused by the 4Bs. If you aren’t having sex, why have an additional rule about not having kids? The traditional part of me wonders why you need to specify no sex if you already said no to dating and marriage

  47. You really have to just laugh at all theese girls/women there attitudes and how delluded they are !!.And by the way why is nobody really talking about all the women on clapper onllyfans chaturbate etc etc ?? Women used too hate men because they got treated objectified as sex objects as meat yet they by there own choice doing just that and throwing away any chance of a decent guy respecting them !.Men largelly built civilisation with support from women AND NOW WOMEN ARE DESTROYING CIVILISATION ON THERE OWN !!!!

  48. The women electing to participate in the 4B movement should tattoo their foreheads with blue dots for permanent identification purposes to avoid any unwanted advances.

  49. Well they had stopped giving us cookies and sexual attention years ago. So what’s the bad news?

  50. It’s only going to hurt the leftist soy boys cause these women have said they would not date a conservative man

  51. There weren’t enough of these women and their domesticated pets to carry the election on their own, so there remains a sizable percentage of women IN AMERICA who don’t share this worldview. And the ones who do view the world this way never liked most men to begin with and weren’t mating or dating with the non-pets anyway.

    If a tree falls in the forest and nobody is there to hear it, did it make a sound? If a feminist opts out of the mating game and no man notices her absence, does her act of defiance make a sound with those men? Because if these women intend their opt-out to serve as a coercive ultimatum to change or else then the only logical response is
    *”Challenge accepted. Hold my beer.”*

  52. @6:55 So it’s that good old favourite ‘DM’s excuse’ which cannot be used as true or untrue as they are private.
    Not available for public viewing.

  53. More guys are going MGTOW and couldn’t care less. Western women have nothing to blackmail guys with. We simply don’t care. We are not providers or ATM machines, nor are we asking women to marry us anymore.

  54. Go ahead, no man wants these women, and all it will do is create more passport bros who will find actually loving, loyal women over seas who will treat them 100 times better then any modern western woman.

  55. I have changed. I don’t want a female any where near me. NO WIFE HAPPY LIFE!!!!! My brother’s, you don’t know what true happiness is until there is no female in your life. Women equal nothing but agony and despair.

  56. I definitely Don’t hate women, I just have a serious lack of trust anymore after my past experiences. Better to be alone and safe than be with somebody that you can’t trust

  57. Oh no ! This means no more dates with women that do it for a free meal. What am I going to do?

  58. I can’t get my head around how giving me what I want is “getting back at me”, but then again I’m not a spaghetti-brained woman, so how would I know?

  59. Let them do this. It just shows that a lot of women are not worth being with. Men can just look elsewhere and find better women that are feminine and desirable.

  60. The west is an identity politics shit show, it wasn’t a surprise to me to see how amazing the Philippines was and how normal dating, women and people in general are outside of the west.

  61. The mark of a great YouTube channel, is where (non trolling), rational opposing viewpoints, are not censored.

  62. Wish women would stop doing men favors. Sure good of them to gift men peace, no abortions and leaving men’s money with men.

  63. I mean really now, if that’s what they want,, Fine !! Instead of men complaining about this, just think of it this way. Thank you for telling me who you are !!!

  64. About 5:35: Their point about “no protection” is that women don’t think that they “own” the entire world. We are supposed to be slaves to their every whim. I like the Golden Rule, so I’m not forcing women and they aren’t forcing me. That sounds fair and if they don’t then they can get off their @$$ and work a 9-to-5 job for 40+ years. Have fun!

  65. I’ve seen this over and over, attractive woman hooks up with Florida man. Well that was her choice too.

  66. More evidence that modern feminism is nothing more than an international anti family movement, where the target vector is the destruction of the male in all forms.

  67. It’s obviously all posturing since women start to go crazy without some occasional lovin’
    It’s either
    -all talk – (similar to celebs who threaten to leave the US if Trump gets in but don’t) – they will still hit it, esp with Chad, but not tell anyone
    -made by women who don’t like men anyway
    -social media psyop by paid agitators

  68. I think the women came a little late to the party, men told them to go fuck themselves years ago!

  69. Notice that women never threaten to stop founding Fortune 500 companies, building rockets to go to space, inventing civilization altering improvements; instead they always threaten to hold off the kitty kat, conceding that that is the pittance they have to offer.

  70. Civil Rights Division | Voting Rights Fact Sheet
    Sep 18, 2024 · Section 11 (b) of the Voting Rights Act (the Act) broadly prohibits intimidation, threats, and coercion—or attempts to do so—throughout every stage of the voting process.

  71. Huge mystery that Western men flood East Asia in large part to find a quality woman while men from NO part of the globe seek out Western women. They should launch an in depth sociological study on this!

  72. Funny, my mentor is the only guy i know whos been dating the last 5 years. Hes 6-2 with a six pack wnd about 3 million in assets….

    My regular guy friends wll said hell no before 2018

  73. Given that MGTOW arose first this 4B movement is simply absurd, being a hysterical emotional reaction.

    they are playing into MGTOW’s hands, in fact giving MGTOW men what they want.

    as we men have no interest in hysterical harpies of this type they are ONLY confirming our disinclination to deal with such childish creatures

  74. And yet, by this small number of woman are displaying their blatant narcissism. They can do as they wish and reap the rewards (or karma). I like what you said about scraping social accounts and dating media clean. This attitude has no place trying to entice men. Real beauty exceeds outward appearance.

  75. Women that can’t get a man anyway… I call that a win! Now we can concentrate our time on agreeable women.

  76. One wonders what these women think they’re accomplishing with this nonsense. How utterly stupid

  77. If they would follow your suggestion and pull their dating ads, that would help clean up that mess. What a wasteland the American dating sites have become!

  78. I’m good with this. Progressive liberal women not reproducing (when their not trying to get an abortion)

  79. Well, here is a line that will get me in trouble: American men get married so that they can have easy no hassle access to sex. For this men work and provide for their wife. American women get married so that they NEVER have to have sex. They accept the support, all the goodies, right up until marriage and then cut him off! I paid my American wife but I did not get what I paid for.

  80. who cares if some bitches decided to do that? no one. There are so many women around, no problem. Let them be good lesbians!! Hehehe!

  81. That is actually a good thing. Removing from the game the unhinged ones, makes it safer for a man to choose a good wife.

  82. The guys who would date those type of women need to swear off those types of women in response

  83. Something that should be said over and over. Women will Never do any of things you said that will make them authentic…cuz they mostly can’t be…until the New World comes.

  84. Wow!!! finally, they will practice propriety and abstinence! Abortion will definitely reduce significantly

  85. Part of the depopulation agenda. South Korea will have lost 80% of it’s population in 50 years.

  86. If I had to live in the US I would get the occasional “escort” when needed and forego a relationship with an American woman. They mostly are unattractive for a multitude of reasons. I consider myself lucky to live here in the Philippines and have an awesome Filipina Wife. Just more people causing division amongst the population. So tiring. Take care good video.

  87. Men start a vasectomy movement. The Feminists will see it as men trying to disempower the almighty womb.

  88. The Internet… It’s a tool. It’s also a magnifier. It can be used for good or bad depending on your POV. Information. Women get information and unite for their own reasons. Feminist or otherwise. Many women are slaves to attention, as seen on Instagram, TikTok, OF. Younger women will always always subcut older. This undermines the Feminist dogma. Now men… Men ALSO have the internet to gather together, to garner information. Men are NOT as enthralled by sex as women think. Men also are willing to travel for sex, companionship, respect.

  89. It’s not working out for Korean women either. Korean men are perfectly happy to get on a plane and meet women who aren’t unbearable

  90. MGTOW started WAY before the surge in feminist popularity. It started because of shifts in representation of men’s rights (due to women’s rights movements). A perfect example is the saying, “it’s cheaper to keep her” which shows the shift and was coined generations ago. Divorce settlements, child custody, and expectations of marriage were key factors in the movement. Only recently has it splintered into several factions (as it wasn’t defined to concrete ideals), some of which do align with your reasoning. It was traditionally men being reticent until societal views followed their favor. But artificial influence exacerbated the period.

  91. You strong, independent American women go right ahead and stop having babies. I support you, and I will do my part fathering more children with my beautiful Filipina wife to keep the fertility rate up. We will teach those children traditional family values.

  92. My Filipina wife is looking at these absurd reactions by these feminist and she laughing. She can’t believe that American society is filled with cry babies. Sad, but true.

  93. That ‘movement’ is false propaganda. Even if they started to try, we all know they need those ‘relations’ as much as the men do (maybe more). So they would be lying to themselves.

  94. I sincerely hope this also means they will stop talking to and about men entirely as well. I would enjoy the peace after decades of incessant complaining and criticism.

  95. Most women in the west, a waste of time, entitled unbalanced witches. Go east or some euro countries.

  96. Most of these American women ignored 90% of American men anyway before the election. Fertility rates were already rock bottom before the election. They are threatening to withold something they never gave anyway. Also, most American men don’t want them. Finally, I doubt they can stay off Chad’s D for 4 days, much less 4 years.

  97. I think it’s great. I support the one hundred percent. Real men woke up to their delusional nonsense a long time ago and walked away. This will just add to the numbers of men finding a real woman in another country. Leave those American feminists to their boxed wine and cat collection.

  98. Meanwhile on social media young western women are crying that men are no longer interested in dating them

  99. Women were NOT giving me anything BEFORE Trump’s election, and basically YOU CAN NOT MISS…what you never had to start with!! Besides I am NOT bitter about that as much as I am GLAD that women are not sleeping around!! After ALL I can NOT be accused of getting somebody pregnant that I never met, nor can I be taken for child support…then there are all the STDs I will never catch, because I am NOT on anybody’s “to do list”!! So that takes a load off my mind!!! And it simplifies my life in a lot of ways as well too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  100. I have said many times that they do not show their bodies on social networks, especially on one page that attracts many. If you believe in Jesus Christ and God and read the book the Bible, you will know the revelation.

  101. One more selfdestructive movement from women, be my guest and now I’m blocking everyone who advocate that 4B movement from all my social accounts.

  102. Hi Reekay, great video. More of the same from western women. They’re the same that think nothing of breaking a man emotionally, spiritually and financially on a wim. Monkey branch to the next victim. To these women, don’t let the door hit you on the ass. Good riddance. I’m here in the Philippines, happiest with real women.

  103. Imagine, this well-thought-out response to my query “why?”. Response? “We, with 4B, will breed all you old Passport Bros out of existence!”. WTF?!? was my only response and she thought I was angry, LOL.

  104. It is my considered opinion: Birth control pills are hormone dependent. They not only ruin, intercept, interrupt, the sexual organs but the brain inclinations towards reproduction. If you think, think, think, you may see why I say this, if you poison a plants seeds, it also poisons the plant, usually.

    So. Women are drugged in vast numbers to hate men, hate reproduction, despise the unborn, dismiss reason and rationality, hate themselves, be prone to inexplicable rages, and never, ever, have any need to be reasonable.

    Oh. And Karens. Millions of Karens.

    Edit: Why are the women so insane acting as one bloc? All taking the same drug.

    Criticism welcome.

  105. And they object to Passport Bros looking for love overseas & Retirees leaving the US. If they were capable of self-examination, they MIGHT come to a Valid Conclusion.

  106. Interesting. So men in America that have been ignoring American w-m-n will be having American w-m-n ignoring them. Ok I have no problem with this at all. Good luck ladies. Passport Bro’s will be growing even faster.

  107. Of course western 4B women will still take all the free meals and attention they can get from men; they’ll just tell themselves they don’t consider it a date.
    Also, OF cash-grabbing is a badge of honor / payback against the patriarchy, so good luck the irony won’t keep getting lost on that front.

  108. A man says to a woman “you are going to die alone and your cats will eat your eyeballs” and women say that he made a death threat.

  109. As the great American philosopher Mr. Sandy Alderson once said: “That’s either a threat to be ignored, or an offer to be accepted.”

  110. Who cares. I don’t care about feminists. I don’t want a relationship. Trust me sex is easier now than it was when I was younger. Been divorced for 9 years. Best thing that ever happened to me. Marriage was the biggest mistake I ever made. I just don’t expect much nowadays. I just gave up on a relationship long time ago

  111. Strong Independent “Leave US alone” “I Don’t Need No Man” ——- We heard you Loud-n-Clear and collectively granted your wish!!! ….. then you stomp your feet n pout…. LOOK AT ME …I NEED VALIDATION…LOOK AT ME!!! Alas 4B

  112. Western women have been becoming more masculine, destroying their appearance by painting their hair and putting a ring through the center of their noses, and getting angrier and more disagreeable. Other than stocking their friend zone with beta male simps they don’t want and collecting cats, I don’t see much future for western women. #PassportBroForLife

  113. These women will never be happy no matter what anyway. Woman with straight hair buy curling iron, woman with curly hair buy straight iron, woman with small breast want implants, woman with big breast want reductions…. it never ends. They can not be happy no matter what. But you are right, they need to get off of all social media.

  114. Thank you for the great analysis, Enrique. It seems like women in the US are growing even more out of touch with reality.

  115. Exhibit A of feminist narcissistic delusions….as their insufferable ugliness and/or toxicity renders them INVISIBLE (men no-longer approach, holla, or practice traditional deference or niceties) regardless of the election …. they trumpet from the highest mountain “LOOK AT ME mister I AM DENYING YOU SEX” that no one but dead-ender-Simps were accepting anyway!

  116. But… where will I find screeching single moms with piles of debt to complain at me about their ex’s now?! Oh no!

  117. Loved your final comments on this video. I totally agree with all you said. Your report on this article is exactly why I’m looking for a life partner in other countries. I realize not all American women are like this but it certainly narrows the field and the time it takes to discover the right person for my life from American women. I’ve discovered Asian women are more hungry for partnerships with a good man than American women. So sad but I’m very ok with it !!

  118. It’s typical childish behavior of women. It’s crap that men should ignore. Go live your lives and forget such women.

  119. Good riddance we don’t want you and your bullshit!! Western women for the most part are intolerable.

  120. Democrats are about abortion and lgtbq. They even flew to Africa trying enforce a lgtbq bill or sanctions. African told Kamala to kick rocks

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