Philippines Immigration Update: Stricter Procedures For 2024 Tourist Visas

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Author: Reekay V.

Since 2012 I’ve been traveling through various islands of the Philippines as a full-time Expat and spent 1999 living in Vietnam.

Share with me my ongoing adventures of life in the Philippines. Hopefully you find my observations helpful in your own adventures.
— Reekay


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  2. You should get an immigration lawyer on your show to get his interpretation of why they are doing that. My guess is that it’s because of the problems they had with POGO S. Also they caught a Chinese woman involved with the mob that managed to get elected as mayor of a Philippines town.

  3. I can certainly understand that they want to beef up security. I heard recently too that something like 56 pedos were refused entry into the country at the airport in the first 6 months of this year. In addition, a number of people who entered in the past years on a tourist visa are now homeless or struggling to make ends meet, so it´s understandably, the authorities would want to take action to address this kind of thing before it could escalate.

  4. This is probably because they are getting ready for major tourist visa changes coming. There is currently a bill being proposed. Not sure what the ETA is. Do a youtube search for “Philippine immigration modernization bill”. One possible negative is they are talking about requiring exit clearance after only 60 days now.

  5. What if the immigration officers don’t respect my pronouns? Do not pass go. Do not collect $200?

  6. I was surprised to find out they don’t stamp your passport so you need the receipt when you go through the airport. Don’t lose the receipt!!

  7. I agree with others in here, the Chinese and Koreans, who have tried to take advantage of things, are the culprit.

  8. Yes, even a few months ago I visited the Philippines and got a tourist 30 day visa and I noticed that the immigration asked a lot more questions than in the past. Why I was visiting and where I was staying and so on. The other times I had been to the Philippines they had just stamped my passport and I was on my way. I had boarded in Chicago and had a connecting flight in Tokyo. There was more immigration and customs formalities and even security checks in Japan. Even though I never left the airport. The same in Japan on my return to the U.S.

  9. Is it really time to leave this shit hole !! There’s no reason to be dealing with this nonsense from a third world country !! .. There’s a lot of wonderful places you can go and you can have a retirement visa without any deposits and with few dollars you are set for the year. You should not be harassing people that contribute a lot of money to your economy.

  10. No one else get a little bit of a cringe factor from this video? Shaking you down with uncomfortable personal questions about your relationship, etc. Everyday you hear about some new law making the Philippines less hospitable to foreigners, not to mention an increasing cost of living. Time to take a closer look at Cambodia.

  11. If they make the visa extension a hassle, a lot of foreigners will leave. Overall other SE Asian countries are better.

  12. 3:21
    this reminds me of the you was stuck in the hotel via C-19 and went through hell.
    I swear bro, You be getting tested just for doing the simplest things. This is wild.

  13. Ok I have one question. Is it wise to tell the immigartion office tthat you are living with your girlfriend or fiancee?

  14. Hi reekay, I plan on just leaving once a year since I’m on a balikbayan visa, do you think this will be fine or should I start the process for 13a?

  15. Due to the unrest with China, it is a good thing for them to know the US Citizens in harms way. What we did is we listed our home in the Philippines in Google Maps. While in our home, I used saved our home as a “business” and when typing the business name, you will get the exact location. You can list this coordinates and this will work to find your home easy. Now, my wife is a new US Citizen herself, so before she applies for Dual Citizenship, I would assume we both would have to file for an extension. Does anyone know about this?

  16. The real reason for this is to crack down on Chinese, Korean and Pakistani trouble makers. They are not worried about westerners but of course they won’t say it.

  17. Sounds like if the law is broken they want to be able to find you easily.
    But I wish the first thing they were thinking is:
    If there are any safety issues they want to help you be safe.
    I’ve heard enough first hand stories of real estate scammers from other countries taking advantage of Filipinos. Bad players.

  18. If you are denied, how long do they give you to pack up and leave? And can you take a flight let’s say to Thailand and fly back a couple of days later?

  19. Dear Life Beyond the Sea, Another vlogger said that they were no longer issuing 6 month extensions. Is this true? The new stringent measures surprise me because all of the other s.e. asian countries are relaxing their requirements for foreigners because they want to stimulate the economy. There seems to be increased competition for the tourist dollar. Thanx for the information.

  20. It could be they want to rid themselves of foreigners who are making a nuisance of themselves, or maybe its other reasons, but your ideas and solutions should work for most foreigners except the ones who want to argue get angry, and do it there way. Thanks good video.

  21. Nice Video! I would like to add two items that am mindful of 24/7: 1. I ALWAYS dress with long pants and a collared shirt when in the presence of any government official. 2. I conduct myself in a conservative manner regarding ANYTHING Social Media and/or in the Public Eye. In a nutshell I fly under the radar, try to appear nondescript in public and just blend in.

  22. I say this says more about them than us good guys and good guys always have better options and one could look elsewhere.

  23. The only difference I’ve noticed in Tay is that they now wanted to see ALL of the extension receipts . At least the last time I went there.

  24. I’m married but my visa is SRRV, not 13a. SRRV is better than 13a IMHO.

  25. HI , TY for the update. I had heard your name a few year back when I started watching these vlogs from the PHILS , however it didn t occur to me to look you up. I finally found your channel , glad I did.

    When I visited the PHILS , we only were automatically given a 21 day visa , I think at airport.

    Well I hope the new scrutiny is not because they heard I want to come to the PHILS and/or my silly comments I leave on these vlogs.

    On a serious note , I enjoy your videos.


  26. I’m so sick of hearing “national security “. For one, it’s fascist poison of 911 mindset, and second, it surely doesn’t seem to incorporate the so called “grassroots immigration” we are watching happen to western countries. Facts are, traveling will be restricted more and more in the future. It’s apart of the green new deal BS.

  27. Hmmm thinking .. because Thailand put a 15% tax on expats…
    Now there all moved to Phillipines

  28. Same thing happened to me today. Panglao Bohol. A filipina came with me and the lady asked me why i was here so long.(16 months.) I said tourism. Asked if i was working. NO. Asked if the girl was my wife. NO. I am single. Girlfriend ? NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS. She got pissed. Wanted my friends name. I refused. She spent time checking on me in the computer. Sent me to talk to the male boss in the office. I said the same to him. I made him confirm over and over that i can stay 36 months. You do not need a wife or girlfriend. You do not need to provide your filipina friends name.They gave me the extension. First time this has happened. When i got home i saw this video. The boss told me to come directly to him next time. Thinking about leaving the Phil.

  29. So, by what was stated on that official notice, a tourist must leave the country each year rather than 3 years like previously. I don’t mind the SRRV once I know I want to retire there but I’d prefer it didn’t cost $20k. My bank limits transfers to foreign countries to $10k and the IRS wants to know if I have $10k or more in a Philippines bank, which is where this $20k SRRV deposit gets sent to.

  30. Thank you for your Visa extension information and appreciated. Actually, I’m still living in the State and thinking of going to visit Phillippine.
    However, when people from the country and authorities are not friendly to visitors or Foreigners I will not visit to such country. That is why
    I was curious to know what the purpose of Immigration officer asking such questioning. Again, I thanking for your updateed information
    and many will like to know about it . Stay safe and have a great day and time……

  31. Why are so many expats that are married to Philipne nationals NOT getting their 13A? I was born outside of the US, and when I married an American we got me a green card as soon as practical.

  32. Are they trying to screen Chinese spies. Maybe illegal Chinese immigrants.

  33. This could affect the Philippines money wise because now people might leave the country for a week or more at a time every few months rather than spending money in the Philippines.

  34. Unfortunately I can see this “suspicious denial clause” being misused by corrupt or egotistical agent’s/officials.

  35. I entered Philippines on 6 of July and because my return flight was more than 30 days away the immigration officer told me I will need to apply for an extension. So after clearing immigration and collecting my luggage I went straight up to the Bureau of Immigration office in Terminal 3 of NAIA to apply for an extension to my tourist visa. The staff there were professional and efficient and the whole process took about 20 minutes, most of that was waiting for them to do their paperwork and print receipts etc. They simply gave me a form to fill in and they didn’t ask many questions, it was straight forward and easy, I filled in the forms, handed over my passport, paid the fee, collected the receipt and that was it.

  36. lol – these asean countries are so out of sync with each other – fun and games..

  37. If the Philippines are going to make it difficult, expats can just go to Vietnam, Cambodia or even Thailand with few problems.

  38. Henry why dont you go out the country with your wife then you get free one year visa it save you alot of money its free only cost you the money you stay away one day and ticket on plane alot cheaper than paying all that money !!! we go once a year for 6 weeks now i retired i can do it

  39. Here in A.C…I have one of the top travel agents take care of it for me…I have had ZERO contact with any Immigration Office for the past several years…This seems to work for me so far…

  40. When I left in June from a 8 week exploration trip, I needed everything to exit. That included exit clearance and Visa extension. Luckily, I could bring up everything on my cell phone.

  41. Considering the threat of China invading Taiwan, Philippine National Security is of the utmost importance.
    When/if China attacks Taiwan, they must secure the Luzon Straight to protect their vast Navy, which will require them to have total control of the Philippines.
    The Philippine Government is being wise in identifying the enemy within. (not you of course)

  42. Well I do want a 13A visa but my wives still works in the United States but I’m here in the Philippines so my understanding is she needs to be here physically for the interview and that’s not going to happen for at least another 3 years

  43. (11:37) I’m curious what would constitute sufficient proof of why the applicant had not left the country. I didn’t want to spend the money? I didn’t want to go through the exit clearance process? What’s the right answer on this?

  44. Just collecting data to see the policies that are going to bring in the most income and, the number of properties they can seize if they decide to kick everyone out.

  45. 1. Thank you
    2. Why get extensions of 2 months if you are staying for many years? Aren’t costs higher for 3 times 2 months (3x2months) vs the 6 month extension ?
    3. Isn’t it easier and better to get 6 months rather than 2 months ? Please explain if there are differences
    4. With the new rules, isn’t it better to get the 6 month ext (less of a hassle) ?
    5. What about doing the extension renewal with a visa service consultant ? Isn’t that a far better option ?
    6. With the new rules, how can people justify extension after extension for 3 years (give examples of good reasons) if we don’t have a wife or girlfriend ?
    7. If instead of doing multiple extensions, expats with a wife now go with the 13A route, what happens if you seperate from your wife ? I heard you must ask for a visa downgrade because you no longer qualify for the 13A. Is this correct ?
    8. Since you have a lot of experience, can you do a video explaining different situations and what would be best to do if you were in this or that situation (with and without a wife, with a small budget, not able to qualify for a 13A…), in order to be able to stay in the Philippines long term with the least costly and the least displacements and the least bureaucracy as possible ?
    9. Thank you

  46. I don’t think they will make me a problem. I only need it this November, because my wife is already travelling back home in early September (we both come back again in late January, but then together, and therefore I don’t need a visa-extension then for our stay until early March (in my job I have absolutely nothing to do in December and from mid-January to the first week in March and during that time I also don’t earn anything). It’s her house, inherited from her late parents. She has three bank-books with more than 1,6 million Pisos on it. It’s her money from work and various small business, not mine. And I will bring my bank-statement from my country with more than 200.000 Euros on it. If they ask for it, fine, if not, fine too. I will arrive on November 27th and leave with my wife on January 1st. I will take tickets with me. And being rude is never a problem for me, I am always polite to officials in whatever country. I have retired high-ranked-police-officers (among them a senior chief-inspector) and retired high ranked civil-servants with very good pensions in my family. And a retired lawyer too. And most of all, I never had any in-runs with the law anywhere in the world, except for the very, very occasional parking-ticket or every two to three years a slight speeding-ticket. I don’t think this makes me suspicious.

  47. Hi Reekay . Instead of the 13A , would it be good to go to another country for a few weeks and then come back with your wife and get the one year visa stamp at immigration . The wedding you had do you have a video of the process. Thank you and take care

  48. Around March/April 2024 the Philippine government accused China of sending spies into the Philippines. I remember there was a big story about a woman spy they Caught in the Philippines earlier this year. I believe this is the reason…

  49. I’ve noticed the Philippines has increased “digital” input and tracking info… question is, who is requesting this data from them?? Who’s tracking their citizens and why… Vietnam is looking better everyday now!! Cheers.

  50. Reekay, would you recommend that you bring your Filipina girlfriend or wife with you when going to Immigration? Also, when I left the the Philippines after a four month stay, Immigration at the airport asked to see my latest visa renewal receipt.

  51. Up here in Sta Rosa, Laguna, they didn’t ask me anything in July. It was basically in and out — real easy. I guess I’ll see what happens in September.

  52. This will be interesting when I have to return before Sept 23. I last went on July 22nd and mine was a normal visit bar the only change being I was asked if I wanted normal or expressed service. Since Covid, it has always been expressed but I figure this was a new change. I always take extra forms and fill them out at home and keep my passport with the receipts all in a folder as you said. My ACR is always in my wallet. I live with my GF of 11 years and we own our home so I guess that if this does prove to be an issue she might now finally get around to marrying me lol.

  53. This is going the way of Thailand immigration rules… very strict and intrusive and possibly becoming non-extendable if the immigration official thinks you’ve renewed your tourist visa too many times. Not everyone has $10,000 to deposit into a filipino bank account and leave there for the rest of their life. Either that or get married to a filipina and support her and her entire family!

  54. We live in Middle East and are re-locating back to Philippines in April 2025. Can I apply for a 13A visa from Middle East in advance (like now) of arrival? My filipina wife and I are married and own a property.

  55. One question comes to mind: let’s say I’m dating but not married – would an expats extension request get rejected? It seems like this may result in people rushing to get married if not at retirement age and qualified for the retirement visa.

  56. I did my extension for 2 months in July and I wasn’t asked any questions. I did mine in Cebu

  57. So glad I’m on the SRRV. I renew every two years for $20.00 plus 150 pesos for courier to deliver my new card.

  58. I experienced some of this scrutiny long ago & believe each B.I. offices often do things differently. I arrived in ’17 & had (6) 6month extensions on passport for my Tourist Visa. After the 4th they start quizzing me w/questions like why are u here? u have wife/g/f? if u been here 2 years already why don’t u change visa as it appears yur not a tourist, etc. ,etc. Then w/covid I overextended due to various reasons after the 3 yrs..
    Now married 2 yrs I should finally receive my Permanent 13a Marriage Visa/ACR Card within a couple weeks. If yur married to a Filipina, the 13a WILL eventually start saving u $/BI trips as it’s good for 5 years & all u really need to do is the Jan-Feb annual reporting gig.

  59. If u have an ACR card. (13A visa) You wont be applying to extend a visa so im not sure why u need to takenur ACR when applying for an extension to a visa!

  60. I went today to extend my visa in Panglao. They did seem to ask a few extra questions, I thought they were just being friendly. One thing I was very happy about is they completed everything today and returned my passport. Previously I had to come back a week later to retrieve it. Which was nice, saving me a 5 hour trip from Anda. Always a simple and easy experience at that office very professional.

  61. I have never stayed here for more than one year except during the Covid lock downs and travel restrictions.

  62. I used eservices to get my last 2 month extension so I didn’t have to go to an immigration office.

  63. I was at Makati BI this morning to get 6 month extension. Sorry sir we no longer give 6 months only 2 months now. You may try at main office in Manila. Naw I’ll just get the two months. Then as he is looking at my passport, says you and your wife can do a balikbayan visa again for free one year visa. We just booked a weekend trip to Vietnam. Lol

  64. I wonder if after a year and applying for an extension that is acceptable to tell them, ” I stay in the Phillipines because I love it here and this is my home”.

  65. Probably due to the various scams & crimes against minors by foreigners in the news this year particularly. The BI doesn’t do interpol or civil court checks, they do NBI checks which includes EVERYTHING on the NBI files about the applicant- which would include any interpol warrants, summons, subpoena & traffic violations. The other details- place & purpose of stay were always in the fine print, just not pushed. The alien resident’s card has always been required to be available for the office to check, again, rarely pushed.

  66. Mind you – there isn’t any other country where you can do tourist visas forever – I think you should become a resident if you want to stay long term.

  67. Great video! So, what happens in a situation of denial, when there is no apparent reason? For example- Given the same EXACT situation and conversation/answers you gave to get approved- what would you do if YOU came back to the window, only to find you were denied (all things being equal) instead of being approved?

    Would you be banned for life- even if there were no ‘red flags’ other than the agent feeling ‘uneasy’ for some unfathomable reason- again, under the pretense that you answered all questions and were polite, to the point and gave correct information?

    Could you appeal in a timely manner?

    Would you be denied entry if you left the country and tried to come back? Again- assuming again, that there is no real reason- other than the agents ‘unease’.

    Would a simple fix to avoid a potential ‘scrutiny’ be leaving the country for a few days before 1 year (repeating that every year), then returning? Would that somehow ‘reset the clock’, or would THAT behavior seem ‘suspect’?

    I am ‘disabled’, but only require ankle braces to get around (don’t need a cane or walker) … would I have less scrutiny on a tourist visa if I listed ‘medical’ as a reason… especially if I am on both a SSDI and VA disability income of over $5700 a month?

    Thanks Reekay!

  68. I just went to the Duma office and applied for my ACR card and it seemed pretty normal. They did take my fingerprints and a picture.

  69. The POGO mess opened the govts eyes. If he wanted to the President could change the executive order allowing 3 year stays with the stroke of a pen.
    I know guys that are unmarried, own cars and motors, have a year long lease on an apartment, have kids, and are on tourist visas.
    The party might be over for the permanent tourist visa.
    I would like to see a change to a visitor pass . Two month stay and then you have to leave for 2 months before you can come back.
    India does a similar thing with their multi year, multiple entry visa.

  70. I have no proof, but I smell the WEF, or some other scumbag globalist organization.

  71. At a time when other countries in S.E Asia are making the Visa process easier, the Philippines shows once again how they are beyond inept in so many ways. Every day of your life is like living at the DMV.

    Ponderous doesn’t begin to describe the interaction with any business related activity. As an example, I sold a vehicle I had knowing that I was returning to the states. After a full year, the registration was finally transferred to the new owner about one week ago.

    As wonderful as they are, I really don’t see how the citizens take it.

    If you don’t have the patience of Job, the Philippines is not the place for you.

  72. I got these questions two years ago on Boracay most times. I wrote it off as a bored beaurocrat. Office very not busy. Nothing has changed as of July in Dasma.

    I photocopied the filled in application save for two fields that change each time, have several copies of passport and acrii. I go copy the receipt immediately afterwards.

    I paper clip this all together and am ready for the next renewal.

    The fact that this is a “reminder” of prior mandates makes me think someone is trying to “do something” and this will fade back to where it was.

    Maybe something is happening, but i suspect it will pass (again)

  73. it is only about submission and compliance, make sure you wear pants, collared shirt and shoes before going near any government agencies and always begin with “good morning po”…

  74. Hi Reekay, thanks for the update on the tourist visa extension process, my wife(Filipino) and I are coming to the Philippines on October for about 6 weeks or so and I was wondering which would be the better option, tourist visa extension or 13(A) visa, I am leaning toward the later, have you done any blogs on this process I could watch to understand the process, cheers from Oz.

  75. Have been doing the same as you for over 18 years now,,2 months extensions. My last three years of working full time on environmental issues here should get me a free visa. But yes keep all receipts especially since the stickers flopped and they did not just go back to the rubber stamp.

  76. So it will probably be an easier process to go through someplace like JRC to renew because they have a working relationship with immigration?

  77. The last time I did a tourist visa extension process, I did it fully on-line and was surprised by how easy it was, and received my extension documents as .pdf files via email. So, why go to the visa office when you can simply do it on-line?

  78. Thanks for the info, haven’t made the flight to come over but definitely want to have all my paperwork in line! Also. what is an ACR card? TY!

  79. So if I go to the Philippines, do you think I should extend my tourist visa for up to 3 years still? Or should I just leave the philippines after being there and extending for a year? Then i can leave for a month or so and start the process over again in the philippines?

  80. Expat means what ? Foreigner? Sounds like u should be hiring a lawyer for an extension, seriously.

  81. They probably want everyone to take out the SSRV visa if you plan to stay long-term

  82. Well I think this is happening partly because of what’s going on with Chinese immigrants
    Especially the whole ordeal with Alice Guo

  83. Is there any risk (or future risk) to admitting you make money online if they ask a question like that? Or just saying you have a huge stack of cash/no income?

  84. NWO is seizing control, just like now registering phone Sims, they are slowly making it so the powers that be can keep tabs on you 1984 style

  85. yeah that is scary they are getting ready to do a full expat recall they want to know exactly where you live so American government can pick you up and take you back

  86. too many people are leaving the west, so they are cracking down travel bans are coming soon

  87. First comment. Good luck to all the other tourists regarding your extensions. Hoping this won’t affect our future approvals. Great video as always, Reekay.

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