My Thoughts on Tourist Visa Renewals in the Philippines

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Author: Reekay V.

Since 2012 I’ve been traveling through various islands of the Philippines as a full-time Expat and spent 1999 living in Vietnam.

Share with me my ongoing adventures of life in the Philippines. Hopefully you find my observations helpful in your own adventures.
— Reekay


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  2. I am so glad that I got my SRRV right away. I only had 2 extensions, 1 one month and one 6 month. I did have the military discount, but now I only have to deal wit Immigration once every 2 years.I got my SRRV because I didn’t like the hassle of going to Immigration so often.

  3. The big thing for me prior to getting 13a was convenience & getting a tourist visa extension for 6 months if possible cuz there’s no B I. office close to where I live.

  4. I’ve seen several channels with thumbnails referring to it as “changes” in immigration. But, as you said, nothing’s really changed. They’re simply tightening up on rules that already exist. The result of a instructions from higher ups.

  5. People I can’t stress anymore than go to your extension office in business attire….
    I wear a shirt with collar and long pants.
    I see people come in with stuff on that looks like they came directly from the beach or the uki uki store ….
    Like rekay said years ago..
    Just saying guys….be warned

  6. Yes sir, exactly…I’m over a year here in Cebu Metro and I use Airbnb…I was always thinking I better not put too much money out there for housing and not show a permanent place to stay.
    I’ve been in Asia since off and on since 1975 and just like the Thais flip flop policy to show they are doing something…
    I believe they want those that should get a particular visa that they qualify for…get it.
    Not just float on a exemption Visa…ie tourist stamp..
    Best Regards All… Smitty

  7. 5:22 Keep is brief how? Like if you’re here looking for a wife, and it didn’t work out with the woman you came here for, and you plan to stay until you find the right person, what is the appropriate response for that?

  8. I wonder if the fact that almost every expat vlogger has been talking about the visa loopholes for the last several years has anything to do with the crackdown?

  9. Sounds more like the Manila office is cracking down on sloppy record keeping and loosely applied rules and regulations. For that I applaud them. It might help keep the riff-raff at bay and get some questionable expats to leave on their own.

  10. What is the worse case? You book a weekend trip to Thailand, and come back? I mean you’re not getting blacklisted. You’re just not getting a renewal. The entire process restarts once you leave the country.

  11. Philippines is going to punish everybody due to their own incompetence. You can thank Alice Guo for these changes.

  12. Lot of retired can’t afford that SSRV and one or 2 have been turned down on the marriage visa as well. The only option for a married man is the balikbayan program as that’s not a visa as such go in and out for a couple days to hong kong and back once a year that way that stamp is free except for the flight and accommodation.

  13. Hi Rekaay, I’ve heard if an individual is over 70 yrs old no police report is required for SRRV. True or false?

  14. How are you doing together with your family?
    What would be a good budget for 2 people in the Philippines all included please.
    Thank you.

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