LifeBeyondTheSea – Philippines Live

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Author: Reekay V.

Since 2012 I’ve been traveling through various islands of the Philippines as a full-time Expat and spent 1999 living in Vietnam.

Share with me my ongoing adventures of life in the Philippines. Hopefully you find my observations helpful in your own adventures.
— Reekay


  1. Recommend you check out Food Hunter restaurant, you may enjoy it. Their Seafood Pizza and burgers are amazing. Owned and operated by an Italian guy and his family. Great people, amazing food. Cheers!

  2. Glad you made it to K&L; they also sell special order bacon, ham and tortillas. Its a nice family that owns and operates the place. The restaurant also sponsors a foreigner get-together night.

  3. Would you post a link to the 5 channels. I have subscribed to two of them. I found 5 mins and this channel.

  4. While you were live , I was at BI Davao. No questions, maybe because they were busy. New Form but that’s it.

  5. hello to you Rique … living in Ghana has been very interesting … Lordina and I have been married for almost 2 years, and there are some similarities to what has been described for the PHils … I am helping Gramma, an Auntie, and a few others.. when they need it. but I set the Rule that we come first, so when it is rent time .. paid one year in advance, help payments won’t be made. under 28 years of age for ina … still as you have said.. a bit immature but eventually I hope to get her to see the advantage of having a list of things to do or get done for the month. over all? I am happy and enjoying expat life in Ghana, tho at times I do miss the states and realize that there is a white tax when I go shopping Healthcare has been very in expensive… meds are at about 50. usd a month .. far less than if I was paying my co pay in the states. anyway, thought I would check in with you and say hey and hello …. mexican restaurant here in Accra ??? .. lol .. have not found a good one yet … oh my what I wouldn’t give for some tacos de birria, ,or tripas …. anyways… stay safe and be happy … laters A. J.

  6. I am planning on a second trip to Cebu and Dumagete in December. I’ll be sure to check out that Mexican place.

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