1. How do you bring up some of these 90% of her life questions without it sounding like an interview?

  2. Thanks Rickay, you are one best voices of reason among all Expat vloggers. Your advice and shared experiences are great. You also have pictures of the cutest Filipinas too.

  3. @Lifebeyondthesea
    It doesn’t mean what you think.
    It’s a slang.
    I’m not referring to violence against women here, there or anywhere.
    “Hit her between the eyes” is an expression that means “to be bold, direct assertively with no sugarcoating”.
    It’s a slang used in sales type environment.

  4. When she says she loves you prematurely,
    hit her between the eyes.

    Tell her it takes years of loyalty, honesty, sacrifice, care from a woman and her spending her money on you to feel the same way.
    Then shut up.
    Let her EARN you!

  5. It’s just a fairy tale until you’re actually spending time with the person EVERY day, ALL day, in the REAL world, for weeks to months on end.

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