How Is Dating in Vietnam Different from the Philippines?

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Author: Reekay V.

Since 2012 I’ve been traveling through various islands of the Philippines as a full-time Expat and spent 1999 living in Vietnam.

Share with me my ongoing adventures of life in the Philippines. Hopefully you find my observations helpful in your own adventures.
— Reekay


  1. My Vietnam videos..
    — The Only Filipina Dating Site I recommend..
    — For Expat Health Insurance in the Philippines, please contact Michael Onstad at; or email at; [email protected]

    — How I send Money to the Philippines..
    — Loctote Flak Sack Ⅱ – Anti Theft Backpack..
    — Get a Quote on Expat Health Insurance..

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  2. What is being described here is what too many men ignore about trying to establish a relationship with a woman who doesn’t speak English. Common sense seems to be lacking with both sides and then these men wonder why it doesn’t work? Either accept that you will have to learn her language or live in a country where English is already spoken.

  3. Once i finally retire next year after doing my say 6 months in philippines Da Nang will be my go to place. Not bothered anymore about dating in Da Nang if i meet someone thats any good that has a connection with me at 66 by then all good but this dating issues is no longer a priority for me. Same in the philippines. What important to me at this point is quality of life and how i live it and for shaw it won’t be living my life in a bar like many other who do. Nice place to live in and nice foods and the quality of life is more important to me. Finally nice restaurants as well.

  4. Shalom Reekay,, WOW, I don’t know why but I was struck with the fact that the lovely successful lady passed as she did. I’m kind of heartbroken over it and I don’t know why. I enjoy your videos and have watched many through the years. I’m in a longterm, going on 5 years now, relationship with an older filipina. Shes 57 now and I’m 69. We both take care of ourselves, healthy and looking for a long future together when the craziness of the world passes or subsides enough for us to get with the program. I’ve spent months with her and know all her family on both sides, north and south Luzon. We met on Christian Filipina. I’ve sense broken all of the rules but in this case, it all has worked. A rarity I know but exceptions do exist. Blessings to you and the misses and to the broken hearted family there in Vietnam.

  5. I learned their language and it changed the situation. It’s a bit arrogant to put the burden on a woman in her country to speak your language.

  6. Love your channel! Your easy, conversational style is very appealing for viewers. I started my own channel a couple weeks ago and aspire to learn how to get as good as it as you are. Cheers.

  7. Well, that will rule out anyone under 30 for me and possibly under 35 if I am ever in that situation in Vietnam. No matter: I tend to vibe better with the 35 and overs anyway conversationally. I still plan to continue learning Vietnamese. I’m somewhat used to tones as I have studied Chinese.

  8. i was living in thailand, did consider vietnam, but may force the same issue is limited english language, however as the younger speak better english is dating with an age difference an issue?

  9. Want the parents to approve of you? Fix something small around the house…. Mom will be happy it’s fixed, dad will be happy that Mom isn’t nagging him about it (works often, not always)….

  10. discovered your channel about a month ago. Thanks! Planning my first trip to the Phillipines for this January. Do you do any types of consultations at all??

  11. I’d say the dating in Vietnam is pretty great for younger expats. I’m in my mid-30s, and I’ve met a series of great girls here in Saigon. Most have been in their mid-20s and have spoken fluent English. Short-term casual, longer-term casual, and serious relationships both all been pretty easy to get into.

    I’ve seen a couple examples of what you mentioned at the end, that sometimes the Viet women who want to date foreigners are the “black sheep” of their family. But two points about that: First, I don’t see that as a bad thing necessarily, as I’m arguably the black sheep of my own family—I mean, I’ve gone to live on the other side of the world in a “developing” country, so I’m quite unconventional myself. And secondly, I don’t think this is just a Vietnam thing.

    This is a bit of a broader topic, but in much of Asia, one of the main populations of women who will date you as a foreigner are the internationally-minded ones. Especially if you’re meeting women through dating apps, you’ll find a ton of these women. They are fluent in English, and many of them have studied abroad, or they want to work abroad at some point in the future. They say they don’t like guys from their own country, often because they’re too traditional or too controlling, or they prefer the mindset of foreigners (that’s a very “black sheep” thing to say, right?). Many of these women have a track record of ONLY dating foreigners after a certain point. In Japan, they call these women “gaijin hunters” (“foreigner hunters”), but I’ve found them in Thailand, Vietnam, and the Philippines, as well. They basically found their niche—they got a taste for dating foreigners, and I guess they liked it. Some expats warn about these women, saying she’s already been with countless other foreigners. I think that’s an overgeneralization and a big exaggeration in most cases, but they probably have a point in some cases.

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