From Romance to Ruin: The Perils of Dating a Crazy Woman

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Author: Reekay V.

Since 2012 I’ve been traveling through various islands of the Philippines as a full-time Expat and spent 1999 living in Vietnam.

Share with me my ongoing adventures of life in the Philippines. Hopefully you find my observations helpful in your own adventures.
— Reekay


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  2. Even crazy friends will become a headache, don’t even spend time with crazy people no matter the sex or place of birth.

  3. My ex wife is manic bi-polar. Took me awhile to figure things out. Over 25 years. I find your videos applicable to all women.

  4. There is a video on YT about the crazy hot matrix, every young man needs to see it!

  5. Sounds like it is better to have a LDR for at least two years and then if things look reasonably safe then meet her and hope for the best.

  6. You cannot “handle “ a crazy woman lol. Dated one once in my 20s. I just didn’t know better. Never again.

  7. I was married to a crazy woman for 14 years. Not gonna happen again I can say. Any sign and I am gone. Can’t and won’t be around them again.

  8. If someone doesn’t respect you or makes you chase them. Run in the opposite direction. Your either dealing with a narcissist or Borderline personality disorder…

  9. Guys need to stop lowering their standards. In Southeast Asia, you are the prize. No need to tolerate red flags, crazy women, etc. Kick ’em to the curb!!!! Another Reekay classic video!!!

  10. I don’t have a crazy woman but the wife’s oldest son is having issues. He’s alienated himself from both sides of his family and has threatened to kill his one brother. He was fine but in the last few years has become difficult. Not sure if drugs or possible diving mishap. He’s now my biggest concern for when we retire in the Philippines.

  11. What if I told you I married 2 crazy women. Had a child with each. Both times, I got full custody and child support from them. I rec’d TWO child support checks.

  12. Learn how to identify a narcissist watch vids read up on it. And of course never date women that takes mental medication, been there… its bad.

  13. Could you recognize this foreign person in a crowd of foreign people? Me, No probably not.

  14. Thank God I learned the relatively easy way not to date crazy in high school when the stakes were lower.

  15. James Yeager had a guy on his channel discussing the Female Crazy Hot Index.. You have to find that balance of Hot and Crazy because every woman has a little crazy in them..

  16. Can you imagine the tampo of a bipolar Pinay? It would measure on the Richter scale.

  17. I have dated a crazy woman. Best sex ever, but the price paid in all ways was way way too high. Never again.

  18. You have the hair on the back of your neck for a reason. If it rises up and you feel scared/anxious/worried, walk away.

  19. About 6:10: Dude in Illinois got slapped in jail for 14 years for “inappropriate activity”. 7 years in she went to the judge and admitted that she’d lied under oath and the state let him out. Never heard what happened after that but I know for sure that his life was FUBAR. I can see his employment search: “What you been doing for 7+ years? In jail for something I didn’t do. NEXT…”

  20. Many many Many crazy women are dynamite in the sack. It’s all they have to offer. Men like great sex with an attractive women. The women really aren’t crazy. They are power hungry and hate men and this is the way they please themselves with your emotions and your money. Any questions? Lol

  21. Been there done that a few years ago now i think iam a magnet for them , in Thailand by the way lol

  22. The problem is when you don’t know they are crazy upfront. Five months in, and I discover just how crazy she was. Out of the clear blue, I’m in a situation very much like your motor cycle story. I managed to out maneuver her, but it was touch and go.

  23. Crazy can be a lot of fun. But you are right about protecting yourself, especially in another country.

  24. Not only walk away but research the signs and the dark triad, understand attachment theory, I came out of a relationship with a narcissist and not only lost 10k but a broken heart too.

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