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  2. Smoking, drinking and any drug use but especially Lying are all Deal breakers . She will be an ex very quickly.

  3. I hate smokers. Their whole life revolves smoking. Buying their inventory. Being all stressed if they don’t get their cigarette. Alcohol is just as bad!!! I hate talking to them. I hate their breath. I hate when they get in my car and smoke or if I go into her car. My clothes end up smelling like smoke! The alcohol screws up their lives. They don’t make any sense. It’s pathetic!!!

  4. Alcohol makes getting laid much easier. Cigarettes don’t make anything easier except death.

  5. Mr. Reekay, I know this is not the forum but since you can’t be messaged, I thought I would post here. There is another youtube ‘author,’ or rather a youtube plagiarist that more or less copied one of your previous videos applying to online dating, sometimes verbatim. I do appreciate your videos, content and viewpoint and hate to see someone else exploiting your work for monetary gain.

  6. The carabao is sick. In the first place no better educated better class of woman has anything to with carabaos. Why do all you farang with your income level (which is equal to middle class) go around with women a successful man in the Philippines won’t even look at. Not all men are born equal. They fool you in the west. When was the last time you were in the grocery with a Kennedy? Asia is a class conscious society and if you don’t realize this, you don’t know Asia.

  7. That’s true about the guilty persons obsession and distrust. What they call in the Philippines “man to man guarding”. Left a long time girlfriend because I couldn’t trust her.

  8. Caffeine and limited pot is OK for the man but women shouldn’t have such vices in my opinion.

  9. Great points… The reality is that you will encounter these issues in the Philippines…

    The key thing is that you really have sit back and recognize these things.

    Tampo is more serious then you think..
    Most women use sex as the big lever to manipulate a man..
    But tampo is like torture on so many levels..
    That it is intended to destroy a man’s will..

    That guy John with the twin babies was a plain example of Tampo from his girlfriend and also her family.
    They ganged up on him from every angle.

    He ended up having a stroke in the jungle and almost died.
    They sucked every dime he had.

    That’s a prime example folks.

    Chew on that.

  10. Certainly some major deal breakers. I think sometimes we will try and overlook some of these behaviors. And then we end up learning the hard way.

  11. Excellent video. The most clear people are about firm boundaries, the healthier relationships can be.

  12. I was a smoker for over 30 years. I *finally* said “ENOUGH! I’M DONE!” 3 months ago. Cold turkey. No vaping. No gum. No patches. I’m just done. And I will NEVER be with a smoker.

    I don’t drink alcohol. My stomach just doesn’t like it. And I’ve had multiple first hand experiences of dealing with alcoholics. So, as well, I will NEVER be with a regular drinker(more than once a week, for the sole purpose of getting *drunk* ).

    I was engaged to a cheating pathological liar for 1 year. *NEVER* again!

    These are my definitive red-flag immediate deal-breakers.

  13. For me, smoking is a deal-breaker. Occasional, light-moderate drinking isn’t. Daily drinking is a “red flag” and probably a deal breaker. Many younger people, early on in the stages of alcoholism, don’t manifest all the signs of severe alcoholism.

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