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  2. Rule #1 ALWAYS be a gentleman. No matter what the outcome.#2 expect the unexpected cause she will 80 percent of the time bring a friend or family member on your first date. If she brings more that 2. Walk away. #3 all that glitters isnt gold. If she approaches you being overly friendly, excuse yourself and bounce. Lastly and this is most important NEVER EVER take anyone where you live.

  3. I guess the Philippine/asian ‘saving face’ also cushions rejection as a flat out no would be impolite. Though it might make being a jerk harder to find out too.

    Making a decision on your own about what the other person thinks about you is a problem with some men. It sounds like the fellow in your story was doing that.

    With that kind of abundance is there a plan to find what you are looking for, so to speak? I would think older (40s) would be harder to casually find.

  4. Hello i am from canada and this year i went to thailand and did meet a lady fould out after getting to know her she a free lancers …. is the Philippines a lot better for actually meeting somebody I’m in my mid-fifties. I’m active. I would like to have somebody decent to spend my life with. And they’re not only with me for the money. And I think I would be very well living in the Philippines Thailand and I went. I’m open to it. Can you give me any good suggestions of your thoughts? I watch quite a few years stories now. And some of the things you’ve said definitely had home. Thank you for making your videos Gordon

  5. Well Dr. Reekay…This is why i call you the Therapy doctor of the Philippines..I am not doing the internet dating scene..I will meet my woman the old Fashion way..Introduce myself and start a Conversation with them …Oh yeah…I am a great listener if they wish to tell me their life story..If I get rejected..There is always another woman waiting to be noticed..

  6. I have this concern: getting close to a girl who could *EASILY* be my daughter and completely look like a creep to her.

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