Breaking Free Into A New Life Chapter As An Expat

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Author: Reekay V.

Since 2012 I’ve been traveling through various islands of the Philippines as a full-time Expat and spent 1999 living in Vietnam.

Share with me my ongoing adventures of life in the Philippines. Hopefully you find my observations helpful in your own adventures.
— Reekay


  1. — Get a Quote on Expat Health Insurance..
    — How I send Money to the Philippines..
    — Loctote Flak Sack Ⅱ – Anti Theft Backpack..
    — The Only Filipina Dating Site I recommend..

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  2. YES! This is what being a man in America is today.
    I have stayed where I am since 2007 to raise my daughter. She starts graduate school in a year, and that’s when I move. Keeping my eyes on the prize.

  3. Yeah. I turn 76 tomorrow and dating in the US sucks. Too many man-haters and women who overestimate their own value. Demanding, critical, narcissistic… not my style.

    So… I’m considering the Pinas.

  4. Great advice Reekay I would also recommend coming with a friend but if not being solo is ok too first time I came here I was very happy excited to adventure to sights n people!

  5. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣀⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
    ⠀⠀ Show us more Walk and Talk videos!

  6. Great message. Nice shirt, and amazing mall. Looks like one I’d see in Thailand. Happy you have found a good life.

  7. Reakay, why are you being hard on Cambodia man…lol. I’ve lived in Siem Reap for 7 years. It’s not bad. You cracked me up when you said that though. Good info.

  8. The way your mind works and explaining to people what they need to do is so helpful. It really feels like you want to help people. Keep it up.

  9. Please don’t come over to the Philippines Simping your way through life. Be a real man. Keep that crap in the states. Many weak men come over with their pandering simpering mindset setting a bad example for the real men.

  10. Excellent excellent message. I can really relate to every word. After being beaten down by siblings, taking care of my dying partner with no support, and being a great guy my whole life, I started watching your channel two years ago. I took two extended trips to the Phillipines and SE Asia. I came back both times beyond energized. I knew it was time to flip the switch. I’m finalizing everything here. I experienced the challenges both times and nothing nothing I was challenged by can hold me back from living in SE Asia, perhaps the Phillipines forever. My family is freaked, and some friends. I just deleted them. They were never there for me. Lift off will be Jan 2024. I want my life to be living in the moment, fully present, slowed down, no more American mindset and stress, and redefine my life from the bottom up. No relationships set up, just follow what is in the present moment. I’ll have no regrets. I don’t drink, go to bars, and am a happy person who has living a successfully life and ready for a life based on my what I want

  11. We share a similar story. I can totally relate to divorced life in the US. Dating was so lame that I eventually limited my needs to one night stands. Then, I bumped into this very channel some 8 years ago and Philippines here I come. Fast forward to present day, moving to the Philippines with my Filipina wife in 2 years.
    Thanks for the inspiration. Life is great now.

  12. Thanks for being so honest and open. I relate to what you say in many ways. We have to simply move forward. Yes! There’s a time to sulk and be down in the dumps – we are fragile beings after all.
    You are 100% right. We can either stay in a rut or make a brain decision and go for it.
    Thanks again.

  13. Never married, no kids, not dating, 54. I did get bit by GFC from buying rentals in 2004, 05, 06, and 07, finally selling at huge losses a decade later. I make bank ($600K all in) and saved bank ($5M) – my life isn’t bad, but it’s incredibly unremarkable. I don’t feel like my life is over, I feel like it hasn’t started. Adding a woman who makes my life better, instead of just being a net burden, would be great. My job income ends if I leave. I have a plan, so I have to just decide when I have enough, make the jump, and move abroad. (Honestly, I have enough but the unknown unknowns gnaw at me.)

  14. Great advice. I lived in Cali for 30 years and then south Florida for 13 years. I recognize everything you say about living in the matrix. Time to get out.

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