1. UPDATE: Deceased body of Caucasian man washes up on a shore in Southern Philippines.
    Link to video. Warning: EXTREMELY GRAPHIC. Photos in comments at link.

    — The Only Filipina Dating Site I recommend.. https://bit.ly/christian-filipina-dating
    — For Expat Health Insurance in the Philippines, please contact Michael Onstad at;
    https://www.facebook.com/monstad1 or email at; [email protected]
    — How I send Money to the Philippines.. https://remit.ly/1amhoix
    — Loctote Flak Sack Ⅱ – Anti Theft Backpack.. https://amzn.to/3tXuBDk
    — Get a Quote on Expat Health Insurance.. https://bit.ly/expat-insurance-LBTSea

    — My official FB Page.. https://www.facebook.com/reekay.new
    — My “Heaven & Earth” Podcast Channel (theology).. https://www.youtube.com/@heavenandearth-reekay/videos
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  2. I think he may be a different guy. First of all, the cadaver seems to have no hair. It was also stated that he was carried away with his canoe during the Typhoon Kristen in Maguindanao. His wound was in the head while the wound of the kidnapped victim was in the leg…

  3. So this is the guy who liked to stream about being in a red zone while saying that he was a payday lender in a poor country. It’s sad but he did it to himself. All for what? Clout? Views? Pussy? Ignorance of a foreign country? It is what it is.

  4. So thats why we have travel warnings from the U.S. government southern Cebu is not that safe either like car car and too the south there has been some bad things happen in Carcar in the past 2 weeks 2 incidents

  5. The dead body is found in Maguindanao (Southern Mindanao), while Eastman was abducted in Sibuco, Zamboanga del Norte which is in Western Mindanao. They have to come around the Zamboanga peninsula (and pass-by Zamboanga del Sur) before they will arrive at Maguindanao province.

  6. Man, that video of the body isn’t too graphic, but it is graphic enough to grasp the severity of scene, for sure – welcome to The Philippines….

  7. Muslims are evil people. As I said in your other video, the victim being an American and experiencing 9/11 should have known better. Armed with information about how these jihadist twlhds operate

  8. As much as logic would indicate that’s him, I actually don’t think it is.
    Those are not underwear but rather it’s a bathing suit. You can see the pockets and underwear don’t have pockets. I can also see clearly both legs which are void of any wounds. The decomposition also seems to be from more than just a few days.

    I’m not so sure that’s him.

  9. I just saw the video and pictures and I did not see any leg wounds. Hard to say it was him, and the body was in a completely different area outside of Zambuanga. It is sad, whomever it is, but could be someone that lives near the area where the person was found washed ashore in Parang, north of Catobato City

  10. Those pics were disheartening for me to look at, can’t imagine how it would feel for his wife or family to see those pics……just sad sad

  11. I think that men who kidnapped the Caucasian man were his rival with the woman whom he married and probably relatives of his wife. Maybe he got angry because the girl chose to marry another race.

  12. his wife could immediately identified him by his shorts wearing if it was really him. pray for this sould

  13. wow, you always caution foreigners to avoid this area…and then this happens. this is the reality of southern PH!

  14. Very sad for his family but bloggers got to be wise when speaking online.
    Be wise in Philippines be humble and don’t share financial or personal information.
    Stay safe .
    Love in big places like cebu not small places.

  15. Bringing expat husband in his wife’s territory known as no go zone to all foreigners is not smart idea!

  16. There is no safe place anywhere even your own country when you are a bad guy.especially when you are supremacist against others.Try to be friendly and nice one.No one is hurting you.

  17. This is incredibly sad news. I was hoping it wouldn’t happen. I pray for his wife and family.

  18. This is rhe nature’s way of telling you guys to leave us alone.

  19. Of course the muslim scum killed him.
    He have him self to be blamed for his death.

    NEVER EVER move to muslim infested area of any place of the world.

    His wife is in on this murder….

  20. They don’t like Americans in south Philippines such as Mindanao…. Terrorists from 911 were hiding out in such areas.

  21. Based on dental structure, there’s a good possibility it’s not him. Eliot has a well-defined Diastema (tooth gap), but the photo does not. Also, bodies do not decompose that rapidly, especially in saltwater.

  22. There’s no gunshot wound on the leg ( didn’t they say Elliot was shot on the leg) & the skull is shattered. Face is gone. Does anyone know if Eastman is an FBI/CIA asset planted there? I’m beginning to doubt the kidnapping story now after this body without any physical similarity to him just washed up miraculously in this manner, like a decoy.

  23. If, and I do stress IF this is him its very conclusive this was not a kidnapping for ransom. This appears to be some type of love triangle thing or someone owing money.
    You may have read this comment already but there is a comment on a different vlog by someone who thinks they are a very cool bachelor, if you understand what I’m saying, that talks a little bit about some specific stuff. When I first started reading the comment it kind of looked like it might have been a western writing it. However as I was reading on I started noticing the broken English and it was clear it was not a Western writing it. They knew what type of work he had back in Vermont. Then that comment evolved into what he was doing there in the Philippines and about a motorbike that he bought for his wife and mentioned that the locals look at that as a lot of pesos. Then there was something about he was letting people borrow money. That he was being warned by locals that this was going to happen. Then it went on to mention that he wasn’t happy there and that he wanted to go back to the United States to return to his job in Vermont and start sending money to his wife but didn’t have the funds for a plane ticket.
    Personally I felt that comment was very very strange because they seem to of hypothetically known certain specific stuff. Also without being too direct it’s very easy to see the writing on the wall as to what all happened.
    Now on the other side of it. The boy clearly knew the risks. He clearly states in a video about being in the red zone. Making an indirect reference to that area being high risk to travel to and is on the US government travel website of an area your advised not to travel to. Hopefully this will be somewhat of an eye-opener for the ones out there that fall for the first Filipina and believes everything the Filipina says without thinking everything through first. Especially when that Filipina comes from a certain specific group and area.

  24. Thanks for the link to the video. While it was graphic, IMO people need to see these things.

    In my other post I point out to the “clues” on why I believe it is Eastman. I really really really hope that I’m wrong and will gladly embrace egg on my face.

    P.S. One more reason I think it is Eastman. The police were speculating that this kidnapping was personal, meaning it was NOT terrorists, and/or not for ransom. Instead, it was a “crime of passion” as we say here in the U.S.

    One theory the police is pursuing: Eastman’s wife’s former boyfriend was angry that she married Eastman and he wanted her back. So he decided to get rid of Eastman.

    This police theory might be bolstered by the condition of the body, specifically, the damage to the head. That indicates someone (the ex BF?) was so angry he took out that anger on Eastman.

  25. Wearing boxer shorts eould suggest he was asleep at tge time of the kidnapping, blunt force trauma woukd indicate he was struck from behind , it woukd appear 3 attackers , at some point he got free and shot in the leg whilst trying to escape , for his body to turn up 3 to 4 days earlier woukd indicate he was taken out to sea and dumped . Where was the women at this time. If she indicated he was wearing black boxer shorts , she must of been present at the same time the deceased went to bed , too late to check local fishing boats for blood samples .

  26. I don’t need to go to the Philippines to feel like my life is under threat of violence, murder, assault, hate, prejudice or any other things connected to hate crimes, I get plenty of that right here in Hawaii when I walk into ANY STORE OR RESTAURANT!!! I see in real time the hate in people’s eyes, people will say things out loud sitting in a restaurant, even the cashier and waitress make me feel like I need to just get the hell outta there. Not easy man, living life with your head on a swivel 24/7/365.

  27. The video of the body is not that disturbing but what’s interesting is there a lot of kids within just a few feet of the body which makes a great statement just by itself. Then you have one of the Filipinos who definitely must have a PhD in biology who is handling the body with no gloves and then wiping his face immediately after. High IQ on full display!

  28. Why is some dude trying to pul out the body from the water and a bunch of kids. Philippines is f~ed up man, and im from mexico so i know this stuff.

  29. Philippines are full of sickos, seen a story about a baby rapist and most recently 5 guys having s3x with a dead body in cebu!

  30. They likely took him out to the ocean and erased him. Don’t go to the Red Zone guys, it’s never worth it.

  31. Is the photo of him with that girl, of him wearing one of those pro pally scarves? If so, my opinion of this just flipped.

  32. It is Eastman’s body. Why do I think so? I magnified the photo of his body. I see his distinctive wedding band on the finger where he wore it.

    But more telling, Eastman had two moles on his chest, one about the size of a small pea. On the recovered body I see the moles. Could those be debris, maybe.

    Lastly, the hair stubble on the chin of the body appears to me to match the growth Eastman had in his live stream videos.

    Of course, I hope I’m wrong, I will gladly go down the walk of shame.

  33. This is why I choose to go no further south than Davao del Sur! I know where I have no business going. Stay away from southern and Western Mindanao as well as Sulu Straight and Sulu Sea! This is to avoid modern pirates and jihadists!

  34. This is very tragic and I hope it isn’t him, but it looks like it is. His wife may be a good woman, but there are 100 million + other good women in Luzon and the Visayas that are not dangerous.

  35. FBI is down there investigating too. I doubt anyone will find who did this, but this should warn any American to heed the state dept. warnings.

  36. Something needs to be done about these Muslims. They cause havoc no matter what country they go to

  37. How did his body get past all of that debis. It appears that he was murdered on shore and thrown into the ocean.

  38. If YouTube and the internet never existed, this kid would still be alive today living in America. Lots of bad influence on the internet.

  39. Dont think its him. maguindano is way to far from zamboanga. Were hoping hes still alive.

  40. According to the 2023 violent crime statistics you are 664% more likely to be murd*red in United States then in Philippines. I lived in a very “white picket fence” blue collar American town, and I never felt as safe as I do walking alone in PH. So for all those spewing bias and prejudice about the PH, look around you before looking elsewhere. There is evil everywhere, but for the majority; the people, country and culture is beautiful.

  41. Guys need to stop moving to be with the girl and her family … Move her to a island of your choice

    I’ve never understood how someone can move across the world ,to a random province, just to be with a girl

    When u can plant yourself in almost any location in the phils and find a girl within a month

    He would still be alive and having the time of his life if he was in cebu , he probably one of the fittest and handsome expats ive coem across

  42. With 7000 Islands he sure took a lot of risks and talked about the bad odds. I went as far as Dumaguete. I Hope he’s ok..

  43. There was to many variables and motives against him ..sadly he created this …lending money , abu sayyaf area , only white in area and he young and handsome causing jealousy, posting online , did she have a ex bf , selling to locals from sari sari , hearing rumors that he was going to be kidnapped and he stayed

    Sad so sad , but seriously…..move to the red zone and start being a loan shark
    Poor lad didnt have ppl around him to talk sense into him

  44. Really unfortunate. I’f somebody threatens your life. Just leave. Those areas in the far provinces are not safe at all coz there are no CCTV’s and lacks police visibility as well.

  45. I saw the videos and photos of the body that washed up on shore. I’m confident it’s Eastnan. The boxers could be called multi-colore an black. The pics are very grotesque – not for the faint of heart.

  46. Muslims are at it again.. anywhere in the world whether Israel, Iran, the U.K. etc. that’s what they like to do.

  47. Separated women are still married! Not only is being intimate with them a violation of Felony Adultery Law, you are open to be murdered by their estranged Husband or boyfriend! These crimes are seldom solved!

  48. The kidnapped / abducted victim was shot in the leg , did they see that type of wound on the body found washed ashore ?

  49. If you are American in foreign countries get the hell out! We’re being hunted down.

  50. If this was the other way around where any Foreigner does anything to a Filipino they would be screaming. Foreigners thinking there is no crime in the Philippines or they are relatively safe there are mistaken. Foreigners are always the targets, especially when the laws are totally against you and there is blatant racism, aka the skin tax, can’t own land, can’t own guns, more immigration restrictions, protection for woman and children against Foreign men, but you never see that same law used against Filipino men. The Philippines is a beautiful place, but the more Gov control and Communistic is gets the worse it will be for Foreigners traveling and/or living there. Foreigners have been murdered in lots of cities there not just in Southern Mindanao cities. If it was Elliot may he rest in peace. They probably tortured him, they get off on that and have no real value of Foreign life there. Cheers

  51. That’s probably him the guy who was kidnapped oh well he knew that could happen because of where he was living he should not know better

  52. Did not think the video was too graphic. But I am a retired FF/PM. Comments saying they can tell it is him are extremely speculative, as body decomposition with bloating distorts most everything, and apparent trauma to head or elsewhere could be from “sealife”. We should know soon enough. RIP to whoever this is.

  53. Dunno if it’s him or not but the way the whole incident went down and info coming out since, I find it highly unlikely dude was taken to be ransomed.

  54. That is really sad news. Someone lost their life, and his wife lost her husband. This is not representative of the safety of the Philippines, it is representative of an area well known as a place you should not go.

  55. I dont think its him, this body dont have any hair, so dont think its even a caucasian man.
    Not him, body in the water are bald.

  56. Why did they kidnap and torture and unalive him? How does this make the perpetrators money?

  57. Thank you Reekay for this update. It’s a disturbing story and event. Stay safe!
    Peace ☮️

  58. 99 percent its him, what are the chances of another caucasian washing into mahuindanao or zamboana ?

  59. Recent report states he was married twice but unsure if it was in the same area…Apparently he got himself caught up in a love triangle in a predominantly muslim area is the scuttlebut…Also talking about how dangerous it was, arrogant quite frankly, and ingratiating himself to many in the surrounding area talking about his finances…Quite a sad scenario may he rest in peace…

  60. Thanks for the update. You’re probably 48 hours ahead of what we see here in the US.

  61. For any Caucasian Americans thinking of returning to the US…………..Kamala has imported over 15,000 previously convicted rapists, 13,000 murderers, and over 1,000 terrorists. Her first year in office, rapes increased by 8,000 and murders by 2,000 over Trump’s last year. These figures were released by the Border Patrol, ICE, and the FBI.

  62. Has to be him , its obvious the body is Caucasian and also its obvious its a fit younger guy under 30…..im sure theres not other guys mayching that description missing also

  63. It’s definitely him. Even though his face was completely decomposed and missing from his skull, I can see that the teeth shape and arrangement match his from the photos. Judging by the state of his cracked and missing skull and the fact the rest of his body was completely untouched with regard to decomposition, I’d say these animals did some pretty messed up things to him. RIP Elliot

  64. The man’s body is wearing mickey mouse swimming trunks. It has mickey mouse images all over it. He also has a hole in his right foot area. To be honest that hair looks bleached, I don’t think he bleached his hair unless they made him do it so nobody would recognize him.

  65. 28 members of the abu sayaff group was declared guilty last week by the court for kidnapping cases, maybe these kidnappings and killings of Americans was done by their remaining group… most probably

  66. No doubt in my mind it’s him. His legs and body match his videos exactly. His ears are the same. I just told my wife this morning that they already dumped his body in the ocean before seeing this video.

  67. Jewish man, who pretended to be MusIim in order to marry several women and become an exploitative money lender, has fallen on hard times.

  68. That’s got to be him. Was it an abduction for $$ or something else? If you wanted $$ why “injure” him in the back of the head that way?

  69. Appears to be a sad ending to a tragic situation. Condolences to this man’s family and friends.

  70. UPDATE: Deceased body of Caucasian man washes up on a shore in Southern Philippines.
    Link to video. Warning: EXTREMELY GRAPHIC. Photos in comments at link.

    — The Only Filipina Dating Site I recommend.. https://bit.ly/christian-filipina-dating
    — For Expat Health Insurance in the Philippines, please contact Michael Onstad at;
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    — How I send Money to the Philippines.. https://remit.ly/1amhoix
    — Loctote Flak Sack Ⅱ – Anti Theft Backpack.. https://amzn.to/3tXuBDk
    — Get a Quote on Expat Health Insurance.. https://bit.ly/expat-insurance-LBTSea

    — My official FB Page.. https://www.facebook.com/reekay.new
    — My “Heaven & Earth” Podcast Channel (theology).. https://www.youtube.com/@heavenandearth-reekay/videos
    — My Red-Pill Channel.. https://www.youtube.com/@mgtat.redpill
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