Best Locations to Meet Upper-Class Filipinas

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Author: Reekay V.

Since 2012 I’ve been traveling through various islands of the Philippines as a full-time Expat and spent 1999 living in Vietnam.

Share with me my ongoing adventures of life in the Philippines. Hopefully you find my observations helpful in your own adventures.
— Reekay


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  2. Ballroom dancing? Brilliant.

    When we going to see you on “Dancing with the Stars” Reekay?

  3. Another Reekay Classic. Just remember guys, you didn’t move to the Philippines to date a western-style “boss girl.” If her entire life is planned out to the minute, she has an overactive social calendar or worse…has tattoos and shows her body on social media….RUN!

  4. I’m curious about the tactic of staging yourself near a college campus and being swarmed by an ocean of Filipinas once class lets out. That certainly sounds like a viable strategy, but is it really affective if the guy looks over 50, and isn’t in Sparta shape? Or do you just have a bunch of young, pretty girls ignoring you?

    Also, in terms of going to a more expensive coffee house to find higher quality, women, wouldn’t coffee bean or Starbucks qualify? If I remember correctly, the coffee there were 250 or more, and pretty much out of a Filipina’s price range to have on a daily basis. Am I correct?

  5. Someone please correct me if I’m wrong, but I just don’t understand how many even halfway decent looking American guy, who isn’t 70 years old, and has an recurring income of $4000-$5000 a month, and if he takes a little time, isn’t able to date a Filipina at least as attractive as Lucy Liu!

    If you make $5000 a month, you are at first year Doctor level in the Philippines! In what world does a doctor not have his pick of the litter? How are their guys over there who are not able to cash in on their rich guy bonus points?

    I live about 20 miles from Laguna Beach, Ca. It’s plastic surgeon, central! I see tons of old, out of shape, nerdy, looking, yet successful doctors, with beautiful blondes, and Asian wives. This is right here in the picky, hypergamy filled United States!

    If a half ass decent looking American, who has the income of the top 10% of people in whatever country he lives in, still can’t get very attractive women, relatively easily, I just don’t understand what they’re doing!

    I wish we could post pictures on YouTube, so I can show the last two Filipinas I’ve dated. These are girls that would have taken me two years of conversation and begging to get with them here in the United States. Yet, it was a walk in the park in the Philippines, I’m prepared to show receipts!

    There is such a thing as rich guy bonus points, fellas. Cash them in!

  6. Not for the cheap charlies that are on unrealistic budgets of $500 a month. Cos once they suss you out your be out of the door fast.

  7. Most of these girls I would think aren’t after foreign older guys. They have everything they need in the PH and don’t need for money and will date near their own age

  8. Those are really solid thoughts. My question is, what sort of pandora’s box of BS are you opening, assuming you successfully find and date an upper-class Filipina? I’m a big believer that there is no such thing as free lunch, and when you date a princess, you may discover that doesn’t in turn make you royalty. (I know this first hand, having dated the daughter of a US Senator for a time.)

  9. The upper class Filipino women (in her late 20s without kids) don’t date foreigners… especially some dude over the age of 40, they will date and marry other upper class Filipino men! If she over the age of 40 with kids, then she may date a foreigner but most are already married.

  10. Also conventions, service clubs, business events, trade shows, and hospital cafeterias.

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