American YouTuber Kidnapped in Philippines by Gunmen Posing as Cops

Christian Filipina Asian Ladies Dating 700x100 wide animated banner 1

Author: Reekay V.

Since 2012 I’ve been traveling through various islands of the Philippines as a full-time Expat and spent 1999 living in Vietnam.

Share with me my ongoing adventures of life in the Philippines. Hopefully you find my observations helpful in your own adventures.
— Reekay


  1. dressing like a bright red flag flashing money and doing it on yt for all the world to see in a known dangerous area is beyond stupid.

  2. There is no safety in the Philippines “in general” or otherwise. It is a gamble to sit foot in any country where there are a lot of impoverished people. For ten dollars someone can have you killed. Poverty does something to people. I witnessed the murder of a retired American army man in the Philippines. Despite everyone telling me not to open my mouth or “they would come back for me”, I spoke to the investigators and the US Consul before I left the country for my own safety. It is sad because Filipinos are wonderful people, but poverty is overrunning the country. The ruling satanic sodomite elite (they rule the US and the whole world), does not care about the little people. I wish people would wake up so we can effect a systems overhaul. There is a solution, but we need to be educated. Please watch Shatter the Swarm, and follow through with all the information. We have to change the trajectory of this planet. No one should have difficulty getting the very basic necessities of life.

  3. Hey Henry. Quick serious question: After 12 years, I assume you have become accustomed to the crowing roosters 24/7, the barking dogs and the rooftop karaoki parties that go on sometimes until 3am? Because after living halfway up a 22 story condo complex in Cebu City near Ayala mall, I never did.

  4. Stupid is as stupid does. You left out one key point. His wife could have set him up also. They don’t love you, they love to take Ur money for their family and possible other Philippino boyfriend or husband. There is a sucker born every minute.

  5. Around 2018 when me and my Filipina wife visited the Angeles City area her Aunt and her entourage got attacked by several men with guns while driving from a well known restaurant. At least one of the relatives got shot but they managed to escape. These things do happen infrequently but you certainly don’t want to flaunt any wealth. Or, in fact, it’s a good idea to not make it known how much your income really is. Other than a driver scam, we haven’t had any issues on several trips since then.

  6. Foreigners getting involved in money laundering are guaranteed problems. It is illegal for foreigners to be in that business, the foreigners won’t be paying tax on that income, they will be taking a locals market share. It is also a sin business being a loan shark to low income/poverty locals

  7. During my 1st visit to see my wife about 15 years ago, her Dad and Uncles cautioned me that if I were to get in a taxi and it wasn’t taking me where I was supposed to go, to get out any way I can and that if I started seeing signs for Mindanao, to jump out as it’s moving if I have to.

  8. I wonder if his wife’s religion might have contributed to him being targeted? Has there been a ransom request?

  9. I’ve always felt safe in the Philippines I traveled there extensively through the 80s early 90s and then in the 2000s.. Not once have I had ever been south of Cebu because of the multiple warnings. In other words the warnings about the southern Philippines have been issued for years. And these warnings are issued for a reason.

  10. Shows you there intelligence level. Lol Americans are the poorest people in the world. They let Chinese walk around and they are wealthy and in abundance lol

  11. In the first place, he should know that marrying a Muslim filipina woman is not a good idea, 1st Muslim wanted to marry ONLY their own Muslim man but Muslim man marrying a regular pinay is okay for them and there’s a dowry even their own Muslim man to marry a Muslim filipina…. 15:01

  12. Not exactly alway in southern Philippines. Its more like moslem areas down south, and Angeles if the white guy associate with the local gangsters. Chinese, indians and Koreans get snatched up regularly, but its organized crime targeting their own groups.

  13. I was under the assumption that Zamboanga City was much safer these days due to heavier military presence, but obviously the dangers persist. I hope and pray that kid will be unharmed and okay. But knowing the Abu Saayaf as I do, it doesn’t look good.

  14. I put it this way. The 90-95% of the Philippines is like 1srael (non-1slamic areas). Going further south to the 5-10% of the Philippines is like going to Gaza (1slamic areas).

  15. One of my ex-gf’s was an Filipina-American born in Mindanao. When she had to travel there to visit her ailing father, she told me I couldn’t join her because “western looking people” are targeted for kidnapping or killing there. Even she said she had to be careful and not act like an American while there. This was in 1995 so it sounds like things haven’t changed.

  16. Shot in leg, with M16, (ar15, even a 223 variant) at close range, would mean no bullet in leg. It went through and through. and if it went through bone, then he his not walking anywhere.

  17. Almost every country has do not travel warnings for that area. Nothing is there that you cannot see elsewhere in the Philippines.

  18. I’ve lived in the Philippines for 15 years, and I’m returning to retire there. Some advice to newbie expats.

    Don’t go to insecure places
    Mind your own business
    Don’t embarrass the locals
    Don’t act like you have money
    Don’t become a useless drunkard
    Don’t trust everyone

    Blend in
    Be polite and kind to Filipinos
    Be cautious with foreigners
    Obey Philippine laws

  19. Truth be told this is why i dont fault americans or other westerners for not having a passport or not traveling frequently. Ive been to the Phillipines and a hanful of other countries, some poor some rich and inbetween. Traveling and moving anroad is not for everyone. And please dont tell me about learning of other cultures and other nonsense (as if those same natives give a sh*t about yours), its really not all that, and im a guy who travels saying this!

  20. Let’s all pray for the safe return of Elliott ! His wife is probably very distressed about his kidnapping and wondering how her family can afford a ransom on little income. Let us hope that local religious leaders can bring hope & justice to this situation. Nick , NavyBlueSmoke , LST-1195

  21. Have the kidnappers asked for a ransom?
    If not did they kidnapped him for another reason or did he die from the leg injury.

  22. This country isn’t like the country you came from….Too much Partying will get you in big Trouble…..

  23. Thank you. Going to the Phil next month and was thinking of going to Gen San by myself. This video just confirmed- that is a hard pass. I didn’t know Gen San was part of the sketch areas.

  24. These days, YouTubers go to great lengths to create content for garnering views. I wouldn’t put it past this one.

  25. Sounds like an inside job! Americans stay away from countries that hate Americans. You dug your grave now lay in it.

  26. Street smarts apply in your home country. They apply doubly so when traveling abroad.
    Hope this guy makes it out alive. What can you do? It’s a case of when social media meets the real world. And sometimes that can be devastating.

  27. A few years ago in Negros Occidental in the province a few NPA tried to kidnap me. I told them in a very unkind way to f off and they did. I would be more worried about being sold to a Muslim gang. If this guy ain’t got no money, that will probably happen to him. They shot him right? Yeah he probably is being sold to someone looking to make a beheading video.

  28. As soon as you said he was in Zamboanga, I instantly didn’t feel sorry for him. I have heard video after video saying that area is dangerous. The saying goes, fuck around and find out, which is exactly what happened.

  29. 10:38 draw a line that starts between iligan and cagayan de oro and it goes to davao, stay on the right side of that line.

  30. “Get off the stage!” I suspect public figures i.e. YouTubers especially foreigners are targeted for a variety of reasons. I really enjoy your production because am not always looking at a talking head, which by the way is repetitive and lacks any type of forethought.

  31. I fly to the Philippines on Monday to the bemusement of my friend. We were in the car about an hour ago and I got a ‘read-out’ notification with the title randomly and robotically read out. Thanks for the laugh.

  32. I’ve seen first hand what an M16 round will did to a man’s leg. This man if not treated in a hospital will lose his leg and more likely than not his life. My guess is he has one week to ten days to live. Sadly he put himself in this horrific situation…

  33. Most of my time is in Mindanao Zamboanga cities on my list of places to visit, particularly pink beach. I’m told it’s actually safer in and around the city, but you might not want to go out of the city. Yes, it is a hired Muslim population. And I’ve even heard Taliban are in the mountains south of Davao. Most people are generally good but there are bad people everywhere. I would like to see some of those areas myself but he does come with a risk. Like traveling in the holylands or other places in the world. You have to accept the risk if you’re going to go there. And if you are lighter skin and don’t find in very well, you do stick out, people will see you. It makes sense that you could be more of a Target.

  34. I recently traveled to the Philippines and married a Filipina last year i traveled through the red zones and i was taken out of a trike near Cagayan by police and they took my picture and personal info because the kidnap rate for white guys are high because white=money and they need me on file also when i was there we where scammed,followed ect- Davao city was nice but id stay out of Mindanao and if your going to manila DO NOT travel at night! and do not travel alone me and my wife where at the lotus hotel and this older mans credit card didnt work so needed a atm which are outside but the homeless rate in manila is intense and there no security guards watching at night so he asked the waiter is it safe to go out there he said yes i was shocked remember this at like 11 at night and so he went outside i payed my tab fast and told my wifey hurry i wanna follow him just make sure he gets there safe long story short i never seen that man after that night. but this place is beautiful on camera and the people here are amazing but there is alot of bad here as well, now i was there for a month and i told my sister id feel safer going to the projects and screaming racist slurs before i went back through Mindanao. Remember youtubers will not show you the real Philippines its not like it is on youtube at all so keep that in mind before traveling there and as far as the Chinese go i was watching a news broadcasting where two gunmen went on the bus and killed two Chinese citizens living in the Philippines and they showed the video on the news unedited it was scary as me and my wife where taking buses for travel and also when it comes to the police its not like it is here in America the police presences is like non existing you will see security guards outside of hotels and atms and at the malls but rarely you will see police.

  35. I don’t understand why some foreigners choose to live in areas of the Philippines that even many Filipinos are afraid to visit. Even a Filipino tourist would stand out and be measured up by the locals in these places that aren’t accustomed to visitors.

  36. He mentioned lending money as his business. This creates huge problems if the borrowers can’t repay. Since these are off the books loans, you need some muscle to encourage people to pay the loans back. Who is the muscle for the borrowers? Well, looks like we just found out. They may have even earned a finders fee for advising where to locate him, and of course they don’t need to pay the loans back now. This is why loaning money is a terrible idea in an extremely low income area.

  37. Firearms are hard to come by? What Philippines do you live in? Every bank and 7/11 has a guard with an old AR type rifle or shotgun and a toothpick in his mouth. I have more than once scolded an untrained security guard how to carry their weapon on a Jeepney because they are a danger to everyone riding.

  38. Reckless activity should avoided in southern Philippines, its the turp of 2 rebel group, they’re doing illegal activities for financing their survival, they’re the Islamic rebels and leftist rebels, they have overlapping area of control.

  39. It apparently took the kidnappers 5 months to become aware of his presence living in Mindanao, decide to kidnap him, plan and carry out the operation. The moral to the story for western tourists: when in mindanao stay mobile and don’t broadcast your travel info, arrival date or future itinerary to anyone. Stay off public transportation such as Jeepneys and buses. Listen to the locals because they know where the invisible red lines are between catholic and muslim areas on the island and within the specific towns on the island. avoid entering the muslim areas.

  40. Please just stay out of these shitehole countries simple as that cheaper doesn’t always mean safe
    Plus that will lead to a change reaction other will copy it
    When you’re in these countries as a foreigner you will never win

  41. Please just stay out of these shitehole countries simple as that cheaper doesn’t always mean safe
    Plus that will lead to a change reaction other will copy it
    When you’re in these countries as a foreigner you will never win

  42. When I in Mindanao for the first time my friend also christian said friend with muslims is okay but do not trust them.

  43. Was he muslim? If he married a Muslim woman but he is Jewish (eastman is a jewish name), then it might’ve been religiously motivated.

  44. In & out of Phils, 1985 – 2012 .. Disregard the puppy dogs & rainbows BS most YouTubers sell; You are a Foreigner in the Phils, “You Stick Out like a Sore Thumb, a mile away” (at all times, everywhere you go You Can Not “Blend in”) ..You are the “Obvious” Choice / Target of Robbers, Scammers / Set-up’s & BS Artists (sometimes just a misunderstanding, insecurity, animosity, resentment or loss of face & vendetta) .. Do Not put yourself in safety compromising situations / Do Not give People (strangers acquaintance’s or casual friends), Situations “the benefit of the doubt” and “Always Literally Watch Your Back” (esp late at night) .. Theft & Scams are everywhere, Violent Crime on Foreigners Goes Largely Unreported, and watch out for guys jumping off Motorbikes (gun or knife don’t resist) “people have gotten their heads blown off for Cell Phones or Wallets” ..

  45. Well at least you aren’t in Canada. We have the 4th highest kidnapping rate in the world. Philippines is almost dead last.

  46. Just Google how many people are kidnapped in the USA . Then you’ll probably move to the Philippines lol , it’s a lot safer

  47. Davao might be safest city but its really not..Them muslims are scoping you out in that area wauting for you to step out..and filipina muslims are not nice to u they are very rude cause their master clamp them down

  48. Not a good time, esp now w/ what’s happening in the Mid East, esp for an American to be in those specific areas now .. With a whole archipelago to choose from “I don’t get these guys” .. Phil GOV, about 6 mos ago, basically declared Abu Sayyaf extinct ..

  49. Well, most likely they will going to find his lifeless body somewhere when they discover he has no money. Anyway, I would not recommend ever going to these regions of the Philippines as a foreigner..

    A few years ago they kidnapped a Phil-Am visiting family

  50. Only one region in Mindanao which is really safe for both tourists and residents alike and has no history of kidnappings and terrorist attacks is CARAGA region on the northeastern part of Mindanao island. The provinces include Agusan provinces, Surigao provinces and Dinagat Islands. All other provinces have histories of terrorist attacks and kidnappings in the past. The most troubled regions are Davao region and Zamboanga regions as they account about 80% of all kidnappings and terrorist attacks in Mindanao. Moderately troubled regions are BARMM, SOCKSARGEN, and Northern Mindanao. The cities often targeted by terrorists and other criminal groups are Davao City and Zamboanga city, with Davao City less safe.

  51. In one of his latest livestreams titled “What’s up you guys!” he complained about not being able to move about freely and seemed to be asking his wife to get her passport so he could bring her to America. He even said in the video he didn’t think he would ever return to that part of the Philippines because of how uncomfortable he felt there.

  52. The Philippines is in fact unsafe. It’s not just kid napping. It’s robbery, extortion, and murder. I’ve been going to the Philippines since the 1980’s. My wife is from the Philippines. It happens far more frequently then people like this guy who wants to appease his neighbors tell you

  53. I know going to Davao in a cross country bus was an eye opener.. seeing billboard on the roads with the “wanted dead or alive” pictures.. and the armored APC’s on the street corners in Davao at times.. but I never felt threatened there and enjoyed the city and CDO

  54. I’m not sure how more of these people don’t end up missing. While it is entertaining to watch some of these YT’ers interact w/ the locals, some these YT’ers tend to travel and stay with complete strangers. It’s wholesome to see that they embrace the culture of these people and display their warmth and kindness, but not everybody is a good person.

  55. Friend of mine who has sadly passed away was from the Philippines and came to USA as a young boy. His Father’s Brother started the department store Rustan’s. The family became wealthy and always travelled with armed security team. Wealth or perception of wealth can make one a target anywhere. Another friend of mine from USA married lady from Columbia and they went to live there. He told me they had armed escort when travelling. The world can be a dangerous place no matter where you live. Sad but true.

  56. if your a foreigner and this happens to you it means your stupid and asking for it. why would you go down south.

  57. Terrorist group in Philippines, I think funded by greedy, coward, traitor, art of war, copy paste, country ally of iran and also enemy of U.S & Philippines

  58. sounds like he was encroaching on someone elses turf and paid the price for it. play stupid games win stupid prizes

  59. Inside job, money lender competing with locals, strong-arm collection??, not in-laws first choice. Probably the last time he will be seen. He broke too many rules.

  60. 4 Armed guys with like reekey described, try to rob a pawnshop where me and my gf where shopping. Thank God the owner confronted them and exchanged fire, i could see bullets flying from one side to other in front of me and thought i was going to get killed… the guns were fabricated as reekey describes, but they were like big bullets, and the guns were big and loud, phillipijes is getting dangerous..

  61. I have lived in General Santos and it has been fine. I feel safer there than I do in most of my own hometown in the USA. HOWEVER, like any place, know what you are dealing with. I don’t go outside of the city limits at night, ever. General Santos, like Davao, goes out of its way to have both the regular police and military highly visible with checkpoints throughout the city and at all of the city exits.

    Also, I think he got kidnapped BECAUSE he married a Muslim woman and didn’t keep a low profile about it.

  62. There are around 22 provincez in Mindanao and the 11 provinces namely South Cotabato, North Cotabato, Maguinadanao, Lanao del Sur, Lanao Del Norte, Zamboanga del Norte, Zamboanga Sibugay , Zamboanga del Sur, Basilan, Jolo and Tawi Tawi and the 11 provinces where Muslims are predominantly are a no GO ZONE for foreigners especially the westerners.

  63. Westerners are hard headed there are cautions and advisory from their government and local to avoid some NO GO ZONE AREAS and yet they keep pn ignoring those advisory!!!

  64. These are Islamic terrorist that did this. We need to call them out for what they are. There’s a reason why this is only happening in the south.

  65. Watch his “Living in the Philippines most dangerous area as an American” around the 1:54 mark. He was being told by locals that people were planning to kidnap him and he left twice due to it, but came back a third time and then it happened. Also told a story about how people came into his wife’s class when she was a kid and kidnapped a Canadian girl for ransom.

  66. One time I landed in Catarman in Northern Samar and was waiting for my scheduled driver. A guard at the airport seemed genuinely concerned about me and made sure I had a ride and told me not to walk off airport property. I found out later it was not a very safe part of the island. Another time I was in Iloilo in Panay and got to know a police officer. He talked about his “drug war” battles in the hills on the island and had the bullet scars to prove it. But he told me I was safe in the towns and along the coast. My point is that there are going to be a few sketchy places everywhere you travel. Use common sense, read the State Dept briefings, and talk to locals to get intel on the area you are in. Generally, I feel safer in Philippines than I would in any major city in the US.

  67. Not only did this guy stand out, but he drew a lot of unneeded attention to himself. For example, one of his YT videos was titled “Living in the most dangerous area of the Philippines. Red Zone.” It was only a matter of time…

  68. Good coverage. Kidnapping is one of the most popular crimes in the Philippines. Abusaya, the Filipino Islam fanstics are still active in the Southern region. No surprise. The neighbouring island, Borneo has the similar danger.

  69. Dang. And here I am wanting to go to Tawi Tawi for a few days. Im not gonna let stupid Muslims discourage me

  70. Great advice! Also it’s not just Youtube videos (though that’s easiest) but photos in general on social media etc. And already AI is being used (at not a very advanced level) to accurately and consistently find where you are within 50 miles (in seconds, and it doesn’t take much more work once you have the area to narrow it down with google earth).
    How big are these islands? Surprised the police and army can’t deal with these places, I thought they were pretty militant there?

  71. Terrible and a blow to travellers and foreigners going there. Another girl went missing in Dumaguete today. Been a few now i heard about it. No one ever covers this.

  72. I have seen several youtube bloggers commenting about how they visited or live in “the Red Zone”. They say it is “safe”. I think they enjoy the attention they get by going against the advice their government gives them. If something bad happens, they expect someone to rescue them?

  73. Yes, he was a target just because he was living in Zamboanga. He obviously didn’t pay attention to the state department warnings about Zamboanga for the last 2 decades…. Dummy.

  74. I watched one video. Well skipped through. He talks about being in the money lending business. Not a good idea. Living where he did, was not a good idea. He put himself in the most possible danger.

  75. After I heard about this, I did a news search for “American kidnapped.” Turns out, a lot of Americans are kidnapping people, lol.


  77. I have no desire to go into Mindanao, my girlfriend has told me she will NOT step foot in that area. I told her that Davao was one of the safest cities and she told me to hell with that……..I respect her judgement because she’s lived here all of her life. For the expats out there that will cry up and down that it’s safe, then go right ahead. You might not ever have a problem there but it only takes that one time to mess it all up. Like Henry said in the video, 95% of the Philippines is safe, beautiful beaches, friendly people, so why in the world would you go down south and possibly take that chance, it makes absolutely no sense to me.

  78. And obviously its still a problem in Zamboanga. For HOW LONG NOW. Im going to say 20 or more years. NO RULE OF LAW!!!!!!!!!!

  79. He knew he was living in extremely dangerous area and he voiced it in his last few videos that he didn’t know if he will be safe at all. Lesson from this is if you know it’s dangerous Why would you merry a Muslim woman on an all Muslim island especially where the Muslims kidnapping foreigners?

  80. I am here to read all these ignorant expats saying philipines safe i had no issues and its all this young mans fault. Please You need to Learn tag. Then Watch the nightly news. It’s the wild west here. They interviewed a family member of the Australian man that in a rich resort got his throat slit. That family member said he always claimed how safe the Philippines was. It’s safe until you’re a statistic. Always keep your head on a swivel.

  81. Even in the ’80s, Zamboanga and other areas of Southwestern Mindanao was a dangerous area. I consider it a no-go zone.

  82. I’ve traveled all over Mindanao alone for about as long as this guy, but that is an area I have been warned by many Filipinos. GenSan is actually safe downtown, but I would say the west coast in general should be avoided. My fiancée and I discussed this, and unnecessary risks… like marrying a Muslim girl in the worst place imaginable with a track record of kidnappings * cough * not to be rude, but that dude is cooked. So many red flags he failed to see.

  83. Great advice as always Reekay. I know of the US site and use it. My Filipina is in CDO and when she told me it was on Mindanao I was worried until I read the details on the site. We met in September and so far no red flags and she is awesome.

  84. Actually , a gun is not a pistol nor an M-16. It’s a large caliber progetile shot out of an artillery piece, or from a ship, like the M777 . Or even an old cannon .

  85. Ha, ok. My suspicion was that he got involved with a Muslim girl. Please address my question below about the gensan area and south.

  86. Remember, Muslims in Mindanao believes that Mindanao is for them not Christians. So, you expect Jihad from them.

  87. Whenever I commute and when there is a Muslim that rides in the same bus or jeepney that I ride, then I stepped down because I am always in doubt because of their possible bad actions. You can’t trust them!

    I am not against Muslim, but what they are saying is different from their actions. I really can’t trust them.

  88. Reminds me of that couple who went to the grape capital of the world in the part where it happens alot to camp

  89. He married a Muslim???? Therefore, he is really looking for trouble. You can’t trust Muslims. That’s reality. He even lived in a place were terrorist are rampant.

  90. From what I understand, the southwest part of mindanao from Marawi onward can be dangerous. When was the last time a foreigner had a problem near gensan and south central?

  91. Wonder what the advisory warning would look like if the USA did one on themselves. At least 50 No Go Zones. People raped kidnapped and murdered every day in every major city. Police that don’t care and Judges that don’t prosecute.

  92. I don’t know any thing about this guy, but travel to Mindanao as a 6’2″ (188cm) white guy with blonde hair and blue eyes all the time. I stand out!

    As Reekay said, why would you venture to the 5% of the country and press your luck? I’ve never had problems with Muslims in Mindanao, and have lived in an complex (CDO) which was 80% Muslim.

    Stupid games win stupid prizes. Head south of Davao, or to the ‘nether’ regions of the Philippines, and you are pushing the boundaries. Especially as a naive white man married to a Filipina Muslim and vlogging.

    The Philippines is safe, safer than most places in the ‘West’, unless you are stupid.

    I grew up in Chicago, and would not travel to the ‘Southside’ after dark. Duh…

  93. I have lived on Mindanao for over 10 years and have never visited that part of the island! There is a reason why I do not go there! It is not safe!
    There is no reason to sugar coat the dangers in the Philippines. Philippine men (Filipinos/Pinoys) do not like foreign men. Why? They are jealous of even a small pension and foreigners taking their women! Many/maybe most single Filipinas/Pinays are Separated. Separated means still married. Divorce is nor permitted in The Philippines. If their jealous estranged husband doesn’t kill you then the police can arrest you for Felony Adultery!
    Murder is cheap in the Philippines. You can hire a hit man/men for $100. USD. One drives a motorbike and the shooter rides behind him with the gun.
    Another fact, do not pick a fist fight in a bar! You will be fighting 3, 5, 7 Filipinos and they carry long bladed knives.
    With the dangers in the Philippines plus government crack down on ExPats, it is difficult to call the PIs paradise!
    Cheap living comes with a price!

  94. Did not know that GenSan also counts as a risky region – will visit there in January to meet a girl and then go north to Davao and so on…Could read up about not going anywhere near the West part of Mindanao but never heard of GenSan specifically… :/ Will not cancel the plans but keep an eye out while there. Thank you for the informations in this and the video before.

  95. There is killing all the time just a while ago a guy got shot in Cebu. so Wake up, We lose people all the time Not just expats, It’s a Developing country, it’s totally normal
    watch your Ass always, Travel in Groups, Manage your risks, By the way many many Many own guns here but you, Again Developing country, Be good to everyone and you will be treated good, If you are to offend people you will be taken care of,
    Enjoy, God Bless

  96. In his video “I found my wife in the Philippines,” he describes lending money as a business opportunity to earn interest., my point of view is that this was the number one reason why he was kidnapped. I pray for his safe return.

  97. I’ve been coming to the Philippines for over 30 years, some 16-18 seperate holidays lasting mostly a month but some were longer than that, but I have never ventured down south, due to Abu Sayaf and other terrorists, in the past some foreigners were tragically beheaded, some of these areas are of outstanding beauty, but I’m not that eagre to venture there, besides we have safe spots such as beautiful Boracay and many other areas, in fact most of the Philippines is relatives safe, we cannot forget though, that there was a bus bombing in Manila many years ago, and there are always thieves posing as cops, even in Manila , I’ve never had any problems except I had £300 in pesos stolen from me at a Philippines airport whist being directed away from my personal belongings going through a scanner, directed through a different scanner parallel to that one, and frisked I didn’t realise it had been stolen until I was 450 miles away within the Philippines, since that time, airport staffing has had a shake up. So be on your guard at all times.

  98. He pissed off the wrong people, I’ve been retired here 15 years now, own 3 houses and numerous vehicles as a collector, I never had a single problem living here, so guaranteed he was targeted, this is not isolated, always be aware of your surroundings, I stay on the Luzon province, I’m surrounded by police officers, 24 hour checkpoints, 7 days a week, on the only road in and out of my province

  99. Of course there is still an issue with the Abu Sayaf in southern Mindinao.
    The rest of Philippines is quite safe..
    I live in the Alphonso, Luzon, and I can tell you it’s very very safe…
    Never saw any funny business, or questionable character…
    Everyone is polite and respectful…..
    I feel a lot safer in the Philippines than in a lot of other countries, thankyou…

  100. He was living in an area he shouldn’t have, doing business he shouldn’t have, married a Muslim, advertised his life on YouTube, he did one mistake after another!

  101. People make mistakes all the time… just 5 days ago I looked the wrong way when crossing a road freshly back In thailand. Just pure luck that I didn’t get hit by some quiet vehicle. We as humans do stupid stuff all the time. Especially when we’re looking for a better life. Why does everyone act like this guy had it coming. How often have we had something coming to us but we escaped., not by our own ability. I pray this man is returned.

  102. I’m at the airport now, leaving after spending a month in General Santos for the second year in a row. I was surprised to see it on the list.

  103. The pattern associated with this issue in the southern areas has been well-known by most, and it may be partially due to its provision of an easy escape route. The “it won’t happen to me”mentality doesn’t always work out, especially in these global economic times

  104. Its good to have a couple of dogs to alert you if something is wrong. A security camera also helps. That part of the Philippines is known for kidnappings. Maybe the kidnapping was politically motivated because he was American and their are radical groups in that area. I live in the Northern part of Luzon. I feel pretty safe where I’m at, but I always watch my back.

  105. When the State Department Travel Advisory says “Level 3 – Reconsider Travel”…. you should probably reconsider traveling there.

  106. He went to place my pinay would never take me, Davao is ultra safe since Duterte, the province of Mindanao is sketchy…Just saying. I hope he will be ok

  107. I think it was most likely a local situation and someone who knew him personally. Filipinos take offense from things we don’t even understand as being complaints or arguing

  108. If you add to the threat list murder then whole country will be covered anyway, such as the case when Australians found tied up in a hotel resort south of Manila killed by hotel staff.

  109. Zamboanga Del Norte, Dipolog city.
    I could tell you a long story about it but I digress.
    Simply always an uncomfortable feeling. Confronted,
    but x wife’s family intervention stopped the immediate situation.
    Changing of rooms and hotels every other day.
    I believe he was a German fellow kidnapped 3 days after I left and from a place about a quarter of a mile from where I was staying.
    That’s the short story.
    Plenty of other places to enjoy.
    Stay alert to your surroundings same as you would in your own country.
    Enjoy the Philippines, it’s a beautiful place.

  110. Everyone knows the southern part of the Philippines is the worse area to live in. I have need here 14 years no problems at all.

  111. I moved to Panama when I was 36 and was told to stay away from Darien Gap area (far east, near the border with Colombia). About two weeks in I met a friendly younger Panamanian local guy (“Alfredo”) and we got talking and we were both computer programmers. So we met up for a bite to eat and after this, a couple of his friends suggested that they take me to see the Darien Gap area. I never met these guys and had no clue who they were, although the first guy I met seemed really friendly. I got spooked and never went. Then, later on, Alfredo asked me point blank: “My friends think you don’t want to go because they think you might thing we’re going to kidnap you.” I thought, “Hmmm?!? Interesting!” And I can’t help but think my own intuition saved my life.

    Yes, it’s always best to listen to your own intuition. However, with this Elliot guy, after listening to some of his videos, I don’t think he’s that bright. He throws caution to the wind and now he’s paying for that mistake, perhaps fatally. I feel sorry for him but it doesn’t change the fact that he was warned and made the choice himself to ignore those warnings. The best thing that can come out of this is that Westerners, especially Americans, will learn from this mistake.

  112. Yes, it’s always a good idea to listen to Muhammad Ali’s words of wisdom on this front: “Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face.”

  113. Do not live in unsafe areas where abductions have occured and do not be the big flashy guy in a poor neighborhood. Do not be an easy victim , be aware of your surroundings , be vigilent and if possible trained and be armed. If you follow those simple steps the likelihood of becoming a victim of something like this becomes infantesimally small.

  114. I’ve been living here for 25 years.. Luzon gets most of the storms. Mindanao is kinda iffy to live. My pick is always the Visayas.> His big mistake was marrying a M

  115. I’m moving next year with my Ilonga wife living in Polomolok near GenSan. We are private pineapple growers owning several hectares of land so our wealth is high compare to average Filipinos. My wife wants me to buy a gun for our protection and refuses that I go alone at the farm. Her fear is mostly towards the muslims.

  116. Actually i remember this warning to us all…Before the internet era…From a man now deceased…Named “Paradise Johnson” who was a expat before this “Passport Bros” became vogue and most like you said are in Mindinao and the most Southern parts [It has most always been this way if you read the past news!] as the Muslim parts that the government has warned many MANY Westerners to not explore…Let alone stay….Could say more but watch out more now…As times are getting more hard and the scams and desperate and and more bold….And since Filipinos love their guns [Thanks Uncle Sugar] there more there that one would expect…Same with machetes….And crossbows….Peace

  117. I’ve been to 77 Countries, and have lived in 4 of those for more than a few years each. I have lived in Brazil. <-- that should be a clue of what I am about to say; When it comes to kidnapping Prolificness, Brazil makes the Philippines look like Switzerland or Japan. In the U.S., there were about 58,000 "Non-Family" Abductions last year, mostly of children. Lets not fool ourselves, or fall victim to unbalanced media hyped fears - the world is mostly safe, but sometimes not.

  118. Family must have money or he filmed some thing or someone on Youtube that some group did not want shown on Youtube

  119. I rented some space in a house in Sydney, Australia that was owned by a Filipino family, they took very careful precautions whenever they travelled back to the Phils to see their family. They would never announce their visit, even to family, so they would just turn up unexpected. This ensured no one would be able to plan a kidnap or an attack. 2. They would never carry suitcases for their visit, packing everything they needed into carry bags that would not draw attention to them being visitors. They would dress very modestly during their visit, no high-end clothing and no jewelry. This was how they stayed safe. The guy’s niece was previously kidnapped by Muslims and had been forced to marry a Muslim man, and his cousin had been shot and killed in another incident. All this on Mindanao.

  120. These are areas where the ruling majority are not followers of the people who live in the north. The Philippines government have been fighting them for decades.

  121. That guy was reckless & naive to think that his life would go well there. As many of us know, Zamboanga & areas south & south west are unsafe for foreigners. He blew off the warnings, and now he’s in trouble.

  122. I’ll cut to the truth as simply as possible. We are entering end times prophecy aka WW3, collapse in currency, defaults on debt, and big upheavals in society and the earth itself. You need to be in a place that’s homogeneous to you otherwise you’re the next meal. Same culture, same religion, same language, same country, friends and family. Kapeesh?

  123. As an American he should have known about the risk of terrorism from Muslims. And he goes off and lives near them and marries one of them.

  124. I know two Chinese businessmen were kidnapped and killed earlier this year as soon as they landed in Manila. None of them is related to gambling and one of them is a US citizen.

  125. Just had a quick glance at his channel not very much to see plus going by his lifestyle he living in very poor standards. Personally i can’t see how he can remain in the philippines with little to low or no money with visa extensions and such like and these interviews taking place now. Likely he has gone back to the same place. Not learned anything or taken any action to change anything. What the hell is anyone doing living like that in the philippines coming from a western country is beyond reasoning.

  126. To me the guy is really not smart doing everything wrong basically and now facing the consequences of his terrible decisions..Let’s pray for a positive outcome but don’t hold your breath with these Islamic monsters.

  127. While he apparently wasn’t wealthy, a cursory viewing of his videos revealed to me that he liked to toss around amounts that he spent on things quite a bit and some of them were amounts that would be quite substantial to your average Filipino.

  128. He was skinny, easy to kidnap. Stay fat, it’s for our own safety. Joking. Hope dude is fine. God bless him.

  129. Near Zamboanga, I was told not to go there as a foreigner. Zamboanga, is and area farthest west side of Mindanao

  130. I think I already warned a long time ago that it is human trafficking going up in Asia as much as possible in the Philippines not only from the American side but also from the European side. I consider it human trafficking.

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