Before You Ask a Filipina to Live with You, Watch This!

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Author: Reekay V.

Since 2012 I’ve been traveling through various islands of the Philippines as a full-time Expat and spent 1999 living in Vietnam.

Share with me my ongoing adventures of life in the Philippines. Hopefully you find my observations helpful in your own adventures.
— Reekay


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  2. Cant blame the women obviously just like anywhere else in the world most would want a relationship and more in their lives.
    Dont be a dick and discuss what is on offer dont use and abuse her
    Obviously many men are tired of the Wests women who dont work dont help out demand more and do less!…!!!!!
    I worked 10hr/day, picked her up after work, payed for groceries, started dinner then shower and after i did dishes she tells me that something else needed to be cleaned?? fk me who needs it?

  3. Asian women have one goal in mind. To marry in order to get their residency and citizenship, then divorce to get property split and alimony after two years .
    Marrying an Asian is a go broke proposition. I have seen this movie play with many men.

  4. I think any male that goes to the PH with the idea of meeting a woman and get to the point of serious dating or marriage which can happen VERY easily there, should watch the videos from Filipina Pea where she goes over legalities. A person needs to understand the legal ramifications of having a woman move in with them in the PH. There’s a big difference between a woman who is a housekeeper living in a place but there is no relationship or a woman dating a person and having a sexual relationship and living with a person because you start to border on marriage law there.

    THAILAND is a much safer place to do those types of things.

    If you want to go through a few women, go to Thailand. They have better internet too. There’s a lot of things that are better about Thailand really. But, I’d rather marry a woman from the PH IF she is from a good home and doesn’t have problematic family.

  5. I am the son of a Filipina, but I was raised in the USA. She didn’t want me marrying Filipino women, at first she wanted an American woman for me, but then she decided no woman would be good for me, except for a select few, but that sadly didn’t work out. They were great women, and Mom knew how to pick the very best of the best, but well, those fine ladies found more suitable men than me for their partners.

    Mom was truly one of the most beautiful Filipina’s I know of. Just google “Esther Cordova 1926-2021” video to see her picture.

  6. Problem also on top is after all he said IF you make it past the first phase you also start accumulating her relatives and become their ATM!!!

  7. Good advice. I moved to the Philippines in January 2000. The ways of meeting girls has changed dramatically because of social media, in those days we foreigner idiots would go to bars to meet girls. i had fantastic times, but never a permanent relationship, basically they were prostitutes, but victims of a poor country and it was easy money for them. It was a bundle of fun, but the rule was always “You can take the girl out of the bar, but you cannot take the bar out of the girl.” As I became a closer member of the local community some girls admitted that they had up to five foreigners sending them money each month, each foreigner eagerly awaiting their next holiday visit. The girls were never rich, because they sent almost all of the money back to their relatives in the province. Another rule is that that “The more money you have, the more relatives she has.” Sadly this is true for the girls also, and I have seen many girls discover that her relatives, usually male, have stopped working to live off her money. However good things happen here as well as bad things. (I personally know of nine foreigners and one Filipino girl brutally murdered in this country, without any form of police retribution except one, the subject of a channel 4 documentary called Murder in the Family). I was introduced to a young lady by a former girlfriend, she had never worked, and we have now been happily living together for nearly four years, in fact we were married over three years ago. Sometimes it really is more fun in the Philippines, so play the rules here and adapt.
    link to murder in the family is below, it is very emotional.
    Both Stephen and Mike Dunn were drinking mates of mine. I just watched the link I sent and had tears in my eyes. If anyone follows that link please reply to my comment. We still get updates about Stephens kids in the UK.

  8. Just because you buy a woman on the street to be your toy, doesn’t mean she intends to be a toy. She’s not the problem. You are.

  9. Before you uploaded the thumbnail, have you ask yourself the red side of the PH flag is on top? Not sure if intentional or not but it has all meaning.

  10. Have simple (sexy)fun for three months and wait for the crazy to come out. And internet people are not remotely the same as real world people.

  11. Excellent observations. The three months timeframe is on point. In labor law, worldwide, 3 months is the exact amount of time granted to employers to gauge the fitness of the candidate for permanent employee…During that 3 month window of time it is of the utmost important to know how to test the candidate. Particularly if this candidate is for a vital position that is key to the project, business project or family project, the same. Some employers in some countries take it up a notch and create situations to even temp the candidate to see. Not ethical, but not illegal, e.g. leave a few thousand pesos lying around to see if the candidate will be tempted. Highly unethical if you ask me, but the more value you have in a potential business or potential family the more no need to exhaust all ethnical means to determine if you TRUST this person…ask any Marine if they would prefer going into combat with a marine wit a 5/10 performance and 10/10 level of trust or a marine with a 10/10 performance and a 5/10 level of trust and then ask, why? If you are in a foreign world you are in a battlefield of sorts… trying to adapt so as to survive and thrive… there’s no limit to amount of troubles women bring, Bob Dylan.

  12. Do you have a video on move-in proofing the relationship. We all change a bit once the key is officially given. Wondering how to relationship proof those first few months.

  13. I met an American born Filipina and in less than a week she wanted to move into my home. She was moving way to fast for me and I put the skids on that plan and she was out of my life on a flash, never to be heard from again. Too bad because I really liked her but in my home I make the decisions, not some “total stranger” as you put it.

  14. Just realize many of them won’t go home until you tell them too. Lol. Be upfront about it and tell them they can spend the night a day or two but they can’t stay and live there until the relationship gets more serious later

  15. about that Type already telling some Woman Channels and i would never be the Sugar Daddy for her

  16. Long story short, always think with the big head instead of the little one

  17. Idk why I came across this video but as a Filipina, I guess these things won’t escalate to a dramatic kicking the woman out if you are really straightforward with your intentions and house rules. I find calling security a smart move btw. Second, be discerning with who you date with. If she is from a lower socioeconomic background, chances are she is going to cling to you for her needs. Find someone from a higher socioeconomic background so she won’t appear desperate to your resources. Third, a woman from a similar life stage plus minus a few years than you would be easier to date as both have similar life experiences and handling conflicts are also of similar degree. Dating a woman that could pass as a daughter or granddaughter should immediately raise some flags regarding emotional maturity especially how to handle conflicts in a relationship. Just my $0.02.

  18. i wäre nie so blöd das zu tun eine völlig fremde noch so schöne Philippina zu fragen Hey hast Du Lust bei mir zu leben ich zahle alles – wer sagt denn da Nein- eine Frau in 2 Wochen das kenne ich aus Chat im Internet Du weist NICHTS über sie nur das was Sie dir erzählt und weist nicht ob es Wahr ist – das kennen lernen braucht Monate – also kein Wunder wenn Fremde Deppen sich fühlen wie im sexuellen Schlaraffenland was Traurig genug ist aber auch die Frauen dies liebend gerne nutzen – suchen diese Mädels denn wirklich echte Liebe oder nur einen Gastgeber?

  19. well before i do this – i never was on Philippines and will no travel for Hollyday i only would travel to meet her for Real and then only after Months and after Months clearly we would already talked about to live with me in germany – ive done that before but not the Visit in Philippines

  20. Absolutely wonderful video. Thanks for the excellent tips. The slide-show of hot, eye-candy Filipinas throughout the whole video was the ultimate icing on the cake.

  21. I meet my wife and married her I really did not know her , nor did she really know me. we have been been married now for about 11 years it’s bee great !

  22. It’s one of the very best thoughtful channels out there. Possible tip: Have a chaperoned sleepover~ my not-too-serious ladyfriend snored all night Loud. (Just saying~)

  23. I see your point your point if it’s 100% your decision, your idea. What if it’s her idea/suggestion/insistence? Are you saying the same thing since you would have to agreed with her?

  24. You said 90+% want to move in. But aren’t most of these women single mothers. They want to move in with their child?

  25. These problems happen when there is a very unequal relationship. Yes, that is often part of the appeal of dating younger women with significantly less money and power than you have. They are most likely looking for your wisdom and your assets, rather than just your love. Self preservation will create the situation for her to use the advantages she has, as we all do. If she has more than youth, beauty and charm she may not date you at all. It only makes sense. When you find someone who has equal power, this is very unlikely to happen.

  26. That is the same with any will be obvious that every women is different. I would never have a woman to live with me.unless I married to her. As a general rule I take a lot of time to get to know her. My wife is Dominican, but I spent 3 years to get to know her.shes highly educated very intelligent we would fly back and forth to visit each others countries. I first met her in a resort for a week. She paid her own way. When she came to my country I would pay for half of her stay. She has money. But I insisted to help pay. We did this for about 3 years.after I asked her to marry me she stayed with me to figure out where we are going to live. But long story short we have been happily married 8 years.

  27. I understand your opinion but on the other side if i ask you to move in and there standard goes up why would you after 5 weeks or so they transform into a bitch that you want to leave if I would have nothing and my standards will go up then i would be a girl that i want “him” to stay with me that would be my taughts. And to me when it’s over it’s over you fuck with me great but then you know what’s going to happen and then there is no more mr nice .guy i worked in security for years so

  28. Does anyone ever go to the Philippines for any other reason besides women?

  29. Reekay, I have to say that I ADORE your videos. You TRULY give excellent advice……IF guys would adhere to your admonitions. Also, and I’ve mentioned this to you before, I get such a kick out of your facial expressions as you’re delivering these videos! Thank you for all that you do!!!!

  30. Well i must be lucky i met a philipina we went on a date she stay at my place one night went home the next day came back 2 days later with her suitcase with a apple pie she had made she stayed 2 weeks went home came back and said i could live at her mum house i moved in and paid rent of 6 thousand pesos a month i married her 7 months later we been happly married for over 5 years now and i dont keep her family they are all working

  31. This is why you shouldn’t have sex before you get married. Exactly why. But if you find a Filipino that will have sex before she’s married… she is westernized. A pure hearted, loving in good wife Filipina has old-fashioned values and won’t have sex until she’s married. So it’s your choice which kind of woman you get.

  32. Hey Henry, good words again. I think too many guys show up in the Philippines without understanding the rules and how things work. If they move someone in, they are accepting responsibility for that person going forward. It can be a nightmare disconnecting from that responsibility. Even when they go peacefully, as you pointed out, the guy is still responsible to make sure she is not just kicked to the curb but set up elsewhere or sent home properly. Great message.

  33. Go on a month to month rental… if things go sideways, just find a new place.

  34. A very good Video and advice. First and foremost, don’t commit yourself ,if you are not ready.. knowing in the first place some of the girls could be coming from a Very difficult background…, Filipinos are hard working people,, smiles at foreigners,well being friendly typical of Filipino girls.Some might think Filipino girl’s are easy,they are NOT easy…in some cases,it is Just survival, hoping she will find a god man to provide her with her basic needs. It could be fun while it was good…but be ready for phase Two.I don’t blame the Pinoy.Yi stick your nose out, be a responsible person.

  35. great advice… Your Peace of Mind is more essential than a cracy Piece of A____….

  36. Excellent advice. as someone who is lookin to visit. This is Truly Welcomed.

  37. I only want 1 girl and I will take the risk to move her in. I’d always video chat with them and text them to see where their mindset is. If their mindset matches mine, I will take the risk and move her in. If she changes, I will send her back from where she came from.
    Yes, I am the man, so I will pay for everything.

  38. That works all around the world with all women, they look for a man with a roof and food.

  39. Filipinas are often tiny. Being pregnant and having kids leaves stretch marks. That’s a pretty good clue, Scooby Doo.

  40. how difficult is it for a filipina girlfriend/wife with a philippines passport to travel around se asia with an american? Ive been told a philippines passport presents many problems when leaving the philippines and entering another nation.

  41. The first warning sign is when they start leaving nesting material. A hair clip, a toothbrush, an item of clothing.

  42. I suppose you heard about the recent incident where a filipina cut her BF’s wang off because he moaned the name of a different woman when they were having sex. Likely the same situation – guy meets girl and thinks it’s a great idea to move her in. Problem is he was still thinking about the last girl. 😉

  43. “Beata solituda…sola beatituda” Latin proverb “Happy loneliness is the only happiness”

  44. Your AI generated Filipinas are so good looking, that even when angry they look gorgeous.

  45. I didn’t ask her, she sort of just did, still together 8 years later. (Not in the Phillipines though).

  46. And it could be far far worst to marry one……and loose everything and being kicked out of your own house !

  47. You need a private investigator to get a certificate of no marriage, a complete background check and a lie detector test with 100 questions- you will find out her real body count, if she has other boyfriends, any children, ever been a prostitute, does she really like/ love you etc. etc. If she passes Then you get her a std test then you rent a cheap room for the first 2 or 3 months and play poor and see how it works you can always walk away from the room because the majority of your stuff is at your real residence. ASSUME THE WORST and play your hand accordingly! be STOIC not a snuggle bunny idiot. Make her earn her way into your world it is a privilege for her to be with you.

  48. There doesn’t even have to be a full time ” move in”…..I’ve had a Filipina spend the weekend at my place…Monday came and she wouldn’t leave…it turned in to drame and a pain in the a$$ ….that was my lesson ..even if you have your own place, if you want to spend a weekend with her, best to get a hotel room for the weekend……

  49. Excellent advice, Henry! Don’t move her in too soon, but you will have to move her in eventually and it’s only then that you will really get to know her. As long as you are just dating everything will be moonlight and roses. It’s only when you are together 24/7 that you will get to know the real person.

  50. Thanks for this wonderful advice,i wish you all the best in your marriage.

  51. I dated a filipina for about 2 months here in California. Within 2 weeks she was texting me I Love you so much, multiple times a day. Everything was fine for a few weeks. Then out of Nowhere she dumped me. (nothing happened) I have no idea why. But she loved me for 10 minutes.

  52. Wow !!! That was great advice. I am the Guy that is coming to PH, and what you were saying is what I was thinking. Taking on Responsibilities, that is something I never heard of, it it seems so real.

  53. What a nightmare. What do guys do if its not a condo w security but a rental house? Call the landlord? Not likely to get the same help I imagine in that case. Im sure you’ve heard those stories. How would you advise them? (beside never do that)

  54. Very sage advice for those far too trustworthy types. I’m naturally cynical and therefore not likely to make this type of error.

  55. “Before you ask a Filipina to move in with you”…………. Ask yourself why?…….. What benefit will that be to you?……. For you divorced guys, you let the wife move in years ago. How did that turn out?

  56. This is absolutely common sense. For some reason, guys do things abroad that they would never do at home. It’s amazing to me the completely dumbass moves guys will make for a hot woman. Ye Olde two heads not enough blood syndrome I guess.

  57. Wait till the masquerade is over and the mask come off. Everybody wears a mask.

  58. I gotta say, I’m so grateful that I found your channel some 12+ months ago. I’ll be there for a 4 week, mini, boots on the ground experience in less than 4 weeks. I’ve taken in your no nonsense, common sense wisdom. I feel better informed and know so much more about the realities (through your experience) of all the possible ways to get in a pinch. Not that I won’t make mistakes, however, taking things slowly is way better! I’d NEVER think about asking a western woman to move in after a few weeks…. Peace ☮️

  59. About 4:38: You have no clue if she’s married, and that is a kettle of rotted fish.

  60. This is good advice for dating in most places. Vetting a woman before you move her in is crucial.

  61. I liked your other advice In the past, only after you get to know them, let them know even where you live. Because it would be uncomfortable for someone to show up at unpredictable times

  62. This goes wayyy back to the first advice you gave me. Never EVER allow a woman youve known for les than 6 or 8 months to come to your house. You did a vid on this back in 2013

  63. Are you required to be a “good guy” and cover her moving out expenses if you catch her cheating/stealing etc?

  64. You’re so right
    Keep making videos
    Protect our wallet and peace of mind..

  65. Excellent commentary ! This perfectly describes the conumdrum about finding out what kind of person she really is !

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    — For Expat Health Insurance in the Philippines, please contact Michael Onstad at; or email at; [email protected]

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    — Loctote Flak Sack Ⅱ – Anti Theft Backpack..
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