1. English is the official language in the Philippines (with Tagalog out of dozens of local languages), and for some it’s still the first language. Spanish was an official language till 1986 and it’s still a first language for some. But it’s Filipino Spanish and Filipino English.
    They have there own version as do 67 countries (Including UK & US different versions) who have English as official language (with Tagalog, out of dozens of nativelanguages), and 30 sovereign dominions. No one can lecture any of these countries on their own version of English. Language is ‘alive’.
    English is a global language and in 1946 the UN declared English and French (most native language in Europe) as the official international working languages) but relatively recently the EU ditched French and moved to English.

  2. Life Beyond the Sea, you have a huge mountain to climb now to regain your prominence as a vlogger. There are now hundreds. A shame because a lot of your advice is good.

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