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  2. There was a preacher once long ago who described what has become of modern feminist. He stated that when god said to woman that her desire would be to the man that it wasn’t a case that she would fawn over him but that her desire would be to his position. To become dominant….
    Interpersonal relationships between men and women have always had that power dynamic struggle. It’s not something new, Shakespeare wrote of the Taming of the Shrew centuries ago.
    I see relationships as a side by side give and take. The woman’s perspective can enlighten you to something you didn’t see. You may see something she doesn’t. Information and perspectives help in managing problems or taking decisions. But there must be a leadership role in taking a final decision, Head of household but not a dictatorship. Head of household is and has been the man’s position in most cultures throughout history traditionally. Feminist hate nothing more than tradition.

  3. Never understood the claiming of being “strong’… To me it implies there is something wrong being weak.. some are born weak some are born strong.. How does that go? ‘The foot can’t say to the hand I don’t need you’

  4. Long time subscriber, avid watcher, your a guy’s perspective I can actually get behind. That is the women here in the states.

  5. The strongest women I’ve ever met spoke the least, and certainly didn’t talk about other women.

  6. Their mission is just like our laws and policies that are designed for self-destruction disguised as empowerment.

  7. Yes, you are spot on with all your comments. I learned a long time ago when trying to debate some of the feminists in my own extended family that feminists have their own definition for terms like ‘equal pay for equal work’, rape culture, the Patriarchy, Misogyny, equal rights, a Fair Deal, etc. etc. If you can coax their definitions out of them, you will just walk away realizing that any meaningful dialogue is hopeless. Just go your own way and forget about them.

  8. Definitely yes. Marriage is an illusory happiness contract. And a complete swindle eventually.
    But you realize it only after having had the experience, at your expense.

  9. I’m sick of American women and I’ve had my fill of Pinay’s. They like to argue too. Most girls hate the things i love. What we can agree on is food and doing fun things, if they don’t get what they want they hold out on the sex. I tell them, “Don’t dangle that carrot in my face. I’m the prize, i have the money, i own, the houses, i have the cars, i don’t need you if you want to act like that. I can pack up and leave for Barcelona and never be seen again.” Be nice, be grateful, treat me like a King and I’ll return the energy. Be a privileged brat? You get no new clothes and shoes Imelda Marcos. To be honest, my shoulders feel lighter without a woman. I think single is the only way to go unless you haven’t experienced women? You’ll find that they are needy, if you like that then go for it. I don’t have the time for that hot mess.

  10. Everything you say in this video is absolutely 150% correct. For me I don’t view it as going to the Philippines to find a real woman. I view it as going to the Philippines to find a real companion. These feminists, which is a vast majority of women here in USA, just rant and rant about they don’t need a man…. But that’s until it comes to paying the bills. Then the attitude changes to that’s all a man is good for. The only thing that a vest majority of western women want from a man these days is to either pay the bills for them or pay them child support. Here’s something that even gets more crazy. I have many friends and co-workers who are married or have been in relationships for a long time. I would guess that more than 70% of them have different bank accounts just because the woman wants to be independent except for help paying the bills. I tell them all the time that they are crazy fools. When that question comes up and I get asked well why don’t you find a woman here instead of going overseas. My simple reply is I’m not stupid. It’s so amazing how these feminists think they have the answer to everything and that everything they say is right. Especially when it comes to their view and opinion about foreign men going overseas. They all talk down at women from other countries and saying that we are only going over there because we’re wanting a house maid and a slave and someone to control. What those feminists don’t realize is they’re actually prophesizing the future of how it’s going to be for them. The day is fast approaching that these feminists are going to have no other choice but to go abroad and overseas to find them a partner because no man here Will put up with their attitude anymore. What’s interesting too is you never hear these feminists mention anything about when the woman goes overseas to get a man. Yes it does happen. More often than one realizes. Just search it up on the internet and see how many women are scammed by foreign men just to get here for that visa and for that green card. That same identical stuff that The feminists are criticizing and accusing foreign women about.

  11. I visited the Philippines Islands and a lot of other Islands while serving in the US Navy. Cheaper that way. Right out of High School I attended a 2 year Technical College for Electronics Technology. After graduation I worked two years as an Electronics Technician. Then, I joined the Navy and got sent to Great Lakes after San Diego Boot Camp. I attended ETA and C school then was asked to volunteer for instructor duty at the same school after I finished all my classes. I stayed and taught Radar theory, fundamentals, troubleshooting and planned maintenance. Then off to a new command and sea duty. So I traded skills learned for travel. The Philippines was a great place. And I met a lot of wonderful people there. Yes, there are a few not so wonderful but that is encountered everywhere. I also, courtesy of the US Navy lives and worked in Japan for two tours covering about 5 years. I traveled to Hong Kong about a dozen times. The approach to Hong Kong Harbor on a sunny afternoon is beautiful. And shooting the San Bernardino straits to go to Subic Bay Philippines is as beautiful. So yes I had a great time in the service. I stayed almost 12 years. Got out just several months after making ETC. My Island Princess whispered to me, time to settle down and have a home with a white picket fence. Well we have the home and a large back yard she gardens. No picket fence but plenty of high chicken wire fence to keep the deer out. 40 years later and two sons, who are now both married and have kids is their own, We are very happy, lots of memories

  12. There are some gorgeous women there, I know, I married one 42 years ago and we’re still married and doing fine. Best choice I ever made.

  13. Regardless of what these western women say, men are starting to look out for their happiness even if it means crossing an ocean for it. Even simps are starting to move away from very toxic woke western women, they are waking up to women illogical logic. There are women in this world that understand the dynamics of Men and women, they understand that women have different rolls as men and to have true happiness they do their God given roll. Men have a roll ordained by God as well and that’s to love cherish, protect and provide. We are to be strong in being gentle and loving, to respect her roll of being the home maker and especially who teaches the children respect towards father first then others. Read your bible, you may learn a thing or two.

  14. I must say as a retired lawyer and law professor who handled divorces what you are saying in this video is in large part not true. Most US states have an equitable division of assets. California and Florida are exceptions. What you bring into a marriage is yours at the time of divorce and alimony is only awarded if there is a great disparity of income between the parties. Men can receive alimony also. Alimony is rarely awarded. If you are a professional man who marries a professional woman household expenses are shared. You totally are mischaracterizing feminism. Feminism is about equal pay fpr equal work and the elimination of the glass ceiling. I have been married to professional women. I have been divorced. I am now single. Of course, I never experienced what you claim in this video. What is your educational and professional background? You are following the sour grapes of some men. As I said I have handled well over a hundred divorces. I am not speculating.

  15. I recently saw posts on YouTube where Filipinas make fun of such women. This is how we find a Filipina who can withstand the pressure of feminists. There is now a movement among Asian women against becoming so-called Western women because they are afraid that we will no longer want them or reject them, so those of us who are still looking don’t have to worry.
    You just have to stay true to yourself and everything will go well.

  16. Whew … thank goodness my late wife and current wife were Filipina’s. Loving, intelligent, capable, kind, gentle and everything that makes them beautiful ladies. Now I understand the true definition of a “Real Woman” privileged, self absorbed, materialistic,$$ money obsessed, cold hearted Bitch! Not for me I’ll keep sweet wife from Cebu!

  17. I booted out my last American gf 3 months ago for being a complete bum and acting just like you described in this video. Being 50 yo, I swore off any further dating altogether. Then I ran across this channel, and I’m torn between just remaining happily stoic and single in my own country…or allowing myself the luxury of hope of finding a less combative union elsewhere. You’ve given me a lot to think about. Thank you.

  18. The experience i have made with filipina so far does tell me that they are submissive and seductive on the one hand, on the other hand there is also a strong matriarchal background.
    They understand the art of controlling a man without him noticing it. Do never underestimate a filipina or you will be steamrolled at some point.

  19. So true!!! I am from Sweden, I believe the woman is worse here than in US. Now happily married with a pinay since 5 years.

  20. The definition of a “real woman” especially by women in the west, is a belligerent, petulant, disrespectful, self entitled, all deserving (while providing little to nothing in return), unkept slob, or over processed prima donna. No thank you.

  21. You’re right, I CAN’T handle some stuck-up, lazy, fat entitled beech of US woman and I dont HAVE to do so, either. I have the option of getting a 3rd world woman who appreciates what I do for her by bringing her here. She can’t get my money, cause I put everything in the name of a NV corporation before marriage. If and when she gets Americanized to the point where we part company, there’s millions more who are thin,smart, sweet and sexy (just like her) where she came from, nearly all whom want to come here. She KNOWS this and acts accordingly.

    You”ve got at LEAST a 3-year warranty on a foreign woman, cause she’ll get deported if you divorce in that period of time, while you have ZERO warranty on a US wife. It tends to be more like 5 years, tho, cause she wont know enough to risk it in just 3 years.

  22. A superior woman inspires a man to be a better version of himself, not because she hen-pecks him, but because he wants a brighter future for both himself and his partner.
    An inferior woman sucks the energy and enthusiasm out of the man foolish enough to welcome her in his life, after his attempt to find a reasonable partner.

  23. If a real woman is a self centered self important narcissistic feminist, then no I can’t handle it. Don’t want it. No thank you.

  24. It isn’t that I can’t handle a strong woman. I just don’t want to anymore. The hostility, the negative comments, the dismissal, etc. They claim they don’t need a man, so don’t expect us to 2ant anything to do with you. I want a lady, not a toxic mess that only wants a man to do the crap they don’t want to do. Learn to change your own tire. Learn to mow the lawn. I’m done with you. Nope, I will find a lady. Hopefully a strong lady. Not a “strong woman”. Marriage takes work constantly. Why do all that just to be treated as beneath her? Goodbye USA, hello Asia.

  25. I wonder if any of them are now Passport Sisters, going to places with softer men, like Denmark… where valuing these types of women comes much more naturally?

  26. After 6 visits to the Philippines and fun in the sun, just can’t make myself interested in American women

  27. I have experienced this first hand and I can truthfully say it was the worst period in my life as a man. There is no way that I would ever entertain being in a relationship with an American woman again. They are toxic, demeaning, and are one of the main reasons that the US is going to hell in a hand basket.

  28. My wife is not substandard lol. Came from the province. Pig farmers daughter.
    Works from home pulling 6 figures, raises the kids, amazing mother and wife, does the cooking/cleaning/laundry/lawn ect.
    We both work together as one and in unison care for our home and life has never been better.

    Meanwhile I look to the left and right and see friends/family/coworkers (some of whom lol ‘warned me’) and how they complain of their lazy entitled wives.
    Hard pass!

    I’ll take my lovely pinay wife any day of the week. It was seeing everyone around me miserable for years that I stayed away from dating/marriage.
    I have had nothing but prosperity and joy since connecting with a great woman overseas and importing her here to the US.
    Its been 5 years here in the US and we are both happy! She sees these useless unhappy women trying to drag her down and just ignores their horrible advice.
    Why pay any attention to someone on husband #3? At some point you got to look inwardly.

  29. They left out one word in their comment. My reply is I have no interest in a real FAKE woman.

  30. Strong Woman = Masculine Woman. No thanks, if I wanted that, I would just date another guy. Feminine women is a real woman. These feminists either marry a beta late in life to settle or gather cats like the pied piper. Boxed wine and felines, plus a nasty disposition. They are Queens alright, Queen of the cat clowder is all.

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