“Dating A Younger Woman Is Just Wrong!” – Really?

Christian Filipina Asian Ladies Dating 700x100 wide animated banner 1

Author: Reekay V.

Since 2012 I’ve been traveling through various islands of the Philippines as a full-time Expat and spent 1999 living in Vietnam.

Share with me my ongoing adventures of life in the Philippines. Hopefully you find my observations helpful in your own adventures.
— Reekay


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  2. For some people it’s just unthinking hypocrisy, but for others it’s an attempt to be judgmental and to lord their judgmentalism and ‘moral superiority’ over others.

    Just ask them if they support NAMBLA and ‘other kinds of loving’, and watch the heads explode.

  3. I love your content and I agree with you on this topic completely. What I have to say next doesn’t have anything to do with this topic except I know that you are a spiritual guy. I think you might enjoy a YouTube channel… David Alexander and just start with video 1. He had been an evangelical Christian and knows the Bible really well. He is an American who lives in Australia and now is happier than he’s ever been in his life as he feels like he’s finally found what he’s looking for. He’s very entertaining and persuasive as well. Take care my friend. Long time subscriber since 2014, Mark.

  4. My oldest son got married to a woman that is his mother’s age and the family was upset, but I was okay with it and I told him that if he is happy then it is no one right to be upset.

  5. It is just stupid. A high value man can attract younger women both in the west and in asia. And if it is ok for male movie stars, why would it not be ok for other men?

  6. I appreciate your videos, Reekay. I would never accuse you of creating a false impression about the Philippines, but I wonder if your viewers are looking at your AI generated images and thinking they are real. Guys are not going to see that volume of perfect 10s walking down the streets in the Philippines. so be careful with your expectations, guys. (unless there is some secret island of perfect 10s that I am unaware of.)

  7. I quit worrying about religious or societal bias as a factor in my decision making many years ago now, and life has been much more wonderful since then. You present a very nice argument about age gaps being a non-moral issue, which I hope helps anyone still struggling over the issue. In the US there is still a strong negative view of age gaps where a man is significantly older than his wife. I’ve experienced it on occasion myself in public with my Filipina wife. I find it amusing.

  8. My girlfriend is 21 years younger than me, I am 60 and she is 39. It’s not as big of an age gap as some other people have. But, I still get flack for it.

  9. because the old fart is exploiting the young woman. or the young woman is exploiting the old fart… full stop

  10. Nailed it!
    Propaganda and culture have a lot to do with women’s preferences in the dating market. If age gap relationships suddenly become cool in the west, young women would follow suit accordingly. But I will not hold my breath for that. Living in the Philly is the plan.

  11. Very we’ll communicated Reekay. It’s been interesting for me since I started dating in SE Asia. US women are brutal even condemning with their judgements of me. I have learned to block and delete. They are very confused and fearful and it’s not my responsibility to convince them. After having extended visits to SE Asia I find SE Asia far more open minded than the US. I prefer “life giving” people and environments as opposed to oppressive and authoritarian people and environments. I’m permanently expatriating in two months. I’m so happy I can barely sit still. I have the mindset, maturity, contract with reality, life skills, life long track record as a responsible person to thrive wherever I go. I don’t bring along expectations other countries, people and foods are supposed to be like the US. Thanks Reekay

  12. There is nothing wrong with that if it works for both of you and there is no coercion involved. Whatever floats your boat.

  13. My lady I’d 25 years younger, however she is 43 and until we met she felt ugly and unwanted because everyone wants a young girl. Let me tell you a woman is much different than a baby in my opinion. What do I have in common with a 20 something? Not a damn thing

  14. A hundred years ago, before we had all the social safety nets, age gaps were common in the US. I believe I will not have any age gap problems with my children because their mothers are 10 years younger than me. Also my father was 20 years older than my step-mother.

  15. You are correct…I have found out the more “advanced” [ on paper!] a society is…The more nuanced hypocrisy there seems to be. The United States is one such country. To me… As long as you not inhibiting the rights of anyone else or violating…Then leave you and her alone and do live your life as best as you can. Forget the moralists and let them know or serve them notice to how PREjudgemental and biased they and should take care to their own flaws in their persona or outlook. Peace

  16. The Filipina that I am corresponding with is 30 and I am 59. She has no problem with this and neither do I. We are meeting in December here in the US and if we don’t click, then no problem. It’s nobodies business except the people involved in the relationship. We are both adults.

  17. Funny how its only very old men defending this. Mainly with whatabout-ism and fairy tale books by goatherders.
    The real question should be: Why would you ever choose to “date” a 21-year old women in your late 50’s?

    I’m sure you’d be thrilled if your granddaughter decided to “date” a man 40-years older. Truly jumping with pride.

  18. I am 56 years old and I couldn’t care less what someone thinks about a relationship I am involved in. I just carry on and move along because some else’s opinion. As long as it is not criminal or immoral, it’s “my” or “our” business.

  19. Sounds to me like the guy who said she is young enough to be your daughter is just jealous. He is definitely regretting his past decisions

  20. That’s BS plain and simple. I’m 73 and my wife who is Filipina and she’s 37. We have a great relationship and have been together for eight years living here in the Philippines. Who cares what others think. It’s none of their ignorant business.

  21. As a 66 year old man, perhaps I’m a tad biased, but I don’t feel “age gap relationships” are as repellent and “taboo” as many say. However, I do feel that BIG
    age gaps are prone to failure, and other negative results for the man more than the (young) woman (in the long run) assuming there’s no “abuse” involved
    in the relationship on either side.

  22. In the West, by the standards of that country, it is not expected that a man will be with a woman more than about an 8 years gap. It is socially taboo. In the Philippines an age gap is of 10, 20 or more years if not a problem. I live in Latin America and the woman I am seeing is much younger than me. In the words of Calvin Coolidge, “You can never misquote silence”. Do what you want, just don’t advertise it and don’t take her to a country where it is taboo.

  23. The only people that freak out are the “liberated” women. It’s always the miserable people that complain. So who cares…

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