1. LBTSea Bikini Girl Coffee Mugs here..
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    — How I send Money to the Philippines.. https://remit.ly/1amhoix
    — Loctote Flak Sack Ⅱ – Anti Theft Backpack.. https://amzn.to/3tXuBDk
    — The Only Filipina Dating Site I recommend.. https://bit.ly/christian-filipina-dating

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  2. I never even tell others where I live here in America! I’m a very private person and the only people who stop at my house are my 3 sons, my sister, or the delivery people!

  3. I don’t mix with expats. I came here to escape white trash. I select those I acknowledge on basis of their personality

  4. Interesting, Rekay. I would not have thought of the first rule, but it makes sense. As to the other two, I’m definitely on board with you.

  5. Yea, I hate it when people just pop in unannounced at my house. Usually its about money when they do so they are breaking my rule #1 Showing up unannounced or uninvited and rule #2 Trying to borrow money by strong arming me.. In my youth I did have a “friend” who went after a girl I was dating and when she decided to go out with him the first time I dumped them both. Told them they were perfect for each other and said goodbye..

  6. 4/ dont insult his country , his family , royal family , president . 5/ after a home invite stop your wife from making up nasty gossip and spreading it around , especially if he made you dinner . 6/ dont ask about his financial situation and then tell everyone . 7/ dont get drunk and pick arguments with him .8/ dont tell him about your sex life . 9/ dont bring a prostitute to his home to meet his wife and children

  7. As an American living in South America for 40+ years. I agree. A fourth reason you forgot about, avoid Americans as much as possible. Fortunately, the number of Americans where I live you can count on one hand.

  8. Like the rules you put out. Lmao but if you ever want to know if they are trustworthy loan them 20 bucks, if they pay you back promptly your probably gonna be good. If they don’t you know where that will go. I’m of the opinion do unto others as you would have done to yourself. Also if i won’t do it for my family why would i do it for anyone else. similar rules i guess.
    as to relationships don’t knowingly date anyone immediatly after their break ups period after a year maybe up to you as they say otherwise. Treat everything like a small town and believe that everyone talks about everyone lmao.

  9. I absolutely agree that about privacy, and this is the main reason I question all you vloggers out there. Don’t you lose it when you put yourself on video for the whole world to see?

  10. I keep my circle small, it’s quality over quantity. Showing up unannounced/uninvited is rude and borrowing things without immediate return breaks trust. I avoid loud and obnoxious people, those that are overly pushy, constantly needy, negative attitudes, vile and vulgar, and those that look down on others. Moving to a tropical paradise and hanging with toxicity isn’t part of a healthy retirement plan. Great topic and presentation as always.

  11. What you have said is nothing but the truth as there are quite a few ex-pats that should be avoided like a disease and your guard up. Nothing like being scammed by someone you think should be able to trust from your place or country, and those are the ones to really watch out for. There are a lot that are criminal with intent…Either early of in the future! Peace

  12. I have 2 rules I will adopt when I come to the Philippines. Rule #1 Not my country not my place to comment.
    #2 Don’t discuss Money with anyone ( this may be really difficult)

  13. I know there are lots of pretty Fns to choose from; what’s the etiquette of sporting your Flpna around your ex-pat friends.. my policy in America is never and necessity-only: birthdays, thanksgiving day, Christmas, super-bowl party…. And that’s even with relatives. Especially if my girlfriend is Hot I don’t even allow the plumber or electrician to even see her….What’s your take vis-a-ve expat protocol?

  14. A vast majority of so called, Xpats!… are super stupid aholes! They are trash from the west living on their retirements taking advantage of young women, period! And how do I know,… I have lived years in the Philippines, and particularly in Dumaguete . I don’t associate, or want to be around super vast majority of so-called Expats! The level of morality they have the lack of ethics behavior, etc. is totally repulsive! I can’t stress this enough!

  15. true friends do not cross swords !!! // do not lend money to anyone it can ruin a friendship// great video

  16. My guess — borrow money and don’t repay… Let’s see if I got 1 of 3. #2 date their girl after they break up. I got 2 of 3!!!!!! 66.7% is a D+… I am a epic!!!! BTW: same comment as before you have really good sound quality and really clear in your delivery. Dang.. I missed #1. We all talk about our condo buildings b/c there are only 20 in the community. Pools, can packages be delivered, internet speed… We all swap info ASAP.

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