(Livestream) LDR Dating, Mexico, Oil-Pulling, Vietnam, Investments & Motorbikes

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Author: Reekay V.

Since 2012 I’ve been traveling through various islands of the Philippines as a full-time Expat and spent 1999 living in Vietnam.

Share with me my ongoing adventures of life in the Philippines. Hopefully you find my observations helpful in your own adventures.
— Reekay


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    Live My Ass Off (Bangkok).. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnhzoxJ-POcnq7ZhGfZAoEw/videos
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    Need A Fiancee’ Visa? http://www.filipina-expat-visa4you.com
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  2. Enjoying your vlog! Just started a week or so ago. Great information! Even better insight!!
    Been to Ph five times and will return as soon as restrictions permit. I wish I had watched earlier. Could have saved me lots of trouble. Thank a lot! Maybe our paths will cross there someday

  3. It would be nice to have time markers on this 3+ hour video that match with the headings on your video title. Thx

  4. Mexico
    Last week I walked across in Nogales.
    Coming back Immigration only asked why I was in Mexico. I was shopping…I said dental appt.
    No problem.

  5. Fruit and especially pineapple is not healthy. Virtually everyone in phil has metabolic syndrome and needs to eliminate all carbs, grains and most vegetables.

  6. Sorry I can’t afford to watch the whole thing, where about’s do you speak about Mexico?

  7. Back in 2018 first time in PH driving back to Manila airport on the hyw traffic completely stopped as someone lost a transmission out of a large truck !

  8. Please…where do I locate the article you mentioned regarding group tours to Bohol via Panglao International? Thanks

  9. This covid scare thing is starting to look more and more like a form of mental illness.

  10. How much is your rent if you don’t mind the asking? And who did you use to get the apartment where you are living now. ?

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