(Everything w/Reekay) How Humility Makes You A Stronger Person

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Author: Reekay V.

Since 2012 I’ve been traveling through various islands of the Philippines as a full-time Expat and spent 1999 living in Vietnam.

Share with me my ongoing adventures of life in the Philippines. Hopefully you find my observations helpful in your own adventures.
— Reekay


  1. Mohammed Ali, in his early days , was a big talker who delivered but ended as a humble guy and great humanitarian.

  2. Very interesting video Reekay. So how does the word “humiliation” relate to humility? Or are they unrelated?

  3. My takeaway is that a person with humility can’t be hurt too easily, so they are internally balanced and stable, but a narcissist’s ego inflated and unbalanced, thus is very easily injured, and therefore less stable.

  4. You buckled my knees on this one. It all comes down to walkin the talk. Unfortunately humility is weakness in our skewed society for many.

  5. The lack of humility and class reminds me of a infamous youtuber that wants to get in the ring with people he’s never met, very sad and lonely i imagine

  6. have you ever done a video on narcissism? and how to identify a narcissist or a narcisstic vlogger? if not you might wish to research this subject matter… as it might be most enlightening to you and those who follow your channel.

  7. Great piece Reekay. At 23:00 I start hearing what I have lived with in married life for way too long. No more happy wife-happy life Kool-Aid for me! Always good to hear from supportive, empowering people like yourself.

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